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Inventory updated: June 2024.
Title | Author | Language | Category | Copyright | Section | Book # |
2000 Placenames Of Alberta | Holmgren | English | Canada: Alberta | 1972 | 100 | 0.002 |
Acme Memories [Acme, Alberta] | Acme | English | Canada: Alberta | 1979 | 100 | 0.003 |
Decades Of The Independence District {north west of Edmonton, Alberta] | Armitage, Judi | English | Canada: Alberta | 1981 | 100 | 0.006 |
Pioneer Round-Up A History of Albright, Demmit, Goodfare, Hythe, Lymburn, Valhalla | Pioneer History Society of Hythe & Area | English | Canada: Alberta | 1972 | 100 | 0.007 |
Growing Up In Camrose (Autobiography) | Miller, Donald N | English | Canada: Alberta | 1998 | 100 | 0.008 |
Cherished Memories [of former rural Ardrossan, Alberta area} | Ardrossan, Unifarm | English | Canada: Alberta | 1972 | 100 | 0.01 |
Beaverlodge To The Rockies [Alberta] See also Supplement | Beaverlodge & District Historical Association | English | Canada: Alberta | 1974 | 100 | 0.011 |
Beaverlodge To The Rockies [Alberta] Supplement | Beaverlodge & District Historical Association | English | Canada: Alberta | 1976 | 100 | 0.012 |
Memories -- Yours And Mine A History of Beveridge Lake, East View, Garrett, Hesketh, Humbolt, Kirby, Lenox, Marne, Webbs School Districts [Alberta] | Hesketh Pope Lease Historical Society | English | Canada: Alberta | 1972 | 100 | 0.013 |
Edmonton Gateway to the North | Gilpin, John F. | English | History Canada Alberta | 1984 | 100 | 0.014 |
As We Remember The Big Valley | Big Valley | English | Canada: Alberta | 1974 | 100 | 0.015 |
I Was There A Century of Alumni Stories About the University of Alberta, 1906-2006 | Schoeck, Ellen | English | Canada: Alberta | 2006 | 100 | 0.018 |
Along The Burnt Lake Trail A History of Shady Nook, Burnt Lake, Centerville, Pine Hill, Marianne, Kuusamo and Evarts [Alberta] | Burnt Lake, History Society | English | Canada: Alberta | 1977 | 100 | 0.019 |
Carbon: Our History, Our Heritage [Alberta] | Carbon Historical Committee | English | Canada: Alberta | 1986 | 100 | 0.02 |
Edmonton Portait of a City | Person, Dennis & Routledge, Carin | English | History Canada Alberta | 1981 | 100 | 0.021 |
Pride In Progress Chipman-St. Michael-Edna/Star and Districts [Alberta] | Alberta Rose Historical Society | English | Canada: Alberta | 1982 | 100 | 0.024 |
Cleverville Champion 1905 To 1970 A History of Champion and Area [Alberta] | Champion History Committee | English | Canada: Alberta | 1970 | 100 | 0.025 |
Sodbusting To Subdivision [Dewinton, Alberta] | De Winton & District Historical Committee | English | Canada: Alberta | 1978 | 100 | 0.027 |
Skiff In The Prairie Wind [Alberta] | Skiff History Committee | English | Canada: Alberta | 1980 | 100 | 0.028 |
East Prairie Metis 1939 -1979 40 Years of Determination [Alberta] | East Prairie Council | English | Canada: Alberta | 1979 | 100 | 0.029 |
Hardships & Happiness Fawcett and Surrounding Districts [Alberta] | Fawcett History Book Club | English | Canada: Alberta | 1981 | 100 | 0.03 |
From The Bigknife To The Battle Gadsby and Area [Alberta] | Gadsby Pioneers Association | English | Canada: Alberta | 1979 | 100 | 0.032 |
Taming The Prairie Wool A History of the Districts of Glendale, Westminster and Bearspaw, west of Calgary | Glendale Women's Institute | English | Canada: Alberta | 1965 | 100 | 0.035 |
The Story That Brought Me Here To Alberta From Everywhere | Goyette, Linda | English | Canada: Alberta | 2008 | 100 | 0.036 |
Mingling Memories [Red Deer and Area, Alberta] | Red Deer East Historical Society | English | Canada: Alberta | 1979 | 100 | 0.037 |
Pioneers Who Blazed The Trail A History of High Prairie & District {Alberta] | Cenntennial Book Committee, High Prairie | English | Canada: Alberta | 1967 | 100 | 0.038 |
Boomtime - Peopling The Canadian Prairies | Gray, James H. | English | Canada: Alberta | 1979 | 100 | 0.039 |
I, Alice Embrace The Yester Years [Autobiography] | Kanewischer, Alice (Schuetzle) | English | Canada: Alberta Family History | 1996 | 100 | 0.041 |
KIK Country [Kathryn, Irricana, Keoma country, located 25-40 miles NE of Calgary, Alberta} | K.I.K History Committee | English | Canada: Alberta | 1974 | 100 | 0.042 |
Alberta's Pioneers from Eastern Europe: Reminiscences | University of Alberta; Matejko, Joanna; Yedlin, Tova - Ed. | English | Canada: Alberta | 1978, Spring; 2nd printing | 100. | .043 |
La Glace Yesterday And Today [Edson area, Alberta] | The Twilight Club History Committee | English | Canada: Alberta | 1981 | 100 | 0.045 |
Lakes Of The Lac La Biche District [Alberta] | Chipeniuk, R. C. | English | Canada: Alberta | 1975 | 100 | 0.046 |
Germans From Russia in Alberta: Reminiscences - 6 | University of Alberta - Central and East European Studies Society of Alberta | English | Canada Alberta Reference | 1984, Spring | 100 | .047 |
Germans From Russia in Alberta: Reminiscences - 6 Editor: T. Yedlin | University of Alberta - Central and East European Studies Society of Alberta | English | Canada Alberta Reference | 1984, Spring | 100 | .047 |
Verdant Valleys Around Lougheed [Alberta] | Lougheed Women's Institute | English | Canada: Alberta | 1972 | 100 | 0.048 |
…and Mighty Women Too | MacEwan, Grant | English | Canada: Alberta | 1975 | 100 | 0.049 |
Calgary Cavalcade - From Fort To Fortune | MacEwan, Grant | English | Canada: Alberta | 1958 | 100 | 0.05 |
Memory Meadows Horse Stories From Canada's Past | MacEwan, Grant | English | Canada: Alberta | 1978 | 100 | 0.051 |
Memories: Redwater & District [Alberta] | Hrynchuk, Audrey; Klufas, Jean (compilers) | English | Canada: Alberta | 1972 | 100 | 0.052 |
Cultrual History Of The German-Speaking Community In Alberta 1882-2000 | Prokop, Dr. Manfred | English | Canada: Alberta | 2000 | 100 | 0.055 |
The Emperor Of Peace River [Alberta] | Myles, Eugenie Louise | English | Canada: Alberta | 1965, 1978 | 100 | 0.056 |
A History Of Alberta'S German-Speaking Communities Vol 2 | Prokop, Dr. Manfred | English | Canada: Alberta | 2007 | 100 | 0.057 |
Ponoka Panorama [Alberta] | Ponoka & District Historical Society | English | Canada: Alberta | 1973 | 100 | 0.058 |
Strathcona County A Brief History. [Alberta] | Redekop, Linda & Gilchrist, Wilfred | English | Canada: Alberta | 1981, June 2007-2nd ed. | 100 | 0.061 |
Step Back in Time Volumes 1-3 Binder with various information | HSGPV | English | Canada: Alberta | 2023 | 100 | 0.062 |
Step Back In Time Volume 1 Northern Alberta An Historical Travel Guide for Albertans of German Heritage | Yackulic, Lorraine Dreger | English | Canada: Alberta | 2012 | 100 | 0.062 |
Step Back In Time Volume 2 Central Alberta An Historical Travel Guide for Albertans of German Heritage | Yackulic, Lorraine Dreger | English | Canada: Alberta | 2013 | 100 | 0.063 |
Step Back In Time Volume 3 Southern Alberta An Historical Travel Guide for Albertans of German Heritage | Yackulic, Lorraine Dreger | English | Canada: Alberta | 2013 | 100 | 0.064 |
Prairie Rose Country [Alberta] 75 Years of History 1906-1981 A history of the region between the pioneer centres of Richdale, Stanmore and Scotfield, north through the Spondin area to the South Coronation district. | Spondin & Area History Book Society | English | Canada: Alberta | 1982 | 100 | 0.065 |
As The Years Go By [Alberta] Three Hills Rural Community | Three Hills Rural | English | Canada: Alberta | 1970 | 100 | 0.068 |
Lizzie Rummel Baroness Of The Canadian Rockies | Oltmann, Ruth | English | Canada: Alberta | 1983 | 100 | 0.069 |
Welcome to Stony Plain [Alberta] | Stony Plain, AB | English | History Canada Alberta | 1980 | 100 | 0.073 |
The Farm - A Collection Of Short Stories From My Childhood | Miller, Donald N. | English | Canada: Alberta | 1994 | 100 | 0.074 |
German-Canadian Club Calgary [Alberta] 1931 - 1991 [See HSGPV Alberta binder] | German-Canadian Club Calgary | English German | Canada: Alberta | 1991 | 100 | 0.078 |
Memories of Alberta 1900-1984: Sunniebend, Linaria, Shoal Creek, Pibroch People Sharing Life's Successes | Sunniebend Historical Society | English | Canada: Alberta | 1985 | 100 | 0.079 |
The Wheels Of Time - A History Of Riviere Qui Barre [Alberta] | Riviere Qui Barre Historical Society | English | Canada: Alberta | 1978 | 100 | 0.08 |
Sons Of The Soil [Shandro, Alberta] | Kiriak, Illia | English | Canada: Alberta | 1983 | 100 | 0.081 |
Scandinavian Connections - A Guide To Sites In Alberta | Scandinavian Trade And Cultural Society | English | Canada: Alberta | 2007 | 100 | 0.082 |
Polonia In Alberta 1895-1995 The Polish Centennial in Alberta | Kobos, Andrzej; Pekacz, Jolanta | English | Canada: Alberta | 1995 | 100 | 0.083 |
Edmonton's West Side Story The history of the original West End of Edmonton from 1870 | Yanish, Lori & Lowe, Shirley | English | Canada Alberta | 1991 | 100 | 0.084 |
Alberta in the 20th Century Volume One The Great West Before 1900 A Journalistic History of the Province in 11 Volumes | Byfield, Ted (Editor) | English | Canada Alberta | 1991 | 100 | 0.085 |
One Of Many [Stony Plain & Spruce Grove, Alberta] | Bauer, Reuben | English | Canada: Alberta | 1965 | 100 | 0.086 |
Biographical Directory of Clergy in Alberta's German-Speaking Communities From the 1880s to the present (2 copies) | Gutsche, Horst W. and Prokop, Manfred | English | Canada: Alberta | 2017 | 100 | 0.087 |
The Settlement of Immigrants of German Origin in Northern Alberta From the 1880's to the 1910's: A Fact Book | Prokop, Dr. Manfred | English | Canada: Alberta | 2013 | 100 | 0.088 |
German-Canadian Association of Alberta - brochures for: Celebrating Fifty Years, 2017 Deutsche Tagen 1992 [See HSGPV Alberta binder] | German-Canadian Association of Alberta | English | Canada: Alberta | 2017 | 100 | 0.089 |
New Sarepta: Looking Back 1900-1980 [Alberta] | New Sarepta Historical Committee | English | Canada Alberta | 1980 | 100 | 900.003 |
Each Step Left Its Mark A History of Hay Lakes and Surrounding Area [Alberta] | Hay Lakes History Book Committee | English | Canada Alberta | 1982 | 100 | 900.004 |
Trails Ploughed Over, Volume I History of Rural Leduc [Alberta] | Leduc Rural Historical Association | English | Canada Alberta | 1995 | 100 | 900.005 |
Trails Ploughed Over, Volume II History of Rural Leduc [Alberta] | Leduc | English | Canada Alberta | 1995 | 100 | 900.006 |
History, County Of Leduc No. 25 A Pictorial & Anecdotal Collection [Alberta] | McNalley, Katheryn | English | Canada Alberta | 1991 | 100 | 900.007 |
Pioneer Pathways, Vol 1 Rural Wetaskiwin [Alberta] | Wetaskiwin | English | Canada Alberta | 1980? | 100 | 900.008 |
Pioneer Pathways, Vol 2 Rural Wetaskiwin [Alberta] | Wetaskiwin | English | Canada Alberta | 1980? | 100 | 900.009 |
Along The Fifth [Alberta] A History of Stony Plain and District | Stony Plain & District Historical Society | English | Canada Alberta | 1982 | 100 | 900.01 |
Hills Of Hope [Spruce Grove Area, Alberta] | Hills of Hope Historical Committee | English | Canada Alberta | 1976 | 100 | 900.011 |
As The Roots Grow The History of Spruce Grove and District [Alberta] | Spruce Grove & District | English | Canada Alberta | 1980? | 100 | 900.012 |
Beaumont [Alberta] History of Beaumont and district 1885-1960 | Beaumont History Book Committee | English French | Canada Alberta | 1985 | 100 | 900.013 |
The Golden Years [Barrhead, Alberta] | Barrhead History Book Committee | English | Canada Alberta | 1978 | 100 | 900.014 |
Hurry To Bruce A History of Bruce and Area, Bruce Stampede since 1914 | Bruce History Book | English | Canada Alberta | 1988 | 100 | 900.015 |
Mellowdale Memories [Mellowdale, Alberta] | Mellowdale Book Committee | English | Canada Alberta | 1981 | 100 | 900.016 |
Beiseker's Golden Heritage [Beiseker, Alberta] | Beiseker Historical Society | English | Canada Alberta | 1977 | 100 | 900.017 |
Freeway West [Alberta [Pigeon Lake areas] | The Falun Historical Society | English | Canada Alberta | 1972 | 100 | 900.018 |
Siding 16 - Wetaskiwin To 1930 [Alberta] | Wetaskiwin RCMP Centennial Committee | English | Canada Alberta | 1975 | 100 | 900.022 |
Anniversary In Gold Stony Plain, Alberta 1908-1973 | Stony Plain Families | English | Canada Alberta | 1973 | 100 | 900.024 |
Alberta Historical Review Autumn 1974, Spring 1973 | Historical Society Of Alberta | English | Canada: Alberta Periodical | 1974, 1973 | 100 | 0.076 0.077 |
South Edmonton Saga [Alberta] (2 copies0 | South Edmonton, Papachase Historical Society | English | Canada Alberta | 1984 | 100 | 034 0.001 |
Alberta Genealogical Society Cemetary Records: Calmar, Carlstadt, Cleverville, Jarvie, Mount Carmel-Viking & Naples, Scandia, St. Mark's-Linaria, St. Patrick's-Lethbridge, | Alberta Genealogical Society | English | Canada Alberta | 1981 | 100 | |
The Telephone Man ….. A story about Archie Hollingshead | Cashman, Tony | English | Canada Alberta | 1977 | 100 | |
German Canadian Cultural Association, Edmonton, Alberta - brochures for: Celebrating 30 Years, 2013 25th Anniversary, 2008 20th Anniversary, 2003 10th Anniversary, 1993 [See HSGPV Albertta binder] | German Canadian Cultrual Association, Edmonton | English | Canada Alberta | 2013-1993 | 100 | |
German Canadian Cultural Association 25th Anniversary Booklet | German Canadian Cultural Association | English | Canada Alberta | 2008 | 100 | |
German Canadian Cultural Association Celebrating 30 Years | German Canadian Cultural Association | English | Canada Alberta | 2013 | 100 | |
German-Canadian Association of Alberta 10th Anniversary | German-Canadian Association of Alberta | English | Canada Alberta | 1993 | 100 | |
German-Canadian Association of Alberta 20th Anniversary | German-Canadian Association of Alberta | English | Canada Alberta | 2003 | 100 | |
