Wandering Volhynians Issue Index available as a 1-page PDF. Description and purchase information at HSGPV Sale Items.
The following Wandering Volhynians Content Index is similar to the one found at FEEHS, compiled by Jerry Frank. This table is searchable by key words, and covers all editions of the Wandering Volhynians. Full sets in print or digital are available for purchase. See HSGPV Sale Items.
Notes to consider:
- Articles of a nature current to time of publication such as reports of upcoming conventions, reunions, etc. are not included in this list.
- In addition to the articles shown, each edition contains a “Readers Write” column which carries specific search requests, ahnentafels, etc.
- Note that mention of MORAVIANS in this list is reference to adherents of the Moravian Brethren faith, not descendants of people from Moravia.
- Some articles are translations of German articles. For most of these reference is made to the original author rather than the translator. Appropriate credit is always provided in the original Wandering Volhynian to both author and translator.
- Each article that follows is referenced to the Volume and Issue Number (e.g. 8-1) in which it appears followed by the date of the issue. Some articles shown fit more than one topical category and may therefore appear more than once in the index.
Section | Category | Primary Reference / Submitter | # | Date |
1 | Anecdotes & Personal Stories | Zielke family / Gertrude Sturm | 88-2 | Jun-88 |
1 | Anecdotes & Personal Stories | Arndt family / Albert Jeschke | 88-2 | Jun-88 |
1 | Anecdotes & Personal Stories | Miller / letters from Volhynia c. 1912 | 89-2 | Jul-89 |
1 | Anecdotes & Personal Stories | Sam Miller / D. Miller | 89-3 | Sep-89 |
1 | Anecdotes & Personal Stories | Oskar Busch letter c. 1900 | 89-3 | Sep-89 |
1 | Anecdotes & Personal Stories | Marsch letter 1903 / E. Wuschke | 3-1 | Mar-90 |
1 | Anecdotes & Personal Stories | Stockman-Schneider / C. Stockman | 3-3 | Sep-90 |
1 | Anecdotes & Personal Stories | Buchholz / F. Hahn | 4-1 | Mar-91 |
1 | Anecdotes & Personal Stories | 100th birthday of Martha Plantz nee Flath | 5-2 | Jun-92 |
1 | Anecdotes & Personal Stories | Longevity report (Johan Giese, 117 yrs old) | 6-1 | Mar-93 |
1 | Anecdotes & Personal Stories | Rosalie Scheming Hein / I. Ellingson | 6-3 | Sep-93 |
1 | Anecdotes & Personal Stories | The Kuester / I. Ellingson | 7-1 | Mar-94 |
1 | Anecdotes & Personal Stories | Duesterhoft / Haukedal | 8-1 | Mar-95 |
1 | Anecdotes & Personal Stories | Pioneer celebrates 90th birthday (Lydia Elgert) / Heinz Zadler | 8-3 | Sep-95 |
1 | Anecdotes & Personal Stories | A Better Land – The Promised Land (Bergstresser) / Margaret Braun | 8-3 | Sep-95 |
1 | Anecdotes & Personal Stories | A Letter Sent by God for Our Protection (Altstadt) / Wuschke | 8-4 | Dec-95 |
1 | Bibliographies | books relevant to Volhynian research (over 50 citations) | 87-1 | Aug-87 |
1 | Bibliographies | Rueben Goertz collection Center for Western Studies, Augustana College, Sioux Falls, SD (114 citations) | 88-2 | Jun-88 |
1 | Bibliographies | E. Wuschke library (64 citations) | 3-1 | Mar-90 |
1 | Bibliographies | Volhynian and Polish articles in AHSGR publications (25 citations) | 3-2 | Jun-90 |
1 | Bibliographies | translated articles in AHSGR publications (33 citations) | 3-4 | Dec-90 |
1 | Bibliographies | additions to E. Wuschke library (13 citations) | 4-2 | Jun-91 |
1 | Bibliographies | additions to E. Wuschke library (13 citations) | 4-4 | Dec-91 |
1 | Bibliographies | Germans from Volhynia books by A. Cammann (3 citations) | 5-1 | Mar-92 |
1 | Bibliographies | additions to E. Wuschke library (9 citations) | 8-3 | Sep-95 |
1 | Bibliographies | additions to E. Wuschke library (6 citations) | 9-3 | Sep-96 |
1 | Book & Article Reports | The German Canadians / Heinz Lehmann | 88-2 | Jun-88 |
1 | Book & Article Reports | Strangers Within Our Gates / Woodsworth | 88-3 | Dec-88 |
1 | Book & Article Reports | Gretna – Window on the Northwest / Ens | 88-3 | Dec-88 |
1 | Book & Article Reports | Rural Municipality of Rhineland – Volost & Municipality / Ens | 88-3 | Dec-88 |
1 | Book & Article Reports | Briefe aus Suedrussland – wahrend eines Ausenhalts in Podolien, Wolhynien, und der Ukraine / Foerster | 89-3 | Sep-89 |
