Volhynia Maps

Volhynia Maps: An overview in PDF form. Links are clickable – 6 pages.  

HSGPV is editing this page, as links are out-dated.  Your patience is appreciated. 

Major centres in Ukraine and Poland to help orient researchers. Designed by HSGPV. Please contact us for errors.  Note:  Google Maps is not viewable unless the app is open. 

Volhynia Settlements, courtesy of Sandy Schilling Payne, as per her website, Germans from Russia Settlement Maps.  Sandy was very generous in sharing her map data (1015 settlements) with HSGPV and show showing us how to further refine the location by parish, which we have colour-coded.
HSGPV thanks Sandy Schilling Payne for her generosity! 




 Sandy’s map tutorial, a 14-minute video,  on Germans from Russia Settlement Maps home page is applicable to our map. 

Sandy’s Edmonton Presentation, October 10, 2019    The 63 easy-to-follow slides provide an excellent overview of her project, as well as the fascinating evolvement of Google maps.   
NOTE:  Full screen mode info:  Go to the top right of the screen. Click on the LEFT arrow beside PRESENT to access the full screen mode.  Use the menu at the bottom of the screen to navigate the slides < >, and choose EXIT to end full screen mode, or use ESC (Escape) on your computer keyboard.  
HSGPV thanks Sandy for permission to link to her slide presentation. 

HSGPV welcomes any suggestions, additions or corrections and will be sharing with Sandy, as we refine this map further.

Volhynia Colonies Google Map   available on Germans from Russia Settlement Maps.     An alphabetical list to click on.   This is based partially upon the document:  Germans From Russia and Eastern Europe Settlement Locations available in pdf. Volhynia area Colonies (1,002), currently in the Ukraine is listed on p.156.

Settlement Maps, designed by Germans from Russia, and specifically Sandy Schilling Payne.  This is the home of the Google maps of the locations of German settlements in the Russian and Austrian empires that occurred from 1763 into the early 20th century. The locations are based on numerous historical maps, including those by Karl Stumpp, Rudolf Unterschütz, Pierre François Tardieu and others. This unique resource is detailed and vast in scope, inclusive of all German groups who uprooted from their Germanic homelands and heeded the call of Catherine the Great, her successors and others to colonize the forests and steppes of Russia and Austria.

Don Miller’s website contains detailed information about Volhynian villages visited over the 25 years, and includes a link to Herb Poppke’s site Shitomir & More, 1993, as to how some villages look in more modern times.

Volhynia Google Map      The major cities in the old region of Volhynia, including the the old Volhynia boundary.  Note: no dates are provided.

Volhynia Map 1908       Courtesy of volhynia.com: Taken from an atlas published in London in 1908 by the Harmsworth company.

Volhynia Geography     Shows the boundary of the historic Volhynia gubernia.  There are further links to interesting maps, including district and colony maps.

Mapire: Historical Maps online:  Great military surveys, countries, cities and thematic maps.
Legacy Tree has an extensive overview of what’s available on the Mapire site.