German-Canadian Association of Alberta German Days 1992 / Deutschen Tagen | German-Canadian Association of Alberta | English | Canada Alberta | 1992 | 100 | |
Alberta German Settlement + Maps (Prokop) [See HSGPV Alberta binder] | HSGPV | English | Canada Alberta | 2008 | 100 | |
Alberta: German Catholic Settlements Bowell & Districts [See HSGPV Alberta binder] | HSGPV | English | Canada Alberta | 2008 | 100 | |
German Communities of Alberta Various Information [See HSGPV Alberta binder] | HSGPV | English | Canada Alberta | 2008 | 100 | |
A Community Collection of Yardley Jones Cartoons 1963 - 2013 | New Sarepta Historical Society | English | Canada Alberta | 2014 | 100 | |
He's New Sarepta's Boy A Race Down Memory Lane with Yardley Jones Cartoons 1963 to 2013 | New Sarepta Historical Society | English | Canada Alberta Calendar | 2013 | 100 | |
Canada West (with CD) The Last Best West The Settlement of Immigrants of German Origin in Southern Alberta Between The 1880s and 1910s: A Fact Book | Prokop, Manfred | English | Canada Alberta | 2010 | 100 | |
The Settlement of Immigrants of Grman Origin in Northern Alberta (with CD) From the 1880's to the 1910's: A Fact Book | Prokop, Manfred | English | Canada Alberta | 2013 | 100 | |
Annotated Bibliography of the Cultural History of the German-speaking Community in Alberta Second Update: 1997-2003 | Prokop, Manfred (Compiler) | English | Canada Alberta Reference | 2004 | 100 | |
Documenting Francophone Alberta Collecting Francophone Records at the Provincial Archives, 1965-2010 | Provincial Archives of Alberta | English | Canada Alberta Genealogy | 2012 | 100 | |
Provincial Archives of Alberta Information (2 copies) | Provincial Archives of Alberta | English | Canada Alberta Genealogy | 2007 | 100 | |
German Settlements In Saskatchewan: The Origin and Development of German Catholic, Lutheran, Baptist, Mennonite and Hutterite Communities | Anderson, Alan | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1990 | 200 | 0.001 |
Prairie Profiles Antelope & Area, Saskatchewan | The Ears History Committee | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1979 | 200 | 0.002 |
Valley Echoes 1900-1980 Life Along the Red Deer River Basin Saskatchewan: Prairie River, Greenbush, White Poplar, Veillardville Reserve, Kakwa, Clemenceau, Etomanmi, Etoimami, Hudson Bay Junction, Erwood, Red Deer Lake | Hudson Bay & District Cultural District Society | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 200 | 0.003 | |
Gazetteer Of Canada - Saskatchewan | Government Of Canada | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1969 | 200 | 0.005 |
Looking Back At Victory [Victory Municipality, Saskatchewan] | The Book Committee | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1979 | 200 | 0.006 |
Toil, Tears, And Thanksgiving R.M of Benson, Village of Benson, Hamlets of Bryant, Cullen, Viewfield and Woodley [Saskatchewan] | Benson, Woodley, Bryant, Cullen | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1981 | 200 | 0.007 |
Biggar & District {Saskatchewan] | Saskatchewan Heritage | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1985 | 200 | 0.008 |
Memory Lane a local history of Bredenbury and Districts; Cut Arm, Kensington Lake, Kinbrae, Clumber, Glyndwr, Perley | Bredenbury Senior Citizens | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1978 | 200 | 0.009 |
Yesteryear History of our Pioneers: Stone Pile, Grassy Hill, Alpine, Carmichael, Rural Village [Saskatchewan] | Yesteryear History Committee | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1977 | 200 | 0.01 |
Cordwood Days To Modern Ways Carragana, Chelan, High Tor, Porcupine Plain, Somme, Weekes [Saskatchewan] | Porcupine Plain & District Historical Society | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1978 | 200 | 0.011 |
Milestones And Memories [Saskatchewan] Colonsay and Meacham Districts 1905-1980 | Celebrate Saskatchewan 1980 Committee | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1980 | 200 | 0.012 |
Pioneer Memories [Saskatchewan] A historical account of Courval and districts since 1908 | Courval, Rodgers, Old Wives | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1974 | 200 | 0.013 |
A Past To Cherish [Saskatchewan] History of: Royal Canadian, Newcombe, Eatonia, Laporte | Eatonia History Book Committee | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1980 | 200 | 0.014 |
Where Aspens Whisper: Edenwold [Saskatchewan] Includes separate settler origin list in folder. | Edenwold Anniversary Committee | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1981 | 200 | 0.015 |
Sand Castles a story of dryland settlement [Estuary, Saskatchewan] | Wardill, William | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1996 | 200 | 0.016 |
Waverley 44 [Saskatchewan] | Waverley Book Committee | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1980 | 200 | 0.018 |
Froyshire To Frobisher [Saskatchewan] | Frobisher Happy Gang | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1979 | 200 | 0.019 |
Yesterday's Prairie Wind [Saskatchewan] A History of Gainsborough, Ash Grove, Cayuga, Clarement, Fern, Newlyn, Winlaw & Winmore | Gainesborough& District Historical Society | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1980 | 200 | 0.02 |
Whispering Winds Of Yesteryear [Saskatchewan] Glen Bain R. M. #105 | Glen Bain Historical Society | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1980 | 200 | 0.021 |
History of the Golden Prairie Community.[Saskatchewan] | Golden Prairie Publishing Committee | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1968 | 200 | 0.023 |
Prairie Legacy [Saskatchewan] Hospitals, Ackerman, Bride, Cactus Lake, Edenview, Falconhurst, Glen Eden, Kokesch, Ollenberger, Palm, Primate, Seifert, Walz | Grosswerder & Districts | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1980 | 200 | 0.024 |
Hallonquist: A Light In the Window [Saskatchewan] | Hallonquist Historical Society | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1983 | 200 | 0.025 |
Memories Parker School & District [Saskatchewan] | Historical Committee | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1982 | 200 | 0.026 |
Prairie Rose Memories, Volume I [Saskatchewan] | Prairie Rose Historical Society | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1992 | 200 | 0.027 |
Prairie Rose Memories, Volume II [Saskatchewan] | Prairie Rose Historical Society | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1992 | 200 | 0.028 |
Poet's Corner [Saskatchewan] A History of Lampman & District and the RM of Browning | Lampman & District History Book Committee | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1982 | 200 | 0.029 |
Lang Syne: A History Of Lang Saskatchewan | Lang Syne History Book Committee | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1980 | 200 | 0.03 |
St. Joseph's Colony 1905-1930 [Saskatchewan] English Translation of German original. | Oblate Priests, Compiler | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1980 | 200 | 0.031 |
Pages of the Past: Leader, Saskatchewan | Leader Lioness Club | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1980 | 200 | 0.032 |
As The Furrows Turn 1900-1985 Leroy & District, Saskatchewan | LeRoy & R.M Heritage Book Committee | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1986 | 200 | 0.033 |
Memories Of Lestock [Saskatchewan] | Lestock Historical Society | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1980 | 200 | 0.034 |
Trails & Tales of Settlement and Progress [Saskatchewan] Lipton & District 1875-1985 | Lipton & Area Historical Society | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1987 | 200 | 0.035 |
Along A Prairie Trail Lucky Lake, Saskatchewan | Lucky Lane | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1981 | 200 | 0.036 |
Luseland, Hub & Spokes, Volume I 1905-1983 [Saskatchewan] | Luseland Historical Society | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1983 | 200 | 0.037 |
Luseland, Hub & Spokes, Volume II 1905-1983 [Saskatchewan] | Luseland Historical Society | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1983 | 200 | 0.038 |
Excelsior Echoes R. M. of Excelsior, Saskatchewan | Rush Lake History Book Committee | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1982 | 200 | 0.039 |
Mankota, The First 50 Years A Saskatchewan Village 1928-1978 | Mankota Book Committee | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1978 | 200 | 0.04 |
Lone Rock To Marshall [Saskatchewan] Incl. Strathmore, Fartown, Marshall | Kenyon, Ron | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1976 | 200 | 0.041 |
Trails Of Promise: Medstead & District, Saskatchewan | Medstead & District History Book Committee | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1980 | 200 | 0.042 |
Neudorf Memories of Pioneer Roots 1882 - 1980 [Saskatchewan] Also: Baber, Carrhill, Duck's Point, Pheasant Hills, Piller, etc. | Neudorf History Book Executive | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1980 | 200 | 0.045 |
From Prairie Trails To Pavement North Gull Lake, Saskatchewan | North Gull Lake Historical Association of 1982 | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1982 | 200 | 0.046 |
Piapot Prairie Trails [Saskatchewan] | Piapot, Sidewood, Skull Creek, Harnett | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1979 | 200 | 0.047 |
Fond Recollections: Rabbit Lake, Meeting Lake, Mullingar [Saskatchewan] | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1980? Unknown | 200 | 0.048 | |
Reflections Of Radisson 1902-1982 | Radisson & District Historical Society | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1982 | 200 | 0.049 |
Our Harvest Of Memories: Foxdale, Sturgeon Valley, Three Creeks, Foxdale, Silver Cliff, Rayside, Rich Valley [Saskatchewan] | The History Book Committee | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1983 | 200 | 0.051 |
Richmound's Heritage, A History of Richmound District 1910-1978 [Saskatchewan] | Richmound Historical Society | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1978 | 200 | 0.052 |
Old And New Furrows The Story of Rosthern [Saskatchewan] | Rosthern Historical Society | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1980? Unknown | 200 | 0.054 |
The Past To The Present - 70 Years -1909-1979 Sceptre-Lemsford District, Saskatchewan | Sceptre- Lemsford Historical Association | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1979 | 200 | 0.055 |
South From Lloydminster A History of Southminster Fumess and Rugby School Districts [Saskatchewan] | The Committee | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1980? Unknown | 200 | 0.056 |
A Tapestry Of Time A History of the Norbury, Mildred & Springfield Area [Saskatchewan] | Spiritwood, Mildred, Norbury History Society | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1984 | 200 | 0.057 |
Springside & District Memoires [Saskatchewan] | Springside Senior Citizens Historical Commiittee | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1980 | 200 | 0.058 |
The Spy Hill Story [Saskatchewan] | The Wolverine Hobby and Historical Society | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1971 | 200 | 0.059 |
History Of St. Brieux 1904-1979 [Saskatchewan] | St. Brieux Diamond Ju bilee Steering Committee | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1979 | 200 | 0.06 |
Success: History of a District Success Village, Saskatchewan | The Success History Book Committee | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1981 | 200 | 0.061 |
Prairie Tapestry - A Superb Story A History of: Superb, Patrick, Somme, Kintail, Nichol, Ethmuir, Ruby Lake [Saskatchewan] | Superb & District History Committee | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1981 | 200 | 0.062 |
Tompkins Trials & Triumphs Tompkins and its Early Trading Area [Saskatchewan] | Tompkins, Sidewood, Stone | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1976 | 200 | 0.064 |
Our Prairie Heritage, Cambria 1902-1919 [Saskatchewan] | Fifty and Over Club | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1978 | 200 | 0.066 |
A Place By The Notkukeu [Saskatchewan] | Vanguard Historical Society | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1984 | 200 | 0.067 |
Mingling Memories A History of Wapella and Districts [Saskatchewan] | Wapella History Book Committee | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1979 | 200 | 0.068 |
Echoes Of Yesterday A History of Grunert School #715 and the West Ebenezer Baptist Church [Saskatchewan] | Katzberg, Allan A. | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1980? Unknown | 200 | 0.069 |
Heritage '85 [Saskatchewan] Lake Of The Rivers, R. M. No. 72 | Th History Committee | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1985 | 200 | 0.07 |
Blended Heritage [Saskatchewan]: Langemarck, Ada, Mt. Ethel, E. Bank, Ruth, Madawaska, Happyland, Wasteena, Vance, Cairnsview, Thule, Wilbert, Baldwinton, Alada, Winter, Seagram, Dufferin, Blue Bell, Irene | The Blended Heritage History Committee | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1978 | 200 | 0.071 |
Neudorf - Memories Of Pioneer Roots [See HSGPV Saskatchewan binder] | Wuschke, Ewald | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 2008? Unknown | 200 | 0.072 |
The Saskatchewanians | Saskatchewan Diamond Jubilee | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1967, July | 200 | 0.073 |
Four Corners - School District 2969 Mazenod, Saskatchewan 1913-1952 | Lange, Paul Edward | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1988 | 200 | 0.074 |