1 | Book & Article Reports | Historia Polskie | 89-3 | Sep-89 |
1 | Book & Article Reports | The Lands of Partitioned Poland / Wandycz | 89-3 | Sep-89 |
1 | Book & Article Reports | A Translation Guide to 19th Century Polish Language Civil Registration Documents / Judith R. Frazin (see also Mar 96) | 3-1 | Mar-90 |
1 | Book & Article Reports | Das Deutschtum in Polen 1918-1939 / Heike | 3-1 | Mar-90 |
1 | Book & Article Reports | Die Deutschen in Polen Seit der Reformation / Oskar Kossman | 3-3 | Sep-90 |
1 | Book & Article Reports | Lodz – Eine Historisch-Geographische Analyse / Oskar Kossman | 3-3 | Sep-90 |
1 | Book & Article Reports | List of Towns and Villages in Volhynia Gubernia | 7-3 | Sep-94 |
1 | Book & Article Reports | German Publications (4 citations) | 8-1 | Mar-95 |
1 | Book & Article Reports | A Translation Guide to 19th Century Polish Language Civil Registration Documents – Frazin (more comprehensive than Mar 90) / Kishel 96 | 9-1 | Mar-96 |
1 | Book & Article Reports | Hillsboro, Kansas – The City on the Prairie / Wiebe | 9-1 | Mar-96 |
1 | Book & Article Reports | Gussie Family / Nolan | 9-1 | Mar-96 |
1 | Book & Article Reports | Jacob & Elizabeth Haas Heritage / Haas | 9-3 | Sep-96 |
1 | Cemetery Lists | Karlswalde, Volhynia – 4-2, Jun 91 | 4-2 | Jun-91 |
1 | Church Records | 8 listings of LDS microfilms for Volhynia | 88-1 | Feb-88 |
1 | Church Records | 1918 membership list, St. Johns Lutheran Church, Rosenfeld, MB | 88-3 | Dec-88 |
1 | Church Records | LDS microfilm listing for Protestant churches in Congress Poland | 88-3 | Dec-88 |
1 | Church Records | more LDS microfilm listings for Protestant churches in Congress Poland | 89-4 | Dec-89 |
1 | Church Records | list of Lutheran churches currently operating in Poland – 3-4, Dec 90 | 3-4 | Dec-90 |
1 | Church Records | revised list of Lutheran churches (Vol. 3-4) | 4-2 | Jun-91 |
1 | Church Records | more LDS microfilm listings for Protestant churches (Czarnikau & Chodziez, Poznan) | 4-2 | Jun-91 |
1 | Church Records | Volhynian & Galician church records in the Zabuzanski Collection in Warsaw | 5-4 | Dec-92 |
1 | Church Records | St. Petersburg Lutheran Church Records (article and preliminary microfilm lists) | 7-1 | Mar-94 |
1 | Church Records | Canadian Lutheran Historical Association Launches Parish Records Project | 7-1 | Mar-94 |
1 | Church Records | St. Petersburg Lutheran Church Records (article and microfilm list specific to Volhynia) / Frank & Krushel – | 7-2 | Jun-94 |
1 | Church Records | Early Western Canadian Records (Trinity Lutheran, Winnipeg)/ Lenz | 8-4 | Dec-95 |
1 | Computers | Wandering Volhynians Wander on the Internet / Frank | 9-1 | Mar-96 |
1 | Contacts, Research in East Europe & North America | Banert / Kalisz, Poland – 3-1, Mar 90 | 3-1 | Mar-90 |
1 | Contacts, Research in East Europe & North America | Poznan Genealogy Society | 3-3 | Sep-90 |
1 | Contacts, Research in East Europe & North America | Research Areas for Genealogy | 3-4 | Dec-90 |
1 | Contacts, Research in East Europe & North America | German magazines (Poland, Volhynia, Galicia) | 3-4 | Dec-90 |
1 | Contacts, Research in East Europe & North America | list of Lutheran churches currently operating in Poland | 3-4 | Dec-90 |
1 | Contacts, Research in East Europe & North America | Historischer Verein Wolhynien E.v. | 3-4 | Dec-90 |
1 | Contacts, Research in East Europe & North America | Poznan Genealogical Society, article | 3-4 | Dec-90 |
1 | Contacts, Research in East Europe & North America | Research address list of various Germanic associations / Brandt – 5-1, Mar 92 | 5-1 | Mar-92 |
1 | Contacts, Research in East Europe & North America | organization of Federation of East European Family History Societies (FEEFHS) | 5-2 | Jun-92 |
1 | Contacts, Research in East Europe & North America | Volhynian & Galician church records in the Zabuzanski Collection in Warsaw | 5-4 | Dec-92 |
1 | Contacts, Research in East Europe & North America | more about FEEFHS/ Brandt | 5-4 | Dec-92 |
1 | Contacts, Research in East Europe & North America | Genealogical Treasure in Koblenz / Brandt | 5-4 | Dec-92 |
1 | Contacts, Research in East Europe & North America | Poznan, West Prussia, & East Brandenburg | 6-1 | Mar-93 |