German Canadian Heritage Plaza Gesellschaft Deutscher Platz [See HSGPV BC binder] Vancouver, BC | German Canadian Heritage Plaza | English German | Canada British Columbia | 1995 | 200 | 0.154 |
Pages From the Past History of Lemberg and District (Saskatchewan, Canada) | Lemberg and District History Book Committee | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 1990 | 200 | 900.026 |
HSGPV Saskatchewan Binder: Vatious information | HSGPV | English | Canada Saskatchewan | 2008 | 200 | |
Beyond The Marsh: History of school districts of Vidir, Lowland and Sylvan Glade [Manitoba] | Unknown | English | Canada Manitoba | Unknown | 200.5 | 0.5 |
Arnaud Through The Years [Manitoba] | Arnaud Historical Committee | English | Canada Manitoba | 1974 | 200.5 | 0.501 |
Taming A Wilderness [Manitoba] A History of Ashern and District | Ashern Historical Society | English | Canada Manitoba | 1976 | 200.5 | 0.502 |
They Stopped At A Good Place 1875-1981 A History of the Beausejur, Brokenhead, Garson & Tyndall Area of Manitoba | Beausejour-Brokenhead Historical Committee | English | Canada Manitoba | 1982 | 200.5 | 0.503 |
Rural Municipality of Boulton [Manitoba] Once Upon a Century 1884-1984 | Boulton History Book Committee | English | Canada Manitoba | 1986 | 200.5 | 0.504 |
Manitoba {HSGPV Binder] Cemetery Transcription Listing-Man. Genealogical Society Volhynia to Manitoba - Surnames (2008) 1885 The Riel Rebellion by Frank Anderson, 1955 Sutton, RM #103: Death Index Manitoba Area brochures, maps. | HSGPV | English | Canada Manitoba | 2008 | 200.5 | 0.505 |
Our 1-6 Heritage [Manitoba] A History of the School Districts of Deer Creek, Lindal, Elk Creek, Diamond | One-Six History Book Committee | English | Canada Manitoba | 1976 | 200.5 | 0.506 |
The Multiilingual Press In Manitoba | Canada Press Club | English | Canada Manitoba | 1974 | 200.5 | 0.507 |
Dominion City [Manitoba] Facts, Fiction, and Hyperbole | Waddell, James McKercher | English | Canada Manitoba | 1970 | 200.5 | 0.508 |
R. M. of Franklin turns a century 1883-1983 [Manitoba] | RM of Franklin Book Committee | English | Canada Manitoba | 1983 | 200.5 | 0.509 |
Springfield, 1st Rural Municipality In Manitoba 1873-1973 | Dugald Women's Institute | English | Canada Manitoba | 1974 | 200.5 | 0.51 |
History Of Emersonn [Manitoba] Featuring historical sketches of surrounding districts | Women's Institute of Emerson | English | Canada Manitoba | 1950 | 200.5 | 0.511 |
In Memory Of Our Pioneers [Manitoba] History of Garland and District 1874-1985 | Garland History Book Committee | English | Canada Manitoba | 1989 | 200.5 | 0.512 |
Centennial 1882 - 1982 Souvenir Booklet [Manitoba] | Souvenir Booklet Committee | English | Canada Manitoba | 1982 | 200.5 | 0.513 |
The Grosse Isle Story [Manitoba] [1852 -1976] | Grosse Isle Women's Institute | English | Canada Manitoba | 1976? Unknown | 200.5 | 0.514 |
Morden, Mort Cheval, Pinance Way, Winning [Manitobal] | Morden Centennial Committee | English | Canada Manitoba | 1981 | 200.5 | 0.516 |
Furrows In The Valley Rural Municipality of Morris, Manitoba 1880-1980 | The History Book Committee | English | Canada Manitoba | 1980 | 200.5 | 0.517 |
Niverville, A History 1878-1986 [Manitoba] | Niverville District Historical Society | English | Canada Manitoba | 1986 | 200.5 | 0.518 |
History Blanshard Municipality Vol II 1884-1970 [Manitoba] | Blanshard Centennial History Committee | English | Canada Manitoba | 1970 | 200.5 | 0.519 |
Reinland, An Experience In Community [Manitoba] | Zacharias, Peter D. | English | Canada Manitoba | 1976 | 200.5 | 0.52 |
125 Stories About Morden [Manitoba] | Morden Historical Society | English | Canada Manitoba | 2006 | 200.5 | 0.521 |
Reflections on our Heritage a history of Steinback and R. M. of Hanover from 1874 [Manitoba] | Steinbach Histoical Committee | English | Canada Manitoba | 1971 | 200.5 | 0.522 |
Hardships & Progress of Ukrainian Pioneers; Memoirs from Stuartburn Colony and Other Points [Manitoba] | Humeniuk, Peter | English | Canada Manitoba | 1970? Unknown | 200.5 | 0.523 |
Swan Valley Community Profile [Manitoba] Home of the Northwest Round-Up | Swan Valley Economic Development | English | Canada Manitoba | 1994 | 200.5 | 0.524 |
Trails To Rails To Highways A History of the R. M of Whitemouth [Manitoba] | Porth, Bob; MacKenzie, Craig | English | Canada Manitoba | 1979 | 200.5 | 0.525 |
A History Of Winkler 1992-1973 [Manitoba] | Brown, Frank | English | Canada Manitoba | 1973 | 200.5 | 0.526 |
Manitoba Geographical Names Supplement: Decemberr 31, 1977 Gazetteer of Canada | Energy, Mines and Resources Canada | English | Canada Manitoba | 1977 | 200.5 | 0.527 |
Gazetteer Of Canada: Manitoba [Geographical Names, 1968] Second Edition | Canadian Permanent Committee on Geographical Names | English | Canada Manitoba | 1968 | 200.5 | 0.528 |
Northwest Interlake Heritage [Manitoba] Moosehorn, Gypsumville | Moosehorn-Gypsumville History Book Committee | English | Canada Manitoba | 1991 | 200.5 | 0.53 |
Tracks Of Time [Manitoba] Glenella and Districts | Glenella History Committee | English | Canada Manitoba | 1990 | 200.5 | 0.531 |
Our Past For The Future [Manitoba] Rapid City and District | Rapid City Historical Book Society | English | Canada Manitoba | 1978 | 200.5 | 0.532 |
Twixt Hill And Vale, A Story Of Rathwell And Surrounding District [Manitoba] | Rathwell Historical Committee | English | Canada Manitoba | 1970 | 200.5 | 0.533 |
Red River Revelations A chronological accoun of early events leading to the discovery, occupation, and development of the Red River settlement. | Green, Wilson F. | English | Canada Manitoba | 1976 | 200.5 | 0.534 |
Parkland Pathways Heritage Walks [Morden, Manitoba] | Chautauqua Spirit Committee 2008 | English | Canada Manitoba | 2008 | 200.5 | 0.537 |
People Of German Backgrounds In Sutton MD #103 [Manitoba] | Wuschke, Ewald | English | Canada Manitoba | 1980? Unknown | 200.5 | 0.54 |
Interlake District, Manitoba Pioneer German Settlement & Establishment of Lutheran Church | Kuehn, Felix G. | English | Canada Manitoba | 1990? Unknown | 200.5 | 0.542 |
German Lutherans in the Prairie Provinces before the First World War Their Church Background, emigration and New Beginning in Canada | Cobb, John Moser | English | Canada: Prairie Provinces Religion | 1991 | 200.5 | |
Church Records St. Paul Lutheran Churches Oldenburg, River Hills, Whitemouth, Manitoba 1906-1956 | St. Paul Lutheran Churches | English | Canada Manitoba Religion | 1956 | 200.5 | |
Gold Creeks And Ghost Towns: Kootenay, Okanagan, Similkameen [British Columbia] | Barlaee, N.L. | English | Canada British Columbia | 1970 | 200.6 | 0.6 |
Surname Index, British Columbia Genealogical Society | BC Genealogical Society | English | Canada British Columbia | 1973, June | 200.6 | 0.601 |
Fort Steel, Frontier Mining Town of the Kootendays, North West Mounted Police Post in 1887 [Britsh Columbia] | Kay, Dave; Macdonald, D.A. | English | Canada British Columbia | 1967 | 200.6 | 0.602 |
Burns Lake & District: A History formal & Informal [British Columbia] | Burns Lake Historical Society | English | Canada British Columbia | 1973 | 200.6 | 0.603 |
Meeting Of The Winds: A History of Falkland [British Columbia] | Selody, Marjorie M. | English | Canada British Columbia | 1990 | 200.6 | 0.604 |
Powell River's First 50 Years 1910-1960 [British Columbia] | Powell River | English | Canada British Columbia | 1960 | 200.6 | 0.605 |
Smithers: From Swamp to Village, 60th Anniversary Project 1921-1981 [British Columbia] | Town of Smithers | English | Canada British Columbia | 1981 | 200.6 | 0.606 |
Vanderhoof The Town That Wouldn't Wait.[British Columbia] | Nechako Valley Historical Society | English | Canada British Columbia | 1979 | 200.6 | 0.607 |
Tomslake, History Of Sudetan Germans in Canada [British Columbia] (2 copies) | Amstatter, Andrew | English | Canada British Columbia | 1978 | 200.6 | 0.608 |
Okanagan Roots - A Historical Look at the South Okanagan and Similkameen [British Columbia] | Cox, Doug | English | Canada British Columbia | 1987 | 200.6 | 0.609 |
A History Of Early Revelstoke [British Columbia | Dickey, E.E.; Daem, M. | English | Canada British Columbia | 1966 | 200.6 | 0.61 |
The Germans in Canada I the Example of the Young Kitchener and Old Berlin; Translation of Wege und Wandlungen: Die Deutschen in aller Welt Heute Vol. 3, 1983 | Laenglin, Bernd G.; Transl. Kuester, M. F. | English | Canada Ontario | 1987 | 200.7 | .700 |
Biographical History Of Waterloo Township [Ontario] | Weber, Eldon D. | English | Canada Ontario | 1971 | 200.7 | 0.701 |
HSGPV Ontario Binder: Germans in Ontario German Pioneers Of Toronto And Marklham Township - ID 200.704/000311 German Canadian Yearbook, Volume VI (1981) [Toronto] | English | Canada Ontario | 200.7 | 0.702 | ||
Peoples Of The Maritimes - Germans [Canada] | Waseem, Gertrud | English | Canada Maritimes | 2000 | 200.9 | 0.901 |
Germans in Lunenburg & Halifax, Nova Scotia | HSGPV | English | Canada Maritimes | 2008 | 200.9 | |
Ginny A Canadian Story Of Love And Friendship | Brown, Eric | English | Canada | 1999 | 300 | 0.001 |
Great Canadian War Heroes Victoria Cross Recipients of World War II | Douglas, Tom | English | Canada | 2005 | 300 | 0.002 |
German Immigration Into Canada | Friedmann, Wolfgang G. | English | Canada | 1951 | 300 | 0.003 |
They Came From East & West--A History Of Immigration To Canada | Sturhahn, William | English | Canada Immigration | 1976 | 300 | 0.006 |
They Sought A New World, The Story of European Immigration to North America | Kurelek, William | English | Canada Immigration | 1985 | 300 | 0.007 |
Escape From Canada The untold story of German POWs in Canada 1939-1945 | Melady, John | English | Canada History WWII | 1981 | 300 | 0.01 |
Grant MacEwand's Illustrated History Of Western Canadian Agriculture | Macewan, Grant | English | Canada West | 1980 | 300 | 0.013 |
German Settlements in Canada | University Of Regina, Sk | English | Canada | 2008 | 300 | 0.021 |
Park Prisoners The Untold Story of Western Canada's National Parks, 1915-1946 | Waiser, Bill | English | Canada History | 1995 | 300 | 0.024 |
The Book Of Canada | Canadian Medical Association | English | Canada | 1930 | 300 | 0.03 |
Behind Canadian Barbed Wire Alien, Refugee and Prisoner of War Camps in Canada 1914-1946 | Carter, David J. | English | Canada | 1980 | 300 | 0.032 |
Prairie Schools [Canada] | Charyk, John Constantine | English | Canada West | 300 | 0.035 | |
The German Canadian Mosaic Today and Yesterday Identities, Roots, and Heritage | German-Canadian Congress | English | Canada | 1991 | 300 | 0.04 |
In Search Of Your Canadian Roots | Baxter, Angus | English | Canada | 1999 | 300 | 0.043 |
The Old World And The New Literary Perspectives of German-speaking Canadians | Riedel, Walter E | English | Canada | 1984 | 300 | 0.056 |
Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village (Pictorial) | Milani, Gary | English | Canada | 1989 | 300 | 0.058 |
The Promised Land Settling the West 1896-1914 | Berton, Pierre | English | Canada West | 1984 | 300 | 0.062 |
The German Canadians 1750-1937 Immigration, Settlement & Culture Translated by Gassler, Gerhard | Lehmann, Heinz; Translated: Bassler, Gerhard P. | English | Canada | 1986 | 300 | 0.065 |
Deutschkanadisches Jahrbuch, Volume II - 1975 Various Articles | Froeschle, Hartmut | English German | Canada Yearbook Language: English & German | 1975 | 300 | 300.501 |
Deutschkanadisches Jahrbuch, Volume III - 1976 Various Articles | Froeschle, Hartmut | English German | Canada Yearbook Language: English & German | 1976 | 300 | 300.502 |
Deutschkanadisches Jahrbuch, Volume IV-1978 Various Articles | Froeschle, Hartmut | English German | Canada Yearbook Language: English & German | 1978 | 300 | 300.503 |
Deutschkanadisches Jahrbuch, Volume V-1978 Various Articles | Froeschle, Hartmut | English German | Canada Yearbook Language: English & German | 1979 | 300 | 300.504 |
Deutschkanadisches Jahrbuch, Volume VI - 1981 Various Articles | Froeschle, Hartmut | English German | Canada Yearbook Language: English & German | 1981 | 300 | 300.505 |
Deutschkanadisches Jahrbuch, Volume VII - 1983 Various Articles | Froeschle, Hartmut | English German | Canada Yearbook Language: English & German | 1983 | 300 | 300.506 |
Deutschkanadisches Jahrbuch, Volumes VIII - 1984 200 Years of German Participation in the Building of Ontario 1784-1984 | Friesen, Gerhard; Gürttler, Karin | English German | Canada Yearbook Language: English & German | 1984 | 300 | 300.507 |
Deutschkanadisches Jahrbuch, Volumes IX - 1986 Various Articles | Friesen, Gerhard; Gürttler, Karin | English German | Canada Yearbook Language: English & German | 1986 | 300 | 300.508 |
Deutschkanadisches Jahrbuch, Volumes X - 1988 Various Articles | Friesen, Gerhard; Gürttler, Karin | English German | Canada Yearbook Language: English & German | 1988 | 300 | 300.509 |
Deutschkanadisches Jahrbuch, Volumes XI - 1990 German Canadiana: A Bibliography | Froeschle, Hartmut; Zimmermann, Lothar | English German | Canada Yearbook Language: English & German | 1990 | 300 | 300.51 |
Deutschkanadisches Jahrbuch, Volumes XII - 1992 The German-Canadians. A Consise History | Froeschle, Hartmut | English German | Canada Yearbook Language: English & German | 1992 | 300 | 300.511 |
Deutschkanadisches Jahrbuch, Volumes XIII - 1993 Various Articles | Weissborn, Georg K. | English German | Canada Yearbook Language: English & German | 1993 | 300 | 300.512 |
Deutschkanadisches Jahrbuch, Volumes XIV - 1995 | Froeschle, Hartmut | English German | Canada Yearbook Language: English & German | 1995 | 300 | 300.513 |
Deutschkanadisches Jahrbuch, Volumes XV - 1998 | Gürttler, Karin; Zimmermann, Lothar | English German | Canada Yearbook Language: English & German | 1998 | 300 | 300.514 |
Pemmican A Novel of the Hudson's Bay Company | Fisher, Vardis | English | Canada | 1956 | 300 | 900.025 |
A Socio-Economic History Of German- Canadians: They, Too, Founded Canada. (2 copies) [VSWG-Beiheft 75] | Helling, Rudolf A. | English | Canada History | 1984 | 300 | 0.045 0.046 |
Six War Years 1939-1945 Memories of Canadians at Home and Abroad | Broadfoot, Barry | English | Canada History WWII | 1974 | 300 | |
The Pioneer Years 1895 - 1914 Memories of Settlers Who Opened the West | Broadfoot, Barry | English | Canada | 1976 | 300 | |
Commission of Inquiry on War Criminals Report Part I: Public | Canada Government | English | Canada History | 1986 | 300 | |
Cheadle's Journal of Trip Across Canada 1862-1863 | Cheadle, Walter B. | English | Canada | 1971 | 300 | |
HSGPV Canada Binder: German-Canadian Yearbook 1986 German Canadian Culture Germans from Russia in Western Canada - Stumpp, Karl Leaving Europe Immigration to Canada | HSGPV | English | Canada Various | Various Years | 300 | |
Die Bergwelt Kanadas [Mountains and Geography of Canada] | Johann, A. E. | German | Canada Geography Language: German | 1984 | 300.5 | 0.515 |
Ein Traumland-British Columbia Reisen im kanadischen Westen [A Dreamland - British Columbia Travels in Western Canada] | Johann, A.E. | German | Canada British Columbia Travel Language: German | 1990? Unknown | 300.5 | 0.516 |
Im Zauber Des Nordlichts Reisen und Abenteuer am Polarkreis [Magic of the Northern Lights - Travel and Adventure at the Polar Circle] | Meissner, Hans-Otto | German | Canada: Geography Language: German | 1990? Unknown | 300.5 | 0.517 |
Wildes Rauhes Land Reisen und Jagen im Norden Kanadas [Wild and Untouched Land - Travel and Hunting in Northern Canada] | Meissner, Hans-Otto | German | Canada North Language: German | 1990? Unknown | 300.5 | 0.518 |
100 Tage In Den Rocky Mountains [100 Days in the Rocky Mountains] | Eipper, Paul | German | Canada Geography West Language: German | 1958 | 300.5 | 0.519 |
Die Kanadischen Rockies [The Canadian Rockies] | Bonechi | German | Canada Geography West Language: German | 2006 | 300.5 | 0.52 |
Mut Zur Umkehr - Auswanderung Nach Kanada [Courage to Turn Around - Immigration to Canada] | Preiss, Charlotte | German English | Canada Immigration Language: German | 1992 | 300.5 | 0.521 |
Concordia Club 100 Years 1873-1973 | Concordia Club Kitchener | German English | Canada Ontario Language: German/English | 1973 | 300.5 | |
Concordia Club 125 Years 1873-1998 | Concordia Club Kitchener | German English | Canada Ontario Language: German/English | 1998 | 300.5 | |
Heimatbrief Kreis Gerdauen Nr. 47, Juli 2011 Nr. 48, Dezember 2011 Nr. 49, Juni 2012 Nr. 50, Dezember 2012 | Kreis Gerdauen | German | Prussia | 400 | .20, .21, 22, 23 | |
Heimatkalender Der Bessarabiendeutschen: 1967, 1968, 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1980 | Bessarabischer Heimatkalender | German | Periodical Bessarabia | 400 | 0.210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216 | |
Amana Church Society of east-central Iowa, USA [German immigrants] | HSGPV | English | Religion Amana USA | 2008 | 500 | 0 |
Pennsylvania Dutch/Deutsch; Pennsilfaanisch-Deitsch [History-Europe & USA & Culture] | HSGPV | English | Religion PDutch | 2008 | 500 | 0.001 |
The German And Swiss Settlements Of Colonial Pennsylvania A Study of the So-Called Pennsylvania Dutch | Kuhns, Oscar | English | Religion PDutch | 1914, 1900 | 500 | 0.002 |
Legendary Hex Signs [of Pennsylvania Dutch fascination]; includes: history, colors, hex stories, meanings | Zook, Jacob | English | Religion PDutch | 1999 | 500 | 0.003 |
Pennsylvania Dutch Folklore | Smith, Elmer L. | English | Religion PDutch | 1960 | 500 | 0.004 |
Church In Germany: Facts Pictures Aspects | Association of Churches and Missions | English | Religion Germany | 1987 | 500 | 0.005 |
Yearbook of american and canadian churches 1981 | Jacquet, Constant H. | English | Religion North America | 1981 | 500 | 0.006 |
Santa In A Peanut for peace with love | Germans from Russia Heritage Society | English | Religion USA | 1982 | 500 | 0.007 |
Experiences From My Missionary Life In The Dakotas [Translation by Armand & Elaine Bauer] | Bauer, Rev Peter | English | Religion USA | Unknown | 500 | 0.008 |
Luther Alive Marin Luther and the making of the Reformation - The Crossroads of World History Series | Simon, Edith | English | Religion Europe | 1968 | 500 | 0.01 |
Historical Reflections A brief history of the German Church of God in Canada | Tonn, Gottlieb | English | Religion Canada | 1998 | 500 | 0.011 |
A Time To Speak | Benson, Ivor | English | Religion | 1977 | 500 | 0.014 |
Parson To Parson - good humor for nice people | Marzolf, Arnold H. - GRHS | English | Religion | 1985 | 500 | 0.015 |
The Shaker Village [Kentucky, USA] | Bial, Raymond | English | Religion Shakers | 2008 | 500 | 0.019 |
On The Backroad To Heaven - Old Order Hutterites, Mennonites, Amish And Brethren | Krayvill, Donald B.; Bowman, Carl F. | English | Religion Hutterite Mennonite Amish | 2001 | 500 | 0.021 |
Eine Deputationsreise von Rußland nach Amerika | Sudermann, Leonhard | German Fraktur/Gothic script | Religion | 1897, reprint | 500 | 500.503 |
Friedensklänge | Schmidt, William | German Fraktur/Gothic script | Religion | 1921 | 500 | 500.527 |
A Facsimile of Luther's Small Catechism, Wittenberg, 1531 | Luther, Martin | English | Religion | 500 | 500.552 | |
Der Herr Ist Nahe! | Blumbardt, Johann Christoph | German Fraktur/Gothic script | Religion: German | 1880 | 500 | 500.555 |
The Amish | Hochstetler, Mrs. Earl | English | Religion Amish | 1982, 1995 | 500.1 | 0.102 |
The Amish / Die Amische | HSGPV | English | Religion Amish | 2008 | 500.1 | 0.102 |
Why Do They Dress That Way? People's Place Book No. 7 | Scott, Stephen | English | Religion USA | 1986, 1997 | 500.1 | 0.106 |
Twenty Little Amish Quilts - with full-size templates | Marston, Gwen | English | Religion Amish | 1993 | 500.1 | 0.109 |
Amish Society - 4th Edition | Hostetler, John A. | English | Religion Amish | 1963, 1993 | 500.1 | 0.11 |
Hutterite Studies, Essays by Robert Friedmann | Bender, Harold S. - Editor | English | Religion Hutterite | 1961 | 500.2 | 0.2 |
Born Hutterite | Hofer, Samuel | English | Religion Canada | 1991 | 500.2 | 0.201 |
Dance Like A Poor Man [Flat Willow, Manitoba, Canada] | Hofer, Samuel | English | Religion Hutterite Canada | 1995 | 500.2 | 0.202 |
My Hutterite Life | Stahl, Lisa Marie | English | Religion Hutterite USA | 2003 | 500.2 | 0.203 |
I Am Hutterite - The fascinating true story of a young woman's journey to reclaim her heritage [Portage la Prairies, Canada] | Kirkby, Mary Ann | English | Religion Hutterite Canada | 2007 | 500.2 | 0.204 |
The Hutterites / Die Hutteriten | HSGPV | English | Religion Hutterite | 2008 | 500.2 | 0.205 |
Das Vergessene Volk -- Ein Jahr bei den deutschen Hutterern in Kanada | Holzach, Michael | German | Religion Hutterite Canada | 1980 | 500.2 | 500.506 |
Where Once They Toiled - A Visit to the Former Mennonite Homelands in the Vistula River Valley | Brandt, Eward Reimer | English | Religion Mennonite USA | 1992 | 500.3 | 0.3 |
An Introduction To Mennonite History - A popular history of the Anabaptists and the Mennonites | Dyck, Cornelius J. (Editor) | English | Religion Mennonite | 1967 | 500.3 | 0.301 |
The History of Eden Mennonite Church, Chilliwack, BC 1945-1995 - 50th Anniversary | Eden Mennonite Church | English | Religion Mennonite | 1995 | 500.3 | 0.302 |
Mennoniten In Der Umgebung von Omsk [Russia] | Rahm, Peter | German | Religion Mennonite Russia | 1970? | 500.3 | 0.303 |
First Mennonite Villages In Russia, 1789-1943; Khortitsa - Rosental | Kroeker, N. J. | English | Religion Mennonite Russia | 1981 | 500.3 | 0.306 |
The Mennonites Of Western Canada | Lohrenz, Gerhard | English | Religion Mennonite Canada | 1974 | 500.3 | 0.307 |
The Bergthal Colony [Russia & Canada] | Schroeder, William | English | Religion Mennonite | 1974 | 500.3 | 0.308 |
Mennonite Historical Atlas - 2nd Edition | Schroeder, William & Huebert, Helmut T. | English | Religion Mennonite | 1996 | 500.3 | 0.31 |
The Helpless Poles [Mennonite History In Congress Poland] | Unruh, Abe J. | English | Religion Mennonite | 1973 | 500.3 | 0.312 |
Mennonite Church In America, Volume II - History (Sometimes called Old Mennonites) | Wenger, J. C. | English | Religion Mennonite USA | 1966 | 500.3 | 0.313 |
In Search Of Freedom (Mennonites From Russia To America) | Sudermann, Leonhard | English | Religion Mennonites | 1974 | 500.3 | 0.314 |
Journal of Mennonite Studies 1986, Volume 4 | Mennonite Literary Society, Winnipeg Manitoba | English | Religion Mennonite | 1986 | 500.3 | 0.315 |
Mennonite Family History - Volume Xiii, Number 3; July 1994 | Mennonite Family History, Pennsylvania | English | Religion Mennonite | 1994 | 500.3 | 0.316 |
Mennonite World Conference - information handbook and tour guide - 1990 | Mennonite Heritage Centre, Manitoba | English | Religion Mennonite | 500.3 | 0.317 | |
Architectural Heritage - Traditional Mennonite Architecture In Rural Municipality of Stanley [Manitoba] | Ledohowski, Edward; Butterfield, David | English | Religion Mennonites | 1990 | 500.3 | 0.318 |
From Danzig To Russia - The First Emigration of Mennonites from the Danzig Region to Southern Russia | Hildebrand, Peter | English | Religion Mennonites | 2000 | 500.3 | 0.319 |
The Mennonite Handbook | Herald Press | English | Religion Mennonites | 2007 | 500.3 | 0.32 |
Peeking Through the Knothole - Scenes for the Soul from the 1940's | Barkman, Alma | English | Religion Mennonites | 2006 | 500.3 | 0.321 |
Reminiscings Of Mennonite Life in Waterloo County | Horst, Mary Ann | English | Religion Mennonites | 1996 | 500.3 | 0.322 |
The Mennonites / Die Mennoniten | HSGPV | English | Religion Mennonite | 2008 | 500.3 | 0.323 |
The Steppes Are The Colour Of Sepia - A Mennonite Memoir | Braun, Connie | English | Religion Mennonites | 2008 | 500.3 | 0.324 |
of this Earth A Mennonite Boyhood in the Boreal Forest | Wiebe, Rudy | English | Religion Mennonites | 2006 | 500.3 | 0.325 |
Remember Us Letters from Stalin's Gulag (1930-37) Volume One: The Regehr Family [Russian Mennonites] | Siemens, Ruth Derksen | English | Religion Mennonites | 2007 | 500.3 | 0.326 |
Im Weischelbogen Mennonitensiedlungen In Zentralpolen | Ratzlaff, Erich | German | Religion Mennonite | 1971 | 500.3 | 500.502 |
The Founding Of The Moravian Church In Western Canada & the Andreas Lilge Story | Vitt, Kurt H. | English | Religion Moravian | 1982 | 500.4 | 0.402 |
Heimtal Moravian Church, An Evangelical Community Church, Founded In1896, Edmonton, Alberta - 75th Anniversary | Heimtal Moravian Church | English | Religion Moravian | 1971 | 500.4 | 0.404 |
The Hoyler Diaries 1896-1909, Moravian Churc, Edmonton, Alberta | Canadian Moravian Historical Society | English | Religion Moravian | 1990, May | 500.4 | 0.406 |
The Moravians / Die Herrnhuter | HSGPV | English German | Religion: Moravian | 2008 | 500.4 | 0.407 |
First Baptist Church, Our Pilgrimmage of Faith 1894-1994 [Leduc, Alberta] | First Baptist Church | English | Religion Church | 1994 | 500.7 | 0.702 |
The Alexander Chronicles Ancestors and Descendants of Michael Alexander | The Michael Alexander Family Association; Alexander, Dale T. | English | Family History | 1993 | 600 | .001 |
Descendants Of Friedrich George Altwasser Descendants of Andreas Grams | Manning, Donald | English | Family History | 1998? | 600 | 0.002 |
The Arndt Family Of Neudorf, Lang, and Yellow Grass, Saskatchewan | Wuschke, Ewald (Compiler) | English | Family History | 1990 | 600 | 0.003 |
Die Familien Arndt Und Stebner | Arndt, Nikolaus und Stebner, Tatjana | German | Family History | 1996 | 600 | 0.004 |
Sompolno to Strathcona | Neuman, Ron | English | Family History | 1984 | 600 | 0.005 |
Die Shitomirer Arndts (3 copies) | Arndt, Nikolaus | German | Family History | 1970 | 600 | 0.006 |
The Klatt Family | Wusch, Ewald (compiler) | English | Family History | 2010 ? | 600 | 0.007 |
My Life Experiences and Struggles - Leontina Sonnenburg (Ulmer) | Sonnenburg, Leontina | English | Family History | 2002 | 600 | 0.008 |
Gottlieb Benke, Jr. Family | Wuschke, Ewald | English | Family History | 2002 | 600 | 0.009 |
Seven Generations Of Alexander Berendts Family | Berendt, Erich | English | Family History | 1978 | 600 | 0.01 |
The Wandering Bergstrasser Clan Additional in plastic insert: The Family Ancestral Tour 1993 and Echo | Less, Virginia, Less, Gerhardt | English | Family History | 2001 | 600 | 0.011 |
The Bergstrasser Families, 1992 | Bergstrasser,Vogel | English | Family History | 1992, May | 600 | 0.012 |
The Bessel Tree | Bessel | English | Family History | 1991 | 600 | 0.013 |
Spreading Branches The Biberdorf Family Tree | Biberdorf, Emil | English | Family History | 1976 | 600 | 0.014 |
Bjorkquist Family History | Bjorquist, Connie | English | Family History | 2005 | 600 | .016 |
Always Another Sunrise - A Prairie Memoir | Stober, Al | English | Family History | 2008 | 600 | .016 |
Nine Children Who Started Our World | Teske, Jane | English | Family History | 1996 | 600 | 0.019 |
A Tree In B.U.D Brenner, Ulmer, Dusterhoft | Gray, Arleen; Brenner, Verna | English | Family History | 1992 | 600 | 0.02 |
Wherever You Go | Janssen, Ruth | English | Family History | 1989 | 600 | 0.021 |
Altstädt Information From Sggee Website Files, 2007 | Altstädt-Rosin | English | Family History | Unknown | 600 | 0.022 |
The Damaske Family (Damaschke, Dumaschke) | Wuschek, Ewald (Compiler) | English | Family History | 1993 | 600 | 0.024 |