1 | Contacts, Research in East Europe & North America | Russian Research, Urbana Technologies | 6-1 | Mar-93 |
1 | Contacts, Research in East Europe & North America | Silesian Genealogical Society | 6-4 | Dec-93 |
1 | Contacts, Research in East Europe & North America | New Addresses for German Resources in Eastern Europe / Brandt | 6-4 | Dec-93 |
1 | Contacts, Research in East Europe & North America | Volhynian research in Warsaw Archives | 7-1 | Mar-94 |
1 | Contacts, Research in East Europe & North America | MIR corporation research | 7-2 | Jun-94 |
1 | Contacts, Research in East Europe & North America | Research in Kalisz, Poland / Banert | 7-2 | Jun-94 |
1 | Contacts, Research in East Europe & North America | Genealogical Research in Volhynia / Krushel | 7-3 | Sep-94 |
1 | Contacts, Research in East Europe & North America | United Germany Phone books on CD | 8-1 | 9-Mar |
2 | Convention & Local Meeting Reports | AHSGR convention, 1990 – 3-3, Sep 90 | 3-3 | Sep-90 |
2 | Convention & Local Meeting Reports | Canadian prairies trip / E. Wuschke | 3-3 | Sep-90 |
2 | Convention & Local Meeting Reports | report on various 1991 meetings | 4-4 | Dec-91 |
2 | Convention & Local Meeting Reports | call for establishment of Wandering Volhynian Society | 8-2 | Jun-95 |
2 | Convention & Local Meeting Reports | Volhynia (speech from 1995 FEEFHS conference) / Wuschke | 8-4 | Dec-95 |
2 | Culture – Food, Recreation, etc. | Christmas in Volhynia / Nancy Holland – 3-4, Dec 90 | 3-4 | Dec-90 |
2 | Culture – Food, Recreation, etc. | Renewing German culture in Humboldt, Saskatchewan | 5-3 | Sep-92 |
2 | Culture – Food, Recreation, etc. | Volhynian German museum in Mecklenburg | 6-4 | Dec-93 |
2 | Current News, Germans in the USSR | Russian Germans Feeling Betrayed Chelyabinsk, USSR | 3-1 | Mar-90 |
2 | Current News, Germans in the USSR | letters from the Ukraine | 6-1 | Mar-93 |
2 | Current News, Germans in the USSR | German Lutherans in Russia – From 1576 to Today / Krodel | 6-1 | Mar-93 |
2 | Current News, Germans in the USSR | A Plea for Help – | 6-3 | Sep-93 |
2 | Current News, Germans in the USSR | Germany Flooded with new Citizens | 6-4 | Dec-93 |
2 | Current News, Germans in the USSR | Volhynian German museum in Mecklenburg | 6-4 | Dec-93 |
2 | Current News, Germans in the USSR | Tear in Iron Curtain Makes Room for Family Reunion | 8-2 | Jun-95 |
2 | Current News, Germans in the USSR | Number of ethnic German resettlers dropped in 1995 | 9-1 | Mar-96 |
2 | Family Queries | All Issues | ALL | |
2 | Germans in Other Places | Were Your Ancestors German? (Germans in England / Tunstill) | 4-4 | Dec-91 |
2 | Germans in Other Places | Genealogical Resources in Germany | 4-4 | Dec-91 |
2 | Germans in Other Places | Major Mennonite Collection Found in Soviet Archives (Odessa area) | 4-4 | Dec-91 |
2 | Germans in Other Places | Colonists on the Baltic (Volhynian Germans in Kurland & Livonia) / Kuester | 4-4 | Dec-91 |
2 | Germans in Other Places | Tracing Germans in Southwest Europe / Jansen | 5-1 | Mar-92 |
2 | Germans in Other Places | Volhynian Baptists in Brazil | 6-1 | Mar-93 |
2 | Germans in Other Places | More Volhynian Baptists in Brazil | 6-4 | Dec-93 |
2 | Germans in Other Places | Still more Volhynian Baptists in Brazil | 7-1 | Mar-94 |
2 | Germans in Other Places | German Colonists in Peace River District of British Columbia Ordered to Move | 7-2 | Jun-94 |
2 | Germans in Other Places | Illischestie, A Rural Parish in Bukovina | 7-3 | Sep-94 |
2 | Germans in Other Places | Galizien German Descendants | 8-1 | Mar-95 |
2 | Germans in Other Places | Mennonite Genealogical Report (New Genealogical Resources) / Theissen | 8-1 | Mar-95 |
2 | Germans in Other Places | The Story of the Harbin, China Refugees / Less | 8-3 | Sep-95 |
2 | Germans in Other Places | News from Brazil – Obituaries | 9-1 | Mar-96 |
2 | Germans in Other Places | News from Brazil with Obituaries | 9-3 | Sep-96 |
2 | Germans in Other Places | Czechs in Volhynia from the Settlement History 1862-1947 / Ellingson | 9-3 | Sep-96 |
2 | History, Churches & Villages in Europe | Poland, General | 89-3 | Sep-89 |
2 | History, Churches & Villages in Europe | Michalki, Poland | 89-3 | Sep-89 |