Deutschlander Family | Lenz, Karl | English | Family History | 1997? | 600 | 0.025 |
The Domres Family | Domries, Domreis, Dumries, Domroese | English | Family History | 1989, March | 600 | 0.027 |
A Century Of Doms History In Western Canada | Domes, Herb, Domes, Art | English | Family History | 1990? | 600 | 0.028 |
The Effa Family History, 1833-1993 | Effa, Lucille M. | English | Family History | 1993 | 600 | 0.029 |
Esslinger/Eslinger 1787-1999 Tracing the 'Family Roots' from Europe to Canada | Petznik, Joyce (Esslinger) | English | Family History | 1999 | 600 | 0.031 |
Our Falkenberg Family | Effa, Lucille M (Fillenberg) | English | Family History | 2000 | 600 | 0.032 |
Our Kith & Kith | Freehling, Ruth | English | Family History | 1990 | 600 | 0.035 |
Fritz-Ke Family Tree | Fritz-Ke | English | Family History | 1997? | 600 | 0.036 |
My Life In Review Memoirs of Reverend Fred. T. Gabert | Gabert, Fred T (Reverend) | English | Family History | 1984, October | 600 | 0.037 |
Four of Us Made It Jack Gerlinger | Gerlinger, Jack | English | Family History | 1973? | 600 | 0.038 |
The Descendants Of Martin Grams | Wuschek, Ewald (Compiler) | English | Family History | 1994, December | 600 | 0.041 |
Emil Greve Family | Lenz, Karl A. | English | Family History | 1980 | 600 | 0.044 |
Heritage of the Grift Family 1846 - 1985 | Grift, Edward | English | Family History | 1985 | 600 | .045 |
Gussie Family Gussie Family Reunion - August 1995 | Nolan, Joyce (Gussie) | Family History | 1995 | 600 | 0.046 | |
The Carl J. Hennig Family History | Hennig, Rev. C. J. | English | Family History | 1983 | 600 | 0.05 |
Karl Hildebrand 1859-1982 | Memoirs of My Faith Journey from Wolhynia to Canada - Alma (Pinno) Kisser | English | Family History | 1982 | 600 | 0.051 |
My Memories By Gustav Henschel 1874-1963 | Kublik, Lawrence | English | Family History | 2010 | 600 | 0.052 |
The Hiller Family Tree (3 copies) | Hiller | English | Family History | 1999? | 600 | 0.053 |
Reflections Samuel Hoffman and Descendants 1831-1983 | Various | English | Family History | 1980 | 600 | 0.054 |
The Jaster Family History: From Daniel Jaster 1760 to Present | Richards, Dianne (Grams) | English | Family History | 1995 | 600 | 0.057 |
The Jaster Family | Wusch, Ewald (compiler) | English | Family History | Unknown | 600 | 0.057 |
The Job Family | Wuschek, Ewald (Compiler) | English | Family History | Unknown | 600 | 0.058 |
Peter Job & Susane Eichhorst & Jerke | Jerke, Reinhold (Germany) | German | Family History | Unknown | 600 | 0.059 |
Volhynia To Canada, A Family'S Experiences In History | Kautz, G. W | English | Family History | 1979 ? | 600 | 0.06 |
Kautz Family History | Kautz | English | Family History | 1985 | 600 | 0.061 |
Frederich & Karoline Kitzmann & Their Descendants | Kitzmann | English | Family History | 1997 | 600 | 0.062 |
The Descendants Of Lewan & Ewa Klar | Pauling, Linda Marks | English | Family History | 1990 | 600 | 0.063 |
Klassen: A Family Heritage | Klassen, Johann J | English | Family History | 1980 | 600 | 0.064 |
Knull | Knull Family | English | Family History | 1988 | 600 | 0.066 |
The Kestek-Lemke (Koesterke) Story | Akers, Mildred (Kestek), Akers, Ronald | English | Family History | 1995 | 600 | 0.067 |
Genealogy Of Wilhelm Koser, 1862 & Wilhelmina Schwiderke, 1864 | Koser, Schwiderke | English | Family History | 1995 | 600 | 0.069 |
Genealogy Of Michael Krentz 1828-1985 | Krentz, Roy | English | Family History | 1985 | 600 | 0.07 |
The Peter Kruger Family From East Prussia To The United States | Wilson, Mary Louise | English | Family History | 1995 | 600 | 0.071 |
Kruger-Domke Biography | Kruger, Domke | German | Family History | 1980? | 600 | 0.072 |
A Ship Of Living Memories Keen Family History Committee Handbook | Kuehn / Keen Family History Committee | English | Family History | 1986 | 600 | 0.073 |
A Kuehn Family Scrapbook Volume 1, January 1992 | Kuehn, Felix G. | English | Family History | 1992, January | 600 | 0.074 |
A Kuehn Family Scrapbook Voumel 1, July 1992 | Kuehn, Felix G. | English | Family History | 1992, July | 600 | 0.074 |
Family Of Samuel Kwiram, Sr. | Kwiram, Alvin L, Kwiram, Verla R | English | Family History | 1988 | 600 | 0.075 |
Lange's Small Family Tree | Lange, Job | English | Family History | 1978 | 600 | 0.076 |
Qui Summus? Our Home North Of Mazenod, Sk | Lange, Paul Edward | English | Family History | 1987 | 600 | 0.077 |
Heritage Of Hope, Leonhardt Legacy | Leonardt, Betty | English | Family History | 1983 | 600 | 0.078 |
A Lippert Story | Neuman, Ron | English | Family History | 1992 | 600 | 0.079 |
Mang Reunion 1975 | Mang | English | Family History | 1975 | 600 | 0.08 |
Marsch: A History of the Marsch Family In Europe and North America | Hildebrand, Charles, Marsch, John, Wuschke, Ewald | English | Family History | 1993 | 600 | 0.082 |
Bicycles, Bombs, Boats & Bulls | McHaffie, Robert Cameron | English | Family History | 1999 | 600 | .083 |
F. A. Mueller Family Tree | Effa, Lucille M (Fillenberg) | English | Family History | 1990 | 600 | 0.086 |
Mund/Mundt Families | Twardzik, Carol Mund | English | Family History | 1988 | 600 | 0.088 |
Noel, Beskau, Jaek, Mantei Biography | Noel, Gustave A. | English | Family History | 1988 | 600 | 0.09 |
The F. Christian & Anna Eleanora (Zafft) Ortmann Family History 1800-1992 | Hofer, Marnette D (Ortman) | English | Family History | 1993 | 600 | 0.091 |
The Ott Family On Two Continents | Brandt, Edward R. (Compiler) | English | Family History | 1975 | 600 | 0.092 |
Ancestors Of Phillip Ott & Maria Elizabeth Adam | Brandt, Edward R. | English | Family History | 1988 | 600 | 0.093 |
A Family Album: Patkau - Harder 1757-1980 | Patkau, Esther L. | English | Family History | 1980 | 600 | 0.094 |
Ancestors & Descendants of Julius Ludwig Patzwald & Karoline Weber o Shitomir Parish, Volhynia, Russia and Lemberg, Saskatchewan, Canada | Raths, Wilfred K, Lenz, Karl A | English | Family History | 1996, July | 600 | 0.095 |
The Poppke, Felchle Family, 1994 | Poppke, Felchle | English | Family History | 1994 | 600 | 0.096 |
Poppke Family History | Poppke, Herb | English | Family History | 1992 | 600 | 0.096 |
The Schalin Family | Wuschek, Ewald (Compiler) | English | Family History | Unknown | 600 | 0.097 |
Quiram Families | Jarocki, Karen (Compiler) | English | Family History | 1990 | 600 | 0.098 |
A Place To Call Home -- R & E Belter (2 Copies) | Ratzlaff, Dijie | English | Family History | 2008 | 600 | 0.099 |
Rossnagel | Wuschke, Ewald | English | Family History | 1991 | 600 | 0.101 |
Searching For Freedom Rothe Family: as recorded by Richard Rothe | Magnusson, Kristiana | English | Family History | 1985 | 600 | 0.102 |
Mother's Faith - Our Heritage | von Wittgenstein, H E | English | Family History | Unknown | 600 | 0.103 |
The John Frantz People From Poland To Central Kansas | Frantz, Wiebe | English | Family History | 1979 | 600 | 0.104 |
Man In Action | Sattelmeier, Frederick Albert | English | Family History | 1966 | 600 | 0.105 |
Our Schalin Family 1770-2003 | Effa, Lucille (Fillenberg) | English | Family History | 2003 | 600 | 0.106 |
The Quast Family Tree (2 Copies) | Quast | English | Family History | 1997? | 600 | 0.107 |
The Schiemann Family Tree | Schiemann | English | Family History | 1992 ? | 600 | 0.108 |
Torn Roots | Wentland, Theodore | English | Family History | 1976 | 600 | 0.109 |
Descendants Of John Schmidt & Magdalena Kopfenstein | Schmidt, Kopfenstein | English | Family History | 1989 | 600 | 0.11 |
Ludwig Schultz & Julianna Woitt Descendants | Schultz, Alice | English | Family History | 1998? | 600 | 0.111 |
The Memoirs Of Beate Barleben | Brandt, Edward R. | English | Family History | 2002? | 600 | 0.112 |
Julius Schultz Family History | Schultz, Darlene | English | Family History | 1987 | 600 | 0.113 |
Courage & Roots, Sommerfeld Family History A Genealogy Of Six Known Generations | Neurauter, Luella (Sommerfeld) | English | Family History | 1987 | 600 | 0.114 |
The Sturby, Scherby Family History | Sturby, Orville | English | Family History | 1982 | 600 | 0.115 |
The Timm Family | Wuschek, Ewald (Compiler) | English | Family History | 1989 | 600 | 0.116 |
Titchkosky Family Reunion 1988 | Lumgair, Doris | English | Family History | 1988 | 600 | 0.117 |
The Unger Heritage | Dahl, Ervin (Compiler) | English | Family History | 1979 | 600 | 0.118 |
The Voelpel Reunion, Descendants Ofjakob & Caroline Voelpel | Wuschke, Ralph C. | English | Family History | 1973 | 600 | 0.119 |
The Weick Family | Effa, Lucille M. | English | Family History | 1988 | 600 | 0.121 |
The Descendants Of Martin & Juliana Gluck & George & Elizabeth Wendland | Collins, Charles A | English | Family History | 1994 | 600 | 0.123 |
Family History Of Andreas & Magdalena Möwes Widmer | Widmer, Elmer Andreas | English | Family History | 1994 | 600 | 0.125 |
Our Wiensz Heritage | Wiens, Victor D. | English | Family History | 1980 | 600 | 0.126 |
The Wilde Family | Wuschke, Ewald | English | Family History | 1983 ? | 600 | 0.127 |
The Wilke, Welke Family | Wuschek, Ewald (Compiler) | English | Family History | 1988 | 600 | 0.128 |
Woitt, Wuit, White | Woit | English | Family History | Unknown | 600 | 0.129 |
Life With Dad (Ewald Wuschke) ( A Speech By Son) | Wuschke | English | Family History | 1998 | 600 | 0.131 |
The Zucknick, Duelge, and Diem Familes Ancestors and Descendants | Renick, Barbara (Zuknick) | English | Family History | 1991 | 600 | 0.133 |
A Life's Journey | Benke, Max | English | Family History | 2008 | 600 | 0.134 |
Rosin Information From Sggee Website Files | SGGEE | English | Family History | 2007 | 600 | 0.134 |
W.D. Albright | Stacey, E.C. | English | Family History | 1974 | 600 | 0.135 |
The August Fellenberg Family 1850-2004 | Fillenberg-Effa, Lucille | English | Family History | 2004 | 600 | 0.136 |
Descendants of …. Wilhelm Biedermann Gottfried Besler Friedrich Neumann Andreas Weidemann | (Biedermann, Besler, Neumann) | English | Family History | Unknown | 600 | 0.137 |
The Seventh Son - The Autobiography Of Daniel Boettcher | Boettcher, Daniel | English | Family History | 1975 | 600 | 0.138 |
Wilhelm And Emilie Schmidt Family | Wallbank, Esther | English | Family History | 2006 | 600 | 0.139 |
Louis' Legacy - An Overview Of The Life Of Louis Tauber 1908-1985 | Klassen, Johann J | English | Family History | 2008 | 600 | 0.14 |
Bessarabian Knight A Peasant Caught Between the Red Star and the Swastika Immanuel Weiss's True Story Includes 1-page summary. | Weiss, Immanuel | English | Family History | 1991 | 600 | 0.143 |
The Story of a Preacher from Russia - An Autobiography by E J Bonikowsky | Bonikowsky, Emil J (Translated by Adolf Bonny) | English | Family History | 1961 | 600 | 0.144 |
Fish Tales & Binder Twine | Ertman, Arthur C, Ertman, Clara O. | English | Family History | 2003```` | 600 | 0.145 |
Fateful Danube Journey A True Account of an Emigration to Russia 1816-1817 Volume 4 | Author: Unknown Translator: Wenzlaff, Theodore C. | English | Family History | 1973 | 600 | 0.146 |
Irene's Song (Danube Swabian Story) | Julian, Astrid | English | Family History | 1993 | 600 | 0.147 |
Escape From The Red Paradise A Journey of Thousands of Miles from Communist Slavery to Freedom | Neumann, Erica Margita | English | Family History | 2000 | 600 | 0.148 |
Deutschlander, Maria: The complete original story of Rose Clausen-Mohr's mother. | Clausen-Mohr, Rose | English | Family History | Unknown | 600 | 0.149 |
In Search of a Heimatland Memoirs of My Faith Journey from Wolhynia to Canada - Alma (Pinno) Kisser (2 copies) | Pinno, Erhard, Pinno, Lorene | English | Family History | 2008 | 600 | 0.15 |
Our Ancestors - Between the Land and the Spirit - Lange and Pohl Ancestors (Vol 1) | Lange, Elizabeth A., Dr. | English | Family History | 2016 | 600 | 0.151 |
Erinnerungen, Erlebnisse, Erfahrungen Zweite, revidierte Ausgabe | Krebs, Edmund | German | Family History | 1996 | 600 | 0.506 |
Heels of Gold [Brokenhead Manitoba Families] Six Families from Kreis Rummelsberg, Pomerania A Synopsis of the History of the Neumann, Trapp, Geschke, Truhn and Bauschke Families | Kuehn, Felix G. | English | Family History | 1992 | 600 | 0.543 |
Obituaries of Relatives and Friends of Adolph and Berta Kittlitz Edmonton, Alberta, Canada | Kittlitz, Berta | English | Family History | 1996 | 600 | 0.909 |
Bieberdorf-Biberdorf Our Family Book | Porter, Elene (Bieberdorf), Yoast, Theo (Bieberdorf) | English | Family History | 1987? | 600 | 15 |
Trek To Freedom - The escape of 2 Mennonite sisters from South Russia during WWII | Toews, Susanna | English | Family History | 1976 | 600 | 500.311 |
The Wedman Treasure Chest of Memories 1892-1992 [Alberta] | Wedman Family (Arnold & Anita) | English | Family History | 2009? | 600 | 900.023 |
Kurze Geschichte Und Stammbaum Des Fürtfl Hauses Liechtenstein [Family Trees Of Liechtenstein] | Ritter, Rupert | German Fraktur/Gothic script | Family History | Unknown | 600 | 1000.205 |
Ich War Dabel -- Kann Nicht Mehr Schweigen | Wolberts, Ingo R. | German | Family History | 1980? | 600 | 1000.663 |
Auf der Flucht geboren Stune Null und danach Kinder-und Mütter-Schicksale | Beutner, Bärbel | German | Family History | 1986 | 600 | 1000.671 |
Alles gut gegangen -- Everything Went Well Geschichte aus meinem Leben | Trenker, Luis | German | Family History | 1962, 1979 | 600 | 1500.041 |
Kartoffeln mit Stippe Eine Kindheit in der märkischen Heide | von Bredow, Gräfin Ilse | German | Family History | 1979 | 600 | 1500.157 |
Our Grandfather's Axe from Krumbeck to Canada by way of Poland and Russia 1756-1961 | Buse, Adolf & Buse, Dieter K. | English | Family History | 2008 | 600 | 3000.03 |
My Son, My Son (2 copies) | Miller, Donald N | English | Family History | 1997 | 600 | 0.084 .085 |
When I Was a Boy: Autobiography from a German Village in Poland 1935-1945 | Abraham, Edward | English | Family History | 2016, 1994 | 600 | |
Journeys in Search of Promised Lands The Roots and Branches of Eva and Alexander Berendt's Families | Berendt, Erich Adalbert, Prepared by | English | Family History | 2022, April | 600 | |
Autobiography Rev. Julius Schatkowski 1889-1974 | Binder | English German | Family History | 1974 | 600 | |
Krueger Kin and Relatied Families From Niederhagen, County Regenwalde, Pommern, Prussia | Bittner, Bernadette; Enz, Bernice; Ryan, Carol | English | Family History | 1977 | 600 | |
The Strong Survived | Connelly, Evelyn | English | Family History | 1999 | 600 | |
Criddle-De-Diddle-Ensis (Temporarily in storiage.) | Criddle, Alma (England) | English | Family History | 1973 | 600 | |
Ich trug den gelbern Stern | Deutschkron, Inge | German | Family History | 1992 ? | 600 | |
The Story of Ludwig Schaaf The Autobiographical Survival Account of Ludwig Schaaf and his Journey to Canada | Fortin, Jillian Schaaf, Ludwig | English | Family History | 2019 | 600 | |
Portrait of a Homesteader An Ancestral journey Through Poland, Volhynia, and Canada | Gess, Victor | English | Family History | 2017 | 600 | |
The Family of Gottlieb Schmidt | Gottlieb Schmidt Family Reunion members | English | Family History | 1984 | 600 | |
Beyond The Vistula The Harke Story Includes: Family Chart Poster (loose) | Harke Family History Committee | English | Family History | 1992 | 600 | |
We Were Children Growing up in Germany, 1936 to 1948 | Hess, Inge D. | English | Family History | 2014 | 600 | |
The Wild Children, Novel Study - Grade 7 | Holman, Felice by Omaha Public Schools | English | Family History | 2001 | 600 | |
Memories of World War II in Denmark | Jensen, Anna | English | Family History | Unknown | 600 | |
The Adam Mallas Family | Kalis (Mallas), Lorraine | English | Family History | 1985 | 600 | |
A Tale of Three Families Karl Mittelstadt & Augusta Tober August Rost & Augusta Tober Mittelstadt Gus Mittelstadt & Emma Tober | Kalis, Lorraine (nee Mallas) | English | Family History | 2005 | 600 | |
Escape From Russia The Friedrich Kautz Family History | Kautz, Gerhard W. | English | Family History | 2021 | 600 | |
Kendal Then and Now: Memories that Linger Community History - Saskatchewan | Kendal Historical Society | English | Family History | 1982 | 600 | |
LOOKING UP AND WALKING ON, Memoirs of Albertine and Oskar Pinno | Koester, Herta (Pinno) | English | Family History | 1992 | 600 | |
An Ancestral Journey Section 1: The Search For Something Better Section 2: The Willhelm Henschel and Leocadia Ganske Family Section 3: John Kublik, Kathrina Jantz, Maria Ratz Family Section 4: Henry Kublik Family [4 separate duotangs for each section] | Kublik, Lawrence Walter | English | Family History | 2023 | 600 | |
Our Ancestors - Between the Land and the Spirit - Newman and Ertman Ancestors (Vol 2) | Lange, Elizabeth A., Dr. | English | Family History | 2019 | 600 | |
50 Jahre später in die Heimat zurück | Noerenberg, Hannah | German | Family History | 2018 | 600 | |
Some Pinno Roots and Branches | Pinno, Erhard | English | Family History | 2018 | 600 | |
The Family of Daniel Kneller Then and Now | Plitt, Adella | English | Family History | 2018? | 600 | |
My Story | Rehn, Rev. Fritz | English | Family History | 1996 | 600 | |
The Riegert Heritage The Life and Genealogy of the Riegert Lineage from its European Roots to the New World | Riegert, Paul William | English | Family History | 1995 | 600 | |
Rink Family (includes maps) Unsere Vorfahren/Our Forefathers - Harold Rink, 2005 Ring Rink Seib Family Reunion 1993 How Far Away What Was Once Mine; Memories of Wolhynia - Friedrich Rink Das Schicksal der Auswanderer Familie Rink im Osten und ihre Heimkehr in den Westen Destiny of the Rinks-transl of Friedrich's research by son, Hartmuth - 2 copies, Heimatbuch 1959: Die Wolhyniendeutschen-Ihr Werk und ihr Schicksal. Letter from E. Hartstock to Friedrich Rink, 1954 Lutherans Remember German Heritage by Luebke, Phyllis -Stillwater NewsPress Ellis Island Internet Search-2009 | Rink, Harold Rink, Friedrich | English German | Family History | 2005, 1993 | 600 | |
Oh Cunada: A Story of our Schultz Family's Journey from Volhynia in the Old Country to Canada (The New Canaan | Schultz, Wayne | English | Family History | 2011 | 600 | |
The Schultz History as a Ballad | Schultz, Wayne | English | Family History | 2008 | 600 | |
In the Valley of the Kutchergan | Senger, Ida Katherina | English | Family History | 1999 | 600 | |
Baracke 7 | Waade, Silvia | German | Family History | 1985 | 600 | |
Herbstmilch Lebenserinnerungen einer Bäuerin | Wimschneider, Anna | German | Family History | 1985 | 600 | |
Grenz Von Güldendorf | Schurr, Albina | English | Family History | 1992 | 600.5 | 0.503 |
The Hein Family Tree Stammbaum der Familie Hein | Hein, Bruno Arthur | English German | Family History | 1975 | 600.5 | 0.504 |
Der Glaube Unserer Mutter Ist Unser Erbteil (2 copies) | Wittgenstein, H.E mit Hilfe von Frau Agathe Rothe & Soehne, Friedrich und Richard | German | Family History | 1974 | 600.5 | 0.505 |
Verplanzte Menschen- Zwölf Nachkriegsahre Einer Deutschen Mutter In Sudamerika | Hostein, Christine | German Fraktur/Gothic script | Family History | 1939 | 600.5 | .509 |
HSGPV - Recipes | HSGPV | German | Cooking | 2008 | 700 | 0.001 |
Küche Kochen | AHSGR American Historical Society of Germans from Russia | German | Cooking | 1973, 1990 | 700 | 0.002 |
Memories of Yesterday: Tastes for Today | Saskatchewan Genealogical Society | English | Cooking | 2005 | 700 | 0.003 |
Oma's Küche Anno 1899 | Wosch, Waltraut | English | Cooking | 1984 | 700 | 0.004 |
Favorite Recipes of Pommern Cooks | Pommerscher Verein, Wisconsin | English | Cooking | 1992 | 700 | 0.005 |
Bessarabian Food Specialities - Bessarabische Spezialitäten - from the settlement period of the German Colonists in the Black Sea Region, 1814-1949 | Knopp-Rüb, Gertrud | English German | Cooking | 1980? | 700 | 0.006 |
Be Our Guest Cookbook - Sei Unser Gast | AHSGR North Star Chapter | English | Cooking | 2006 | 700 | 0.007 |
All Along The Danube - Classic Cookery from the Great Cuisines of Eastern Europe | Polvay, Marina | English | Cooking | 1979 | 700 | 0.008 |
Cookbook for Germans from Russia | Däs, Nelly | English | Cooking | 2003 | 700 | 0.009 |
Ukraine Cooking | HSGPV | English | Cooking | 2008 | 700 | 0.011 |
The Unofficial German-Food Cookbook, Volume One | Clark, Marge | English | Cooking | 2008 | 700 | 0.012 |
Best Of Austrian Cuisine | Mayer-Browne, Elisabeth | English | Cooking | 1960, 2001 | 700 | 0.013 |
Cooking Around The World - Polish & Russian - 70 traditional dishes | Chamberlain, L./Atkinson, C. | English | Cooking | 2000, 2005 | 700 | 0.014 |
Mennonites Cooking & Folkways From South Russia Vol I | Voth, Norma Jost | English | Cooking | 1990 | 700 | 0.015 |
Mennonite Cooking & Folkways From South Russia Vol II | Voth, Norma Jost | English | Cooking | 1991 | 700 | 0.016 |
Meals With A Foreign Flair - 100 recipes from 18 countries | Better Homes & Gardens | English | Cooking | 1980? | 700 | 0.017 |
Famous Dishes Of The World - recipes from 26 countries | Born, Wina | English | Cooking | 1970 | 700 | 0.018 |
German-American Life, Recipes and Traditions | Zug, John & Gottier, Karin | English | Cooking | 1991 | 700 | 0.019 |
Amish Cooking | Pathway Publishers | English | Cooking | 2007 | 700 | 0.020 |
Das Große Weihnachtsbuch | Gööck/Lindner/Lubkohl | German | Cooking | Unknown | 700 | 700.2 |
Bessarabische Spezialitaten | Knopp-Rüb, Gertrud | German | Cooking | Unknown | 700.2 | 0.2 |
Backen Macht Freude - Dr. Oetker Bachbuch | Oetker, Dr. | German | Cooking | 1963 | 700.2 | 0.201 |
Dakota Kraut, A Memoir | Vossler, Ron | English | USA | 2003 | 800 | 0.004 |
Those Were The Days In Montana In The Mid 1920s to 1930s; Hein Family migration, Schweikert Families; Borodino history. Credit: www.remmick.org. | Hein Remmick, Lillian | English | Family History | 2008? | 800 | 0.009 |
Corn Cobs, Cow Chips & the Old Kitchen Range | Hoffer, Marvin | English | Family History | 2003 | 800 | .010 |
The Rise and Fall of the Great Powers Economic Change and Military Conflict from 1500 to 2000 | Kennedy, Paul | English | History World | 1987 | 800 | .013 |
Community Reminiscences…Wisconsin | Pieper, Ludwig | English | Family History | 2008? | 800 | 0.02 |
As He Saw It, F. D. Roosevelt | Roosevelt, Elliott | English | History USA | 1946 | 800 | 0.023 |
Dresden 1945 - The Devil's Tinderbox | McKee, Alexander | English | History Germany WWII | 1982 | 800 | 0.2 |
Dieppe 1942 - Echoes Of Disaster | Whitehead, William | English | WWII | 1979 | 800 | 0.201 |
Adolf Hitler Volume 1 | Toland, John | English | History Germany WWII | 1976 | 800 | 0.204 |
Inside The Third Reich Memoirs [Translated from the German] | Speer, Albert | English | History Germany WWII | 1970 | 800 | 0.205 |
In The Ruins Of The Reich | Botting, Douglas | English | History Germany WWII | 1985 | 800 | 0.206 |
The Germans | Graig, Gordon A | English | History Germany WWII | 1983 | 800 | 0.207 |
The World At War | Forester, Mark Arnold | English | History Germany WWII | 1973 | 800 | 0.208 |
The Land They Possessed | Breneman, Mary Worthy | English | USA | 1956 | 800 | 800.003 |
US Special Forces Fighting Elites | Macdonald, Peter | English | USA | 800 | 800.005 | |
Home Alone In America Letters Exchange by a Young German in the U.S. and His Family in Berlin from 1946 to 1955 | Dost, Elizabeth Arnswald | English | USA | 2004 | 800 | 800.006 |
Miracle Town Creating America's Bavarian Village in Leavenworth, Washington | Price, Ted as told to Miller, John | English | USA | 1997 | 800 | 800.021 |
The German Americans--An Ethnic Experience | Rippley, Lavern J. Reichmann E. | English | USA | 1993 & 1994 | 800 | 800.022 |
Recollections of Lebanon's Past, Lebanon, Connecticut, USA [Has references to Germans and Slavic people] | Lebanon Historical Society | English | USA | 1993 | 800 | 800.028 |
Plains Folk North Dakota's Ethnic History | North Dakota Centennial Heritage Series | English | USA | 1988 | 800 | 800.029 |
Heimat [Home] North America English and German | Scheider, Peter K. | English | USA | 2008? | 800 | 800.03 |
Colonial Living [USA] | Tunis, Edwin | English German | USA | 1957 | 800 | 800.033 |
Germans From Russia Settlers - Book Four The Way It Was The North Dakato Frontier Experience | Grass Roots Press | English | USA | 2002 | 800 | 800.034 |
Germans In Wisconsin Revised and Expanded Edition | Zeitlin, Richard H. | English | History USA | 2000 | 800 | 800.035 |
In Search Of Your German Roots United Germany Edition | Baxter, Angus | English | Reference | 1991 | 900 | 0.001 |
In Search Of Your European Roots - Second Edition (2 copies) | Baxter, Angus | English | Reference Genealogy | 2000 | 900 | 0.002 |
From Bush To Bushels A History of Bruderheim & District [Alberta] | Bruderheim Historical Committee | English | Canada Alberta | 1983 | 900 | 0.002 |
Germanic Genealogy Worldwide Sources | Brandt | English | Reference German Genealogy | 1995 | 900 | 0.003 |
Researching The Germans From Russia | Miller, Michael M. | English | Reference Russian Genealogy | 1987 | 900 | 0.004 |
Excerpts of The History Of The Second World War (Oversize Book) | Purnell & Sons Ltd. | English | Europe Germany WWII | Unknown | 900 | 800.21 |
From the Steppes to the Prairies The Germans Settling in Russia on the Volga and Ukraine; The Germans Settling in the Banat, and the Bohemians in Crimea; Their Resettlement in the Americas - North & South and in Canada | Aberle, Msgr. George P. | English | Reference Russia History | 1993 | 900 | |
Villages: AHSGR Project | AHSGR | English | Reference Genealogy Russia | Unknown | 900 | |
Karl Stumpp The Emigration from Germany to Russia in the Years 1763 to 1862 | AHSGR American Historical Society of Germans from Russia | English | Reference | 1978 | 900 | |
The Family Genealogy Recordkeeper Creating Your Own Family Tree | Baker, Wenday | English | Genealogy Recordkeeping | 900 | ||
The Reasons for the Emigration of our Forefathers | Bauman, Oberpastor | English | Reference Genealogy German Emigration | Unknown | 900 | |
Bondar's Simplified Russian Method Conversational and Commercial, 6th Edition | Bondar, D. | English Russian | Reference Russian Language | 1960? | 900 | |
Passenger Liners of the World Since 1893 - Revised Edition | Cairis, Nicholas T. | English | Genealogy History Ships | 1972 | 900 | |
German-English Dictionary | Coles | English German | Reference Dictionary | 1979 | 900 | |
Collins Gem French-German Dictionary | Collins | German French | Reference Dictionary | 1967 | 900 | |
Around the World in 1,000 Pictures - 1954 | Double Day & Company | English | Reference Travel | 1954 | 900 | |
Die Reise in die Vergangenheit Band 1, 2, 3, 4 Ein geschichliches Arbeitsbuch | Ebeling / Birkenfeld; Westermann | German | Reference Encyclopedia | 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973 | 900 | |
Fackel-Lexidon A-Z 1955 | Fackel-Buchklub | German | Reference Encyclopedia | 1955 | 900 | |
Neues Volkslexikon 1968 | Fackelverlag | German | Reference Encyclopedia | 1958 | 900 | |
Redensarten Kleine Idiomatik der deutschen Sprache Bedeutung, Bedeutungsverwandtschaft und Gebrauch Idiomatischer Wendungen | Görner, Herbert | German | Reference | 1984 | 900 | |
150 Jahre Schwabensiedlungen in Polen 1795-1945 | Heike, Otto | German | Reference | 1979 | 900 | |
Der neue Herder A-L and M-Z (2 books) | Herder & Co. | German | Reference Encyclopedia | 1949 | 900 | |