2 | History, Churches & Villages in Europe | Wladyslawow, Poland | 89-3 | Sep-89 |
2 | History, Churches & Villages in Europe | Shitomir parish, Volhynia | 89-4 | Sep-89 |
2 | History, Churches & Villages in Europe | Tutschin affiliate parish, Volhynia | 89-4 | Dec-89 |
2 | History, Churches & Villages in Europe | Rowno parish, Volhynia | 89-4 | Dec-89 |
2 | History, Churches & Villages in Europe | Roshischtsche parish, Volhynia | 3-1 | Mar-90 |
2 | History, Churches & Villages in Europe | Wladimir-Wolynsk affiliate parish, Volhynia | 3-1 | Mar-90 |
2 | History, Churches & Villages in Europe | Luzk affiliate parish, Volhynia | 3-1 | Mar-90 |
2 | History, Churches & Villages in Europe | Heimthal parish, Volhynia | 3-3 | Sep-90 |
2 | History, Churches & Villages in Europe | Emiltschin affiliate parish, Volhynia | 3-3 | Sep-90 |
2 | History, Churches & Villages in Europe | Nowograd-Wolynsk affiliate parish, Volhynia | 3-3 | Sep-90 |
2 | History, Churches & Villages in Europe | Radomysl parish, Volhynia | 3-4 | Dec-90 |
2 | History, Churches & Villages in Europe | Alt-Emilin in Volhynia / Schoenknecht | 3-4 | Dec-90 |
2 | History, Churches & Villages in Europe | Vistula River Valley district, Poland | 4-3 | Sep-91 |
2 | History, Churches & Villages in Europe | Dobrin district, Poland | 4-3 | Sep-91 |
2 | History, Churches & Villages in Europe | Kujawien Lake district, Poland | 4-3 | Sep-91 |
2 | History, Churches & Villages in Europe | Warthe River Villages district, Poland | 4-3 | Sep-91 |
2 | History, Churches & Villages in Europe | Kalish district, Poland | 4-3 | Sep-91 |
2 | History, Churches & Villages in Europe | Gostynin district, Poland | 4-3 | Sep-91 |
2 | History, Churches & Villages in Europe | Major Mennonite Collection Found in Soviet Archives (Odessa area) | 4-4 | Dec-91 |
2 | History, Churches & Villages in Europe | Industrial Centre of Lodz, Poland | 4-4 | Dec-91 |
2 | History, Churches & Villages in Europe | Schwabian Settlements near Warsaw, Poland | 4-4 | Dec-91 |
2 | History, Churches & Villages in Europe | Lublin & Cholm districts, Poland | 5-1 | Mar-92 |
2 | History, Churches & Villages in Europe | village Kantors in Lublin & Cholm districts, Poland, 1878-1912 | 5-1 | Mar-92 |
2 | History, Churches & Villages in Europe | Trinity Lutheran, Lodz (partial extraction and alphabetical index of microfilms) | 6-1 | Mar-93 |
2 | History, Churches & Villages in Europe | Germans in Catholic records, Sampolno | 6-3 | Sep-93 |
2 | History, Churches & Villages in Europe | Galizien German Descendants | 8-1 | Mar-95 |
2 | History, General European | German Settlements in Central Poland, 1935 / Breyer (continued in 4-4) | 4-3 | Sep-91 |
2 | History, General European | Colonists on the Baltic (Volhynian Germans in Kurland & Livonia) / Kuester | 4-4 | Dec-91 |
2 | History, General European | German Settlements in Central Poland, 1935 / Breyer (continued from 4-3) | 4-4 | Dec-91 |
2 | History, General European | translated excerpt from “Die Deutsche Siedlungen in Wolhynien – 1931” / Luck | 5-4 | Dec-92 |
2 | History, General European | Swiss Mennonites in Poland & Volhynia | 6-1 | Mar-93 |
2 | History, General European | German Lutherans in Russia – From 1576 to Today / Krodel | 6-1 | Mar-93 |
2 | History, General European | The Hollandry – The First Democratic Village Government in Europe / Wuschke | 6-1 | Mar-93 |
2 | History, General European | Our Root The Gothic Civilization / Albrecht | 6-1 | Mar-93 |
2 | History, General European | response to “Our Root the Gothic …” / Frank | 6-2 | Jun-93 |
2 | History, General European | Die Schwaben und die Kaschuben / Wuschke | 6-3 | Sep-93 |
2 | History, General European | The Royal Prussian Settlers Commission for West Prussia & Poznan (1886-1918) / Kraft | 6-4 | Dec-93 |
2 | History, General European | Volhynian German museum in Mecklenburg | 6-4 | Dec-93 |
2 | History, General European | Volhynian Records in England (passenger lists) | 7-1 | Mar-94 |
2 | History, General European | Our Khazar Roots (Jewish descendancy) | 7-1 | Mar-94 |
2 | History, General European | European History As It Involved Germans From Volhynia, 1919-1950 / Wuschke | 7-3 | Sep-94 |
2 | History, General European | Western Volhynia village list / Krushel | 8-1 | Mar-95 |