dent's Canadian Metric Atlas | J. M. Dent | English | World Geography Atlas | 1981 | 900 | |
Pons Deutsch-English | Klett | German | Reference Dictionary | 1983 | 900 | |
Heimatarchiv und Heimatsmuseaum der Deutschen aus Mittelpolen und Wolhynien Verzeichnis bis zum 15. März 1963 Gesammelten Materials | Landmannschaft Weichsel-Warthe, usw. | German | Records | 900 | ||
Referate der Kulturtagung der Deutschen aus Russland-UdSSR vom 26. bis. Oktober 1990 in Stuttgart Kirche, Staat, Gesellschaft. Die Rußlanddeutschen am Scheideweg. | landsmannschaft der Deutschen aus Rußland e. V. | German | Reference Russia German | 1990 | 900 | |
Shell EuroKarte Deutschland 1:750,000 Mit Cityplänen und Kistanzenkarte | Marco Polo | German | Geography Map Germany | Unknown | 900 | |
Der Deutsche Schul- und Bildungsverein zu Lodz 1907 - 1957 Erinnerungsschrift zum 50. Jahrestag seiner | Markgraf, Horst und Weigelt, Fritz | German | Reference | 1957 | 900 | |
McKay's Modern English Swedicsh Dictionary | McKay | English Swedish | Reference Dictionary | 1965 | 900 | |
Bildatlas zur deutschen Geschichte uber 1500 Jahre deutsche Geschichte | Neuer Honos Verlag | German | Germany General Information | 2000? | 900 On Display | |
The Signet/Hammond World Atlas | New American Library | English | World Geography Atlas | 1978 | 900 | |
The Canadaian Oxford School Atlas Third Edition | Oxford University Press (Canadian Branch) | English | World Geography Atlas | 1979 | 900 | |
Rand McNally Quick Reference World Atlas | Rand McNally & Company | English | World Geography Atlas | 1989 | 900 | |
Rand McNally Road Atlas United States, Canada, Mexico | Rand McNally & Company | English | World Geography | 1998 | 900 | |
Reader's Diogest New Book of the Road | Reader'S Digest | English | World Geography | 1975 | 900 | |
The Reader's Digest Great Encyclopaeddic Dictionary 1964 Volumes I, 2, 3 | Reader'S Digest | English | Reference Dictionary | 1964 | 900 | |
One World Series Earth The World in Maps Calendar: 1991, 1994 | Reidmore Books | English | World Geography | 1994, 1991 | 900 | |
Taschenbuch für Familiengeschichtsforschung | Ribbe, Wolfgang; Henning, Eckert | German | Reference German Genealogy | 1975 | 900 | |
Canadian Geographic New Century Map of Canada | Royal Canadian Geographical Society | English | Geography Map Canada | 1999 | 900 | |
Weltmächte und Weltmeere 1:40,000,000 Reise-&Verkehresverlag Stuttgart Nr. 510 | Schwarz, Richard | German | World Geography | Unknown | 900 | |
in their Words: Volume I: Polish A Genealogist's Translation Guide to Polish, German, Latin, and Russian Documents | Shea, Jonathan D. & Hoffman, William F. | English | Reference | 2018 | 900 | |
in their Words: Volume II: Russian A Genealogist's Translation Guide to Polish, German, Latin, and Russian Documents | Shea, Jonathan D. & Hoffman, William F. | English | Reference | 2014 | 900 | |
in their Words: Volume II: Russian A Genealogist's Translation Guide to Polish, German, Latin, and Russian Documents | Shea, Jonathan D. & Hoffman, William F. | English | Reference | 2017 | 900 | |
in their Words: Volume III: Latin A Genealogist's Translation Guide to Polish, German, Latin, and Russian Documents | Shea, Jonathan D. & Hoffman, William F. | English | Reference | 2013 | 900 | |
AA Big Road Atlas Europe | The Automobile Association | English | Europe Geography Maps | 1983 | 900 | |
The Browser's Dictionary of Foreign Words and Phrases | Varchaver, Mary and Moore, Frank Ledlie | English | Reference Dictionary | 2006 | 900 | |
Emigration pictures (14) Includes: Tag der Heimat 1989 posters | Various | English German | Reference: Emigration | Various | 900 | |
Recht auf die Heimat Charter of the German Expellees Charta der Deutschen Heimatvertriebenen Stuttgart, August 5, 1950 Brochures: Wir informieren über uns | Vereiniigte Landmannschaften und Landesverbäne | English German | Reference Expellees | 1950 | 900 | |
Große Männer der Weltgeschichte Tausend berühmte Männer in Wort und Bild | Verlag Sebastian | German | Reference | 1970 | 900 | |
Das Grosse Buch des Wissens Lexikon in Wort und Bild 1956 | Wiegand, Erich | German | Reference Encyclopedia | 1956 | 900 | |
The Art of Blacksmithing, Revised Edition More Than 500 Illustrations | Bealer, Alex W. | English | History General Blacksmithing | 1976 | 900.1 | |
Genealogical Word List GERMAN | Family History Library | English German | Reference Genealogy German | Unknown | 900.1 | |
Family Search - EWZ Vault Film Numbers, alphabetical by name and conversion information. | Family Search LDS | English German | Records Volhynia | 900.1 | ||
Family Search: Various Documents to assist in Research 1990s | Family Search LDS | English | Genealogy Recordkeeping | 1990 | 900.1 | |
The Americanization of Russian-Germans as seen in the Fischer Family | Fischer | English | Reference Genealogy German | Unknown | 900.1 | |
Friesens General Information and Keeper of the Past newsletters 2000-2005 | Friesen Printers | English | Genealogy Recordkeeping | 2005 | 900.1 | |
Make History A Friesen Printers Guide to Producing Your Own Book (2 copies) | Friesen Printers | English | Genealogy Recordkeeping | 1982 | 900.1 | |
Make History A Friesen Printers Guide to Producing Your Own Book (2 copies) | Friesen Printers | English | Genealogy Recordkeeping | 2003 | 900.1 | |
Search Historical Newspapers | Genealogy,com 2017 | English | Reference Genealogy | 900.1 | ||
Research Guide to German-American Genealogy | German Interest Group - A Branch of the Minnesota Genealogical Society | English | Reference German American Genealogy | 1991, May | 900.1 | |
Der Stammbaum 1997 Genealogical Research; Heritage Review: 1990: Vol. 20, No. 1 1997: Vol. 20, No. 1 | Germans from Russia Heritage Society | English | Reference Genealogy | 1990, 1997 | 900.1 | |
Bibliographie; herausgeben von der Sttiftung Haus des Deutschen Ostens und Lodzer Industriegebiet | Heike, Otto | German | Reference German Genealogy | 1976 | 900.1 | |
Clip art | Herff Jones | English | Genealogy Recordkeeping | 900.1 | ||
Research at the Family History Center Book 9 | Heritage Productions | English | Genealogy | 1997 | 900.1 | |
Man's Journey Through Time A perspective View of the Key Events of History | Hessel, Milton | English | Genealogy | 1974 | 900.1 | |
Index to the Obituaries and Death Notices Appearing in the Dziennik Chicagoski 1890-1899; 1900-1909; 1910-1919; 1920-1929 A-L & M-Z [5 BOOKS] [Polish Genealogical Society, Chicago, Illinois, USA] | Hollowak, Thomas L.; Hoffman, William F. | English | Reference | 1984, 1987, 1988, 1991 | 900.1 | |
Cyndi's List A Comprehensive List of 40,000 Genealogy Sites on the Internet | Howells, Cyndi | English | Genealogy | 1999 | 900.1 | |
Family Research - Various Information and Articles | HSGPV | English | Genealogy | 900.1 | ||
German Genealogy: Varous Information | HSGPV | English | Reference Genealogy German | 900.1 | ||
German Names Deutsche Namen What does your family name mean? What does your first name mean? | HSGPV | English German | Reference Genealogy German | 2008 | 900.1 | |
HSGPV Genealogy German (binder) Various Information Index of Content in progress | HSGPV | English | Genealogy German | 900.1 | ||
HSGPV Genealogy Research Tips: Volhynian Roots: Maps SGGEE: FAQs, Database Descriptions Researching German Ancestors - Outside Germany IAGL: International Association of Germans from Lithuania | HSGPV | English | Volhynia Reference | 900.1 | ||
German-American Genealogy Immigrant Genealogical Society August 1992 - April 2003 | Immigrant Genealogical Society, Burbank CA | English | Genealogy United States | 1991-2003 | 900.1 | |
German-American Genealogy Immigrant Genealogical Society Periodicals Spring 1991-2003 | Immigrant Genealogical Society, Burbank CA | English | Genealogy United States | 1991-2003 | 900.1 | |
Genealogical Research Directory National & International 1995 | Johnson, Keith A. & Sainty, Malcolm R. | English | Reference Genealogy | 1995 | 900.1 | |
People Migrations in Europe and America Nation Building Prehistory to 1913 Secular and Spiritual History Updated Classics-Catholic-Orthodox-Protestant-Muslim | Macdonald, Myrtle Schneider | English | Genealogy Religion | 2016 | 900.1 | |
Local History Style Guide | McGuinness, Fred | English | Genealogy Recordkeeping | 1998 | 900.1 | |
German-Russian Handbook A Reference Book for Russian German and German Russian History and Culture With Place Name Listings of Former German Settlement Areas Germans from Russia Heritage Collection [GRHC] | Mertens, Ulrich | English | Reference | 2010 | 900.1 | |
Who's Who in Genealogy & Heraldry Volume 1 | Meyer, Mary Keysor & Filby, P. William | English | Genealogy | 1981 | 900.1 | |
Die Ahnenlisten-Kartei Nr. 5 | Neßler, Hans und Brüggemann, Hartmut | German | Reference German Genealogy | 1978 | 900.1 | |
The Self-Publishing Manual How to write, print & sell your own book | Poynter, Dan | English | Genealogy Recordkeeping | 900.1 | ||
Deutsche Dialektgeographie Heft XLI: Mundart und Siedlungsgeschichte der schwäbisch - rheinfräankischen Dörfer bei Litzmannstadt Mit 3 Karten - with 3 maps Speech and village histories of schwabian-rhinefrank villages near Litzmannstadt | Schmit, Michael | German Fraktur/Gothic script | Reference German Dialects Villages | 1942 | 900.1 | |
Ellis Island Deluxe Edition Book: Lavishly Illustrated DVD: 2 1/2 hour documentary from the History Channel Family Tree Chart | The History Channel | Genealogy United States | 2002 | 900.1 | ||
Atlas for Germanic Genealogy Second, Revised Edition 1983 | Thode, Ernest | English | Reference German Genealogy | 1983 | 900.1 | |
From the Past to the Future A Guide to the Holdings of the University of Alberta Archives | University of Alberta | English | Genealogy Canada Alberta | 1992 | 900.1 | |
Local Histories of Alberta An Annotated Bibliography - 5 Compiled by Joanna E. Krotki | University of Alberta - Central and East European Studies Society of Alberta | English | Reference Alberta | 1980 | 900.1 | |
Where to write for Birth and Death Records United States and Outlying Areas | US Department of Health, Education, and Welfare | English | Genealogy United States | 1979 | 900.1 | |
List or European Regions with Alternative Names, from Wikipedia 2008 | Wikipedia | English | Reference Genealogy | 2008 | 900.1 | |
Historian's Handbook Second Edition A Key to the Study and Writing of History | Wood Gray and Others | English | Genealogy | 1964 | 900.1 | |
The Family of / and (2 copies) | Wuschke, Ewald | English | Genealogy Recordkeeping | 900.1 | ||
Die Ahnenstammkartei des Deutschen Volkes An Introduction and Register | Edlund, Thomas Kent | English German | Reference German Genealogy | 1995 | 900.5 | |
Eighteenth-Century Europe Tradition & Progress 1715-1789 | Woloch, Isser | English | History Europe | 1982 | 1000 | .003 |
Eastern Europe From Bulgariaäs ski runs to Croatia's coast | Lonely Planet Publications | English | Europe East | 1989 | 1000 | 0.006 |
Red Europe | Anstey, Frank, M. P. | English | Europe | 1920 | 1000 | 0.007 |
Facts About Finland | Miesmaa, Sjöblom | English | Europe Finland | 1952 | 1000 | 0.008 |
Inside Europe Today | Gunther, John | English | Europe | 1961 | 1000 | 0.009 |
Barbarian Europe, Great Ages Of Man, Time-Life Book | Simons, Gerald | German | Europe | 1000 | 0.013 | |
Barbarian Europe Great Ages of Man - A History of the World's Cultures | Time-Life Books; Simons, Gerald | English | Europe | 1968 | 1000 | .013 |
Queen Mary Superliner Pictorial | Command Publishing | English | Ships | 1971 | 1000 | .016 |
Ships of our Ancestors | Anuta, Michael J. | English | Ships | 1983 | 1000 | .017 |
Barefoot In The Rubble Revised Edition [Donauschaben / Yugoslavia] | Walter, Elizabeth B. | English | Family History | 2000 | 1000 | 0.02 |
Dreadnought Britain, Germany, and the Coming of the Great War | Massie, Robert K. | English | History Europe | 1991 | 1000 | .021 |
Donauschaben Volume III | HSGPV | English | Europe Central | 2008 | 1000 | .032 |
Hungary Die Siebenbürgendeutschen und die Ländlerdeutsche / The Transylvania Germans | HSGPV | English | Europe Hungary | 2008 | 1000 | .040 |
Slowenia / Gottsche | HSGPV | English | Europe Central | 2008 | 1000 | .041 |
Yugoslavia Germans | HSGPV | English | Europe Central | 2008 | 1000 | .050 |
German Bohemia & Sudetenland | HSGPV | English | Europe Central | 2008 | 1000 | .060 |
Bulgaria Germans | HSGPV | English | Europe Central | 2008 | 1000 | .070 |
Baltics - Webpages 2008 | HSGPV | English | Europe Central | 2008 | 1000 | .081 |
The Kaschubians | HSGPV | English | Europe Central | 2008 | 1000 | .090 |
My Kashubian Heritage A Collection of Short Stories Covering The Land of My Ancestors | Lipinsky, Peter von Pazatka | English | Europe Central | 2008 | 1000 | .092 |
East Prussians From Russia with separate Supplement, as per page 212. | Anuta, Michael J. | English | Prussia East | 1979 | 1000 | .405 |
Hanussen Hellseher Des Teufels Die Wahrheit über den Reichstagsbrand | Von Cziffra, Geza | German | Europe Germany | 1978 | 1000 | 0.501 |
Hjalmar Schacht Leben und Wirken eineru umstrittenen Persönlichkeit | Pentzlin, Heinz | German | Europe Germany | 1980 | 1000 | 0.502 |
Die Weizsäckers Geschichte einer Deutschen Familie | Wein, Martin | German | Europe Germany | 1988 | 1000 | 0.503 |
Die Völker am Scheideweg Blicke in de Gegenwart und Zukunft Europas | Peters, Bernhard | German Fraktur/Gothic script | Europe | 1932 | 1000 | 0.504 |
Als wär's ein Stück von mir Horen der Freundschaft | Zuckmayer, Carl | German | Europe | 1966 | 1000 | 0.505 |
Prinz Ernst Heinrich von Sachsen Mein Lebensweg vom Königschloss zum Bauernhof | Von Sachsen, Prinz Ernst H. | German | Europe Germany | 1979 | 1000 | 0.506 |