2 | History, General European | Origins of Germans in Volhynia / Kuhn | 8-1 | Mar-95 |
2 | History, General European | The Hollandrys of the Vistula Warthe Regions / Kraft | 8-3 | Sep-95 |
2 | History, General European | Hollandrys in Posen / Grossart | 8-3 | Sep-95 |
2 | History, General European | Copy of 1752 Firefighting Agreement (reference to Holandry articles) | 8-3 | Sep-95 |
2 | History, General European | Volhynia (speech from 1995 FEEFHS conference) / Wuschke | 8-4 | Dec-95 |
2 | History, General European | Mission in Poland (history of Wisconsin Synod Lutheran in Poland) / Engel | 9-1 | Mar-96 |
2 | History, General European | A History of the Germans Living in Poland and Volhynia (review for new subscribers) / Wuschke | 9-3 | Sep-96 |
2 | History, General European | Czechs in Volhynia from the Settlement History 1862-1947 / Ellingson | 9-3 | 9-Sep |
3 | History, Migration Patterns | The Migration of our German Ancestors to Bessarabia / Busch | 89-3 | Sep-89 |
3 | History, Migration Patterns | ourney from Volhynia to China to Australia (Seidel / Walter family migration) | 89-4 | Dec-89 |
3 | History, Migration Patterns | The Middle European Route / Busch | 3-1 | Mar-90 |
3 | History, Migration Patterns | Return from Siberia / Wilde | 3-4 | Dec-90 |
3 | History, Migration Patterns | Colonists on the Baltic (Volhynian Germans in Kurland & Livonia) / Kuester | 4-4 | Dec-91 |
3 | History, Migration Patterns | LDS film numbers for German Auslander by Larry Jansen – | 5-1 | Mar-95 |
3 | History, Migration Patterns | LDS film numbers listing Russian Germans migrating to the Americas via China / Jansen | 5-1 | Mar-92 |
3 | History, Migration Patterns | alphabetical list of Volhynian Germans who migrated from the Edmonton area to the Pacific Northwest of the U.S. | 5-4 | Dec-92 |
3 | History, Migration Patterns | Volhynian Baptists migrate to Brazil | 6-4 | Dec-93 |
3 | History, Migration Patterns | Mennonites from Volhynia to the U.S. | 7-3 | Sep-94 |
3 | History, General North America | Moravian Brethren in Alberta, Canada 1895 | 3-4 | Dec-90 |
3 | History, General North America | Planting Churches in Alberta: 1890-1920 (German Baptist) | 3-4 | Dec-90 |
3 | History, General North America | Rabbit Hill Baptist Church | 3-4 | Dec-90 |
3 | History, General North America | earliest non-Mennonite German Volhynians in North America | 4-3 | Sep-91 |
3 | History, General North America | Germans From Volhynia & Poland on the Canadian Prairies / Neuman – | 5-3 | Sep-92 |
3 | History, General North America | alphabetical list of Volhynian Germans who migrated from the Edmonton area to the Pacific Northwest of the U.S. | 5-4 | Dec-92 |
3 | History, General North America | Rabbit Hill Baptist Centennial, Alberta | 6-1 | Mar-93 |
3 | History, General North America | Canadians Own Land in the U.S. | 6-1 | Mar-93 |
3 | History, General North America | St. John’s Lutheran Centennial, Heimthal, Alberta | 6-3 | Sep-93 |
3 | History, General North America | Volhynians in Village Hill, Connecticut | 7-1 | Mar-94 |
3 | Maps | Schulgemeinde Juljanow-Boratyn | 88-1 | Feb-88 |
3 | Maps | Die Gemeinden der Evangelisch – Augsburgischen Kirche in Polen am 1.9.1939 | 88-1 | Feb-88 |
3 | Maps | source of east European maps | 3-1 | Mar-90 |
3 | Maps | Karten Der Deutschen Sprachinseln in Polnisch-Wolhynien / Luck | 3-1 | Mar-90 |
3 | Maps | Karte der deutschen Seidlungen in ukrainisch Wolhnien / Stumpp | 3-3 | Sep-90 |
3 | Maps | bibliography of maps available from AHSGR (5 citations) | 3-3 | Sep-90 |
3 | Maps | Alt-Emilin, Volhynia | 3-4 | Dec-90 |
3 | Maps | Index to Volhynian maps in Vol. 3-1 & 3-3 | 4-1 | Mar-91 |
3 | Maps | Regions of Poland 1815-1914 | 4-1 | Mar-91 |
3 | Maps | Herkunftsorte von Karlswalde (villages of origin in Poland for settlers in Karlswalde, Volhynia | 4-2 | Jun-91 |
3 | Maps | German Farm Settlements in the Baltic Provinces (Kurland & Livonia) | 4-4 | Dec-91 |
3 | Maps | Die deutschen Kolonien des Cholmer und Lubliner Landes / Lueck | 5-1 | Mar-92 |
3 | Maps | Kreis Rowno, Gouvernement Wolhynien / Kuehn | 5-2 | Jun-92 |
3 | Maps | Central Europe in 1850 | 6-3 | Sep-93 |
3 | Maps | Historical Boundaries of Volhynia | 6-3 | Sep-93 |
3 | Maps | New University of Alberta acquisition, 8000 military maps of Soviet Union pre WW II | 8-1 | Mar-95 |
3 | Maps | Dermanka residents with village map / Schober | 8-3 | Sep-95 |
3 | Maps | Settlement areas of Russian Germans in South America / Less | 8-3 | Sep-95 |
3 | Miscellaneous | News report, Mundt family history book | 3-1 | Mar-90 |
3 | Miscellaneous | Writing Your Family History | 3-2 | Jun-90 |
3 | Miscellaneous | Formation of East European Branch of the Manitoba Genealogical Society | 4-1 | Mar-91 |
3 | Miscellaneous | Russian Consular Records / Rakow | 4-1 | Mar-91 |
3 | Miscellaneous | Koblenz Records / Frey | 4-1 | Mar-91 |
3 | Miscellaneous | A Trip Through Poland in 1814 / Johnston | 4-1 | Mar-91 |
3 | Miscellaneous | Recipient of AHSGR scholarship in German languages at University of Alberta | 4-2 | Jun-91 |
3 | Miscellaneous | Just Starting – general genealogy / Frey | 4-3 | Sep-91 |
3 | Miscellaneous | Lecturing, Taping, and Lecture Materials | 4-4 | Dec-91 |
3 | Miscellaneous | Miscellanea / Frey (Archive name changes in Germany) | 5-1 | Mar-92 |
3 | Miscellaneous | Miscellanea / Frey (U.S. census info) | 5-1 | Mar-92 |
3 | Miscellaneous | Russian-American Genealogical Archival Service (RAGAS) | 5-3 | Sep-92 |
3 | Miscellaneous | A. Molzahn appointed Director of School of Nursing at University of Alberta | 6-1 | Mar-93 |
3 | Miscellaneous | Volhynian – Schwabian cartoons / Lange | 6-2 | Jun-93 |
3 | Miscellaneous | Research Teaching Plan, University of Winnipeg (German Canadian studies) | 7-4 | Dec-94 |
3 | Miscellaneous | Russian Prisoner Records / Red Cross | 7-4 | Dec-94 |
3 | Miscellaneous | New University of Alberta acquisition, 8000 military maps of Soviet Union pre WW Il | 8-1 | Mar-95 |
3 | Miscellaneous | United Germany Phone books on CD | 8-1 | Mar-95 |
3 | Miscellaneous | U.S. passport records at the LDS libraries | 8-1 | Mar-95 |
3 | Miscellaneous | Canadian Border Crossings at the LDS libraries | 8-1 | Mar-95 |
3 | Miscellaneous | Mennonite Genealogical Report (New Genealogical Resources) / Theissen | 8-1 | Mar-95 |
3 | Miscellaneous | “What’s In A Name”, poem by Cynthia Bergstresser | 8-2 | Jun-95 |
3 | Miscellaneous | Copy of 1752 Firefighting Agreement (reference to Holandry articles) | 8-3 | Sep-95 |
3 | Miscellaneous | Guse – Guhse Family / Wuschke | 8-4 | Dec-95 |
3 | Miscellaneous | Early Western Canadian Records (Trinity Lutheran, Winnipeg)/ Lenz | 8-4 | Dec-95 |
3 | Name Lists, Special | residents of Schulgemeinde Juljanow-Boratyn | 88-1 | Feb-88 |
3 | Name Lists, Special | 1918 membership list, St. Johns Lutheran Church, Rosenfeld, MB | 88-3 | Dec-88 |
3 | Name Lists, Special | 1892 residents of Evanthal, Volhynia | 88-3 | Dec-88 |
3 | Name Lists, Special | alphabetical list of Germanic surnames from …And They Built an Altar – The History and Heritage of the Brokenhead Lutheran Community | 89-1 | Mar-89 |
3 | Name Lists, Special | Moravian Volhynian immigrants settling at Bruderheim, Alberta c.1892 | 89-1 | Mar-89 |
3 | Name Lists, Special | Moravian migration Edmonton, AB to Puyallup, WA | 89-2 | Jul-89 |
3 | Name Lists, Special | Residents of South Edmonton, AB | 89-2 | Jul-89 |
3 | Name Lists, Special | Michalki Parish, Poland 1780-1790 | 89-3 | Sep-89 |
3 | Name Lists, Special | Wladyslawow Parish, Poland 1776-1790 | 89-3 | Sep-89 |
3 | Name Lists, Special | Galician German Protestants in Volhynia | 3-1 | Mar-90 |
3 | Name Lists, Special | Charter members, Rabbit Hill Baptist, Alberta | 3-4 | Dec-90 |
3 | Name Lists, Special | LDS film numbers listing German Auslander by Larry Jansen | 5-1 | Mar-92 |
3 | Name Lists, Special | LDS film numbers listing Russian Germans migrating to Americas via China / Jansen | 5-1 | Mar-92 |
3 | Name Lists, Special | Ahnentafel of Erika Joanna Jerke nee Tripke | 5-1 | Mar-92 |
3 | Name Lists, Special | village Kantors in Lublin & Cholm districts, Poland, 1878-1912 | 5-1 | Mar-92 |
3 | Name Lists, Special | Ahnentafel of Karl Lenz | 5-3 | Sep-92 |
3 | Name Lists, Special | Residents of Warwarowka and surrounding villages, Nowograd Wolynsk, Volhynia (from between the 2 world wars; 132 surnames) | 5-3 | Sep-92 |
3 | Name Lists, Special | Baptisms in Warwarowka and surrounding villages, Nowograd Wolhynsk, Volhynia (from between the 2 world wars; 246 names) | 5-3 | Sep-92 |
3 | Name Lists, Special | alphabetical list of Volhynian Germans who migrated from the Edmonton area to the Pacific Northwest of the U.S. | 5-4 | Dec-92 |
3 | Name Lists, Special | Ahnentafel of Rudolf Gruening | 6-1 | Mar-93 |
3 | Name Lists, Special | Volhynian Baptists in Brazil | 6-1 | Mar-93 |
3 | Name Lists, Special | Charter members, 1893 at St. John’s Lutheran, Heimthal, Alberta | 6-3 | Sep-93 |
3 | Name Lists, Special | Family list of Elenow, Zabara, & Makow, Wladimir parish, Volhynia 1926 | 6-3 | Sep-93 |
3 | Name Lists, Special | Ahnentafel of Hertha Werner, nee Dusdal | 6-3 | Sep-93 |
3 | Name Lists, Special | Volhynian Baptists who migrated to Brazil | 6-4 | Dec-93 |
3 | Name Lists, Special | Ahnentafel of Hugo Horn | 6-4 | Dec-93 |
3 | Name Lists, Special | Early Volhynians in Village Hill, Connecticut | 7-1 | Mar-94 |
3 | Name Lists, Special | Ahnentafel of Arnold Jahns | 7-3 | Sep-94 |
3 | Name Lists, Special | Ahnentafel of Kurt Weiss | 7-3 | Sep-94 |
3 | Name Lists, Special | Volhynian Baptists in Brazil | 7-4 | Dec-94 |
3 | Name Lists, Special | Ahnentafel of Irmgaard Hein Ellingson | 8-1 | Mar-95 |
3 | Name Lists, Special | Declarations of Intent – Marathon County, Wisconsin / Point | 8-1 | Mar-95 |
3 | Name Lists, Special | Volhynia Gubernia News, 1915 Listing of deportations (general description only) / Miller | 8-2 | Jun-95 |
3 | Name Lists, Special | Volhynia Auction Lists (includes surnames and places) / Krushel | 8-4 | Dec-95 |
3 | Name Lists, Special | Zhitomir deaths, 1836 (extraction from St. Petersburg microfilms) / Wuschke | 8-4 | Dec-95 |
3 | Name Lists, Special | News from Brazil – Obituaries | 9-1 | Mar-96 |
3 | Name Lists, Special | News from Brazil with Obituaries | 9-3 | Sep-96 |
4 | Obituaries, Current | Appear irregularly in various issues | ALL | |
4 | Passenger Lists | 14 different ships 1890-93 | 3-4 | Dec-90 |
4 | Passenger Lists | 15 different ships 1892 | 4-1 | Mar-91 |
4 | Passenger Lists | earliest non-Mennonite Volhynian Germans in North America, July 1874 | 4-3 | Sep-91 |
4 | Passenger Lists | Volhynian Records in England (passenger lists) | 7-1 | Mar-94 |
4 | Photographs & Artwork | Seeding in Volhynia | 3-1 | Mar-90 |
4 | Photographs & Artwork | Harvest in Volhynia | 3-2 | Jun-90 |
4 | Photographs & Artwork | Topcza windmill, Tuschin, Volhynia | 3-3 | Sep-90 |
4 | Photographs & Artwork | Moravian church manse, Bruderheim 1897 | 3-4 | Dec-90 |
4 | Photographs & Artwork | Trinity Lutheran & Town Hall, Lodz pre.1850 | 4-1 | Mar-91 |
4 | Photographs & Artwork | Colonist house in Volhynia | 4-2 | Jun-91 |
4 | Photographs & Artwork | Potato harvest | 4-3 | Sep-91 |
4 | Photographs & Artwork | Lutheran Church at Plock, on the Vistula | 4-4 | Dec-91 |
4 | Photographs & Artwork | Lutheran Church at Lipno, Poland | 5-1 | Mar-92 |
4 | Photographs & Artwork | Lutheran Church at Luzk, Volhynia | 5-3 | Sep-92 |
4 | Photographs & Artwork | Country village scene, Blumenthal | 5-4 | Dec-92 |
4 | Photographs & Artwork | Lutheran Church at Kostopol, Volhynia 1936 | 6-1 | Mar-93 |
4 | Photographs & Artwork | St. Trinity Lutheran, Warsaw | 6-2 | Jun-93 |
4 | Photographs & Artwork | Volhynian – Schwabian cartoons / Lange | 6-2 | Jun-93 |
4 | Photographs & Artwork | Old Baptist Church – Sorotchin, Ukraine 1993 | 6-3 | Sep-93 |
4 | Photographs & Artwork | Zhitomir railway station c.1900 | 6-4 | Dec-93 |
4 | Photographs & Artwork | Former Lutheran, now Baptist Church, Zhitomir | 7-1 | Mar-94 |
4 | Photographs & Artwork | Misc. photos from trips to Volhynia | 7-1 | Mar-94 |
4 | Photographs & Artwork | Redeemer Lutheran Church, Lebanon, CT | 7-1 | Mar-93 |
4 | Photographs & Artwork | Kostopol Railway Station, 1993 | 7-2 | Jun-94 |
4 | Photographs & Artwork | Old Lutheran Church, Marianka near Pulin | 7-3 | Sep-94 |
4 | Photographs & Artwork | House in Volitsa near Zhitomir | 7-3 | Sep-94 |
4 | Photographs & Artwork | Lutheran Church, Novo Tres Passos, Brazil | 7-4 | Dec-94 |
4 | Photographs & Artwork | Michelsdorf, Poland scenes / Abel | 7-4 | Dec-94 |
4 | Photographs & Artwork | St. Matthew’s Lutheran Church – Lodz | 8-1 | Mar-95 |
4 | Photographs & Artwork | Town hall, Alexandrow near Lodz | 8-2 | Jun-95 |
4 | Photographs & Artwork | Lutheran Church, Colony Annette | 8-4 | Dec-95 |
4 | Photographs & Artwork | Lutheran School & Chapel, Ruda Bugaj near Alexandrow, Lodz, Poland | 9-1 | Mar-96 |
4 | Photographs & Artwork | Rural Scene near Lodz, Poland | 9-2 | Jun-96 |
4 | Photographs & Artwork | Remains of Heimthal Lutheran Seminary | 9-3 | Sep-96 |
4 | Place Names, European | See also “History, Churches” for village names mentioned in articles about parishes. | See Note. | |
4 | Place Names, European | Moravian villages of origin for settlers at Bruderheim, Alberta c. 1892 | 89-1 | Mar-89 |
4 | Place Names, European | Galician German Protestants in Volhynia | 3-1 | Mar-90 |
4 | Place Names, European | German village names with Slavic counterparts in Volhynia | 3-4 | Dec-90 |
4 | Place Names, European | Volhynian Village Index to maps in earlier Volumes 3-1 & 3-3 | 4-1 | Mar-91 |
4 | Place Names, European | LDS film numbers for “Official Names Approved by the U.S. Board on Geographic Names” for Poland and Russia / Jansen | 5-1 | Mar-92 |
4 | Place Names, European | villages in Lublin & Cholm districts, Poland | 5-1 | Mar-92 |
4 | Place Names, European | List of villages in East Galicia & Volhynia from the Zabuzanski collection | 5-4 | Dec-92 |
4 | Place Names, European | List of Towns and Villages of Volhynia Gubernia (book report) / Miller | 7-3 | Sep-94 |
4 | Place Names, European | Western Volhynia village list / Krushel | 8-1 | Mar-95 |
4 | Place Names, European | Dermanka residents with map / Schober | 8-3 | Sep-95 |
4 | Research Oddities & Problems | Regular column in each issue by Jerry Frank and starting 5-2, Jun 92 | 5-2, start | Jun-92 |
4 | Research Oddities & Problems | Double Birth Registration | 5-2 | Jun-92 |
4 | Research Oddities & Problems | The Case of the Missing Great Grandmother | 5-3 | Sep-92 |
4 | Research Oddities & Problems | Could My Grandfather Really Sign His Name? | 5-4 | Dec-92 |
4 | Research Oddities & Problems | Researching Catholic and Lutheran Records | 5-4 | Dec-92 |
4 | Research Oddities & Problems | Canadians Own Land in the U.S. | 6-1 | Mar-93 |
4 | Research Oddities & Problems | Even Poles Have Trouble with Polish | 6-2 | Jun-93 |
4 | Research Oddities & Problems | What’s in a Name? | 6-3 | Sep-93 |
4 | Research Oddities & Problems | Getting the Most Out of Your Inquiries | 6-4 | Dec-93 |
4 | Research Oddities & Problems | The Peasant Farmer in Poland | 7-1 | Mar-94 |
4 | Research Oddities & Problems | Getting Unfocused | 7-3 | Sep-94 |
4 | Research Oddities & Problems | Missing Records | 7-4 | Dec-94 |
4 | Research Oddities & Problems | A Letter From Beyond? Three Cheers for the Post Office | 8-1 | Mar-95 |
4 | Research Oddities & Problems | Sandy Barrington’s Pedigree | 8-2 | Jun-95 |
4 | Surname Exchange | first in 89-1, Mar 89; then in June of each year starting 1990 | See note. | See Note. |
4 | Trips, Research & Visits | Harke / Maser Trips | 3-1 | Mar-90 |
4 | Trips, Research & Visits | My Volhynia Episode / Maser | 3-3 | Sep-90 |
4 | Trips, Research & Visits | Volhynian Village Adventure / Wuschke, Maser | 6-3 | Sep-93 |
4 | Trips, Research & Visits | Digging For Our Roots / Miller | 6-3 | Sep-93 |
4 | Trips, Research & Visits | Bergstraesser Family Tour / Less | 6-4 | Dec-93 |
4 | Trips, Research & Visits | Unexpected Discovery in Zhitomir / Krushel | 6-4 | Dec-93 |
4 | Trips, Research & Visits | The Unscheduled Stop / Krushel | 7-1 | Mar-94 |
4 | Trips, Research & Visits | Volhynian Village Adventure II / Miller | 7-3 | Sep-94 |
4 | Trips, Research & Visits | Lesobuda: My Ancestral Village / Poppke | 7-3 | Sep-94 |
4 | Trips, Research & Visits | Brazil – Visting Volhynian German Relatives / Kwiram | 7-4 | Dec-94 |
4 | Trips, Research & Visits | Volhynia-94 / Maser | 7-4 | Dec-94 |
4 | Trips, Research & Visits | Michelsdorf, Poland / Abel | 7-4 | Dec-94 |
4 | Trips, Research & Visits | A Visit to Our Heimat in Volyn / Splett | 8-4 | Dec-95 |
4 | Trips, Research & Visits | A Visit to the Zhitomir Archives / Miller | 9-3 | Sep-96 |
4 | Trips, Research & Visits | A Missouri Yankee in Lublin County / Vogt | 9-3 | Sep-96 |
4 | Trips, Research & Visits | 1996 Volhynia Tour / Krushel et al. | 9-3 | Sep-96 |
Section | Category | Primary Reference / Submitter | # | Date |