Brüder über Land Und Meer Schicksale und Geschichten der Ausgewanderten | Götz, Karl | German | Europe Germany | 1970 | 1000 | 0.507 |
Bogumil Goltz - einem genialen Weichsel-Preussen Zum Gedenken | Trenkel, Rudolf | German | Europe Germany Prussia | 1978 | 1000 | 0.508 |
Wallenstein General, Herzog, Verräter | Rieder, Heinz | German | Europe | 1967 | 1000 | 0.509 |
Evangelisch in Deuitschland - protestantisch und weltoffen | Koppe, Rolf; Hahn, Udo | German | Europe Germany | 2002 | 1000 | .518 |
Das Leben eines guten Menschen, Albert Schweitzer | Pierhal, Joan | German | Europe | 1955 | 1000 | 0.523 |
Herzogin Viktoria Luise - Ein Leben als Tochter des Kaisers | Herzogin Viktoria Luise | German | Europe Germany | 1965 | 1000 | 0.526 |
Der Grosse Deutsche Bauernkrieg [The Large German Farmer's War] | Zimmermann, Wilhelm | German | Europe Germany | 1982 | 1000 | 0.527 |
Questions on German History / Fragen An Die Deutsche Geschichte Ideas, forces, decisions from 1800 to present English Edition / 3rd (updated) Edition | Historical Exhibition in the Berlin Reichstag Catalogue | English | History Germany | 1989 | 1000 | 0.528 |
Dase Ende an der Elbe | Thorwald, Jürgen | German | Europe | 1951 | 1000 | 0.53 |
Goebbels, Eine Biographie | Fraenkel,Heinrich; Manvell, Roger | German | Europe | 1960 | 1000 | 0.531 |
Das ganze Deutschland soll es sein Perspecktiven einer europäischen Friedensordnung Blaue Actuelle Reihe Band 17 | Koschyk, Hartmut | German | Europe | 1989 | 1000 | 0.532 |
Als Kaiserenkel durch die Welt | Von Preussen, Prince Lous F. | German | Europe | 1954 | 1000 | 0.533 |
Richard von Weizsäcker Von Deutschland Aus Reden des Bundespräsidenten | CORSO bei Siedler | German | Europe | 1985 | 1000 | 0.534 |
Tagebücher eines Abwehroffiziers 1938-1940 Quellen und Darstellungen zur Zeitgeschichte Band 19 | Groscurtth, Helmut | German | Europe | 1970 | 1000 | .537 |
Die Dreizehn Bücher der Deutschen Seele | Schäfer, Wilhelm | German | Europe | 1951 | 1000 | 0.538 |
Stärker als Kerkermauern Botschaften aus meiner rumänischen Einzelzelle | Wurmbrand, Richard | German | Europe | 1969 | 1000 | 0.539 |
Der Passierschein | Hörmann, Wilhelm | German | Europe | 1977 | 1000 | 0.54 |
Danken & Dienen, 1990 Arbeitshilfen für Verkündigung, Gemeindearbeit und Unterricht Thema: Aussiedler/Übersiedler | Diakonie | German | Europe Germany Refugees | 1000 | .545 | |
Bremen Unsere Ostertorsvorstadt | Pamphlet, Bremen | German | Europe Germany Refugees | 1960 | 1000 | 0.554 |
Bund der Vertriebenen Jahresbericht 1988 | BdV - Pamphlet | German | Europe Germany Refugees | 1978, 1950 | 1000 | 0.555 |
19. Bundestreffen Landsmannschaft Weichsel-Warthe, 1995 50 Jahre nach der Flucht & Vertreibung | Erinnerung/Wandel/Ausblick | German | Europe Germany Refugees | 1995 | 1000 | 0.556 |
Deutschsprachige Minderheiten Ein Uberblick über den Stand der Forschung für 27 Länder | Born; Joachim; Dickgießer; Sylvia | German | Europe Germany Refugees | 1989, October | 1000 | 0.557 |
Deutschland Politik, Deutsche Ostsiedlung | Pamphlet | German | Europe Germany Refugees | 1983 | 1000 | 0.558 |
Bonner Berichte aus Mittel- und Ostdeutschland Selbstbehauptung und Widerstand in der Sowjetischen Besatzungszone Deutschlands | Fricke, Karl Wilhelm | German | Europe Germany History WWII | 1964 | 1000 | 0.574 |
Volk Und Nation | Keler, Hans Von (Pamphlet) | German | Europe Germany History WWII | 1989 | 1000 | 0.575 |
Deutschland Heute Historische, staatsrechtliche und völkerrechtliche Aspekte (2 copies) | Bund der Vertriebenen | German | Europe Germany Refugees | 1973? | 1000 | 0.576 |
Warum-Woher--Aber Wohin? | Grimm, Hans | German | Europe Germany | 1954 | 1000 | 0.59 |
Ostdeutschland - und die deutschen Siedlungsgebiete in Ost- und Südosteuropa in Karte, Wort und Bild | Dörr, von F.; Kerl, W. | German | Europe Germany | 1987 | 1000 | 0.592 |
Das Ende eines Mythos Die Aufdeckung seiner Geschichtsverfälschung. Speers wahre Rolle im Dritten Reich | Schmidt, Matthias | German | Europe Germany History WWII | 1982 | 1000 | 0.597 |
The European World Since 1815 Triumph and Transition | Blum,Jerome; Cameron, Rondo; Barnes, Thomas | English | Europe History | 1966 | 1000 | |
Ancient History - Europe (binder) Research specifc to Tribes and Groups | HSGPV | English | Europe History | 2008 | 1000 | |
A Corner of a Foreign Field The illustrated poetry of the First World War | Waters, Fiona | English | Europe Histor WWI | 2007 | 1000 | |
Die Deutschen Im Osten Vom Balkan bis Sibirien | Schulz-Vobach, Klaus-Dieter | German | Europe East | 1989 | 1000.2 | 0.200 |
Alptraum Balkan Ein siebenbürgischer Bauernsohn Im Zweiten Weltkrieg (1943-1945) Schriften zur Landeskunde Siegenbürgens, Band 26 | Wittmann, Anna M.; Umbrrich, Friedrich | German | Europe WWII | 2003 | 1000.2 | 0.209 |
Die Germanen - Geschichte und Kultur von A-Z Das große Sachbuch zur Frühgeschichte Europas | Döbler, Hans Ferdinand | German | Europe Germany | 1975 | 1000.2 | 0.214 |
Europa In Trümmern Das Ergebnis des Kreuzzuges der Alliierten [Europe In Ruins] | Reichenberger, Father Emmanuel J. | German | Europe | 1952 | 1000.2 | 0.222 |
salon kitty Geheime Reichsache - Ein Report | Norden, Peter | German | Europe Germany WWII | 1970 | 1000.2 | |
Weltgeschichte der Neuesten Zeit I, II, III. (3 books) | Salis, J. R. Von | German | Reference Encyclopedia | 1960 | 1000.2 | |
A Short History of German Literature | Waterhouse, Gilbert; Continued to 1958 by H. M. Waidson | English | German History Literature | 1962, with corrections from 1949 | 1000.2 | |
The Germanic People | Owen, Francis | English | History Germany | 1960 | 1000.4 | 0.4 |
Evangelical Church In Berlin, Soviet Zone of Germany | Lynch, Patrick | English | History Germany Religion | 1959 | 1000.4 | 0.401 |
Berlin Fate Und Mission | Press and Information Office of Berlin | German | History Germany | 1961 | 1000.4 | 0.406 |
The Two Germanies Since 1945 | Turner, H. A. | German | History Germany | 1987 | 1000.4 | 0.409 |
German Constitutional Documents Since 1871 | Halborn, Louise, W. Editor | English | History Germany | 1970 | 1000.4 | 0.41 |
A Social History Of Hesse, Roman Times To 1900 | Heinemeier, Dan C. | English | History Germany | 2002 | 1000.4 | 0.413 |
Germany And The Germans Today An Anatomy of Society Today | Ardagh, John | English | History Germany | 1987 | 1000.4 | 0.414 |
The Rise Of The House of Rothschild [1770-1830] | Corti, Count E. C. | English | History Germany | 1928 | 1000.4 | 0.417 |
The Lesson Of Germany, A Guide To Her History | Eisler,Gerhart; Norden, Albert; Schreiner, Albert | English | History Germany | 1945 | 1000.4 | 0.418 |
Restoration Revolution Reaction Economics and Politics in Germany, 1815-1871 | Hamerow, Theodore S. | English | History Germany | 1958 | 1000.4 | 0.42 |
Germany: A Short History | Detwiler, Donald S. | English | History Germany | 1976 | 1000.4 | 0.421 |
Let's Talk German-Russian with Ernschtina un Hanswurscht Second and Enlarged Edition Containing Selected Portions from PRAIRIE POEMS and PARSON TO PARSON | Marzolf, Arnold H. Prof. [GRHS] | GermanEnglish Russian | German Russian | 1991 | 1000.4 | 0.427 |
The Game Of The Foxes - German Esponage In The US And Great Britain During WWII | Farago, Ladislas | English | Europe Germany WWII | 1971 | 1000.4 | 800.016 |
Federal Republic of Germany Bundesrepublik Deutschland (oversize book) | Lau, Alfred; Hachmann, Horst | English German French Spanish Russian | Germany General Information | 1980? | 900 On Display | 1000.4 |
What was it like in the Concentration Camp at Dachau? Translated from the German, 8th Edition | Neuhäusler, Johann, Dr. | English | Europe Germany History WWII | Unknown | 1000.4 | |
Dokumente der Zeit: Grundlegende Rede von Robert H. Jackson (Nurenberg Trial) | Verlag Das Forum | German | History Germany WWII | 1946 | 1000.5 | 800.502 |
Das Heimatbuch der Nordfriesen | Schulz, H. H. Dr. | German | Europe Germany | 1960? | 1000.5 | 1000.204 |
Die Entscheidenden Jahre Pforzheimer SPD 1918 - 1924 | Schroth, Karl | German | Europe Germany | 1974 | 1000.5 | 1000.217 |
Deutsche Geschichte der jüngsten Vergangeheit 1933-1945 | Mau, Hermann; Karusnick, Helmut | German | Europe Germany History WWII | 1956 | 1000.5 | 1000.6 |
Der Fragebogen American: The Questionnaire British: Tha Answers | Salomon, Ernst von | German | Europe Germany WWII | 1951 | 1000.5 | 1000.606 |
Deutschland 1945-1949, Kapitulation und Neubeginn Eine Dokumentation des Bundesarchivs, Koblenz | Bundesarchiv, Wagner, Dr. Johannes | German | Europe Germany History WWII | 1980? | 1000.5 | 1000.607 |
Wortmeldungen 2. Auflage CIVIS-Aufsätze zur Deutschlandpolitik | Weberling, Johannes | German | Europe Germany | 1987 | 1000.5 | 1000.612 |
Kongress Protokoll 1994 Schicksalsjjahr 1994 Wandel Tut Not! | Gesellschaft für Freie Publizistik | German | Europe Germany | 1000.5 | 1000.613 | |
Elbinger Hefte 19/20 Ferdinaand Schichau | Westphal, Eberhard | German Fraktur/Gothic script | Europe Germany | 1957 | 1000.5 | 1000.614 |
Zu v. Weizsäckers Ansprache von 8. Mai 1985 | Maier-Dorn, Emil | German | Europe Germany | 1987 | 1000.5 | 1000.615 |
Geschichtliche Entlastung Deutschlands Ein Alptraum für deutsche Politiker Zugleich ein Wort an kaltherzige Politiker und Kirchenvertreter | Pemsel, Richard | German | Europe Germany | 1992 | 1000.5 | 1000.616 |
Sozialpolitik In Mitteldeutschland | Mampel, Siegfried; Hauck, Dr. Karl | German | Europe Germany | 1964, November | 1000.5 | 1000.618 |
Unsere Welt 1800-2000 [Oversize Book] | Bertelmannsverlag | German | Europe Germany | 900 On Display | 1000.5 | 1000.629 |
Adolf Hitler 1889-1938 Werden und Weg Führer und Rechskanzler Band 1 | Toland, John | German | Europe Germany WWII | 1976 | 1000.5 | 1000.636 |
Adolf Hitler 1889-1938 Krieg und Untergang Feldherr und Diktator Band 2 | Toland, John | German | German History WWII | 1976 | 1000.5 | 1000.637 |
Er war mein Chef Aus dem Nachlaß der Sekretärin von Adolf Hitler | Schroeder, Christa | German | Europe Germany WWII | 1985 | 1000.5 | 1000.638 |
Deutschland Deutschland Über Alles Von Anfang bis Ende | Fernau, Joachim | German | Europe Germany | 1972 | 1000.5 | 1000.639 |
Knaurs Kulturführer In Farbe - Deutschland | Weltbild Verlag | German | Europe Germany | 1998 | 1000.5 | 1000.647 |
Das Abenteuer Des Alterns | Benary-Isbert, Margot | German | Europe Germany | 1965 | 1000.5 | 1000.656 |
Die Versenkung der Wilhelm Gustloff (Translation from English by Ilse Winger) | Dobson, Miller, Payne | German | Europe Germany WWII | 1979 | 1000.5 | 1000.657 |
Der Deutsche Bundestag Im Reichstagsgebäude | Kessel, Wolfgang | German | Europe Germany | 1990? | 1000.5 | 1000.661 |
Die Zerstörung der deutschen Politik Dokumente 1871-1933 Bücher des Wissens | Fischer Bücherei | German | Europe Germany | 1959 | 1000.5 | 1000.664 |
Deutsche Geschichte des 19. Und 20. Jahrhunderts | Mann, Golo | German | Europe Germany | 1989 | 1000.5 | 1000.665 |
Das NS - Geschichtsbild Und Die Deutsche Geschichtswissenschaft | Werner, Karl Ferdinand | German | Europe Germany WWII | 1967 | 1000.5 | 1000.666 |
Lieber Stürrmer - Lesebriefe an das NS-Kampfblatt 1924 bis 1945 | Hahn, Fred | German | Europe Germany WWII | 1978 | 1000.5 | 1000.668 |
Reichswehr Und Politik 1918-1933 | Carsten, Francis L. | German | Europe Germany | 1964 | 1000.5 | 1000.669 |
Hundert Jahre Deutschland - Bilder, Texte, Dokumente 1870 - 1970 | Deutsche Buch- Gemeinschaft | German | Europe Germany | 1969 | 1000.5 | 1000.67 |
Gegen die Unvernunft 1915-1918 Der Briefwechsel zwischen Metternich und Solf, mit zwei Briefen Albert Ballins | Metternich, Paul Graf Wolff; Solf, Wilhelm | German | Europe Germany | 1964 | 1000.5 | 1000.671 |
Lach leiser Genosse Aus dem Anekdotenschatz des Sozialismus | Petermann, Jörg | German | Europe Germany | 1966 | 1000.5 | 1000.673 |
Die deutsche Opposition gegen Hitler Bücher des Wissens | Rothfels, Hans | German | Europe Germany History WWII | 1958 | 1000.5 | 1000.677 |
Es wird Nncht mehr zurückgeschossen Erinnerungen an das Kriegsende 1945 | Appel, Reinhard | German | Europe Germany WWII | 1995 | 1000.5 | 1000.679 |
Deutsche Geschichte 1919-1945 Bücher des Wissens | Mann, Golo | German | Europe Germany | 1958 | 1000.5 | 1000.681 |
Deutschalnd und die Weltpolitik im 20. Jahrhundert Bücher des Wissens | Dehio, Ludwig | German | Europe Germany | 1955 | 1000.5 | 1000.682 |
Die Republik von Weimar dtv-Weltgeschichte des 20. Jh - Band 3 | Heiber, Helmut | German | Europe Germany | 1966 | 1000.5 | 1000.683 |
Die Deutsche Nation Ergebnis der Geschichte | Conze, Werner | German | Europe Germany | 1963 | 1000.5 | 1000.684 |
Die Zeit Wilhelms II.und die Weimarer Republik - Deutsche Geschichte 1890-1933 | Conze, Werner | German | Europe Germany | 1964 | 1000.5 | 1000.685 |
Die Reichen und die Super Reichen In Deutschland | Jungblut, Michael | German | Europe Germany | 1971 | 1000.5 | 1000.686 |
Die Kata Kombe - Das Ende in der Reichskanzlei | Bahnsen, Uwe; O'Donnell, James | German | Europe Germany History WWII | 1975 | 1000.5 | 1000.687 |
Die Toten Kehren Zurück Bericht eines Arztes aus Workuta | Scholmer, Joseph | German | Europe Germany WWII | 1000.5 | 1500.036 | |
Die Wischmann Briefe 1939-1945 | Redaktion: Wolfgang Erk | German | Europe Germany WWII | 1973 | 1000.5 | 1500.103 |
Das Leben Arsenjews - Eine Jugend im alten Russland Translated from Russian | Bunin, Iwan | German | Europe | 1980 | 1000.5 | 1500.177 |
SPD Ohne Maske Eine Politische Dokumentation | Kern, Erich | German | Europe Germany | 1971 | 1000.5 | 4000.512 |
Richtigstellungen Zur Zeitgeschichte Heft 1, 3, 4 (Various topics) | Grabert Verlag | German | Europe Germany | 1990, 1992, 1993 | 1000.5 | 0.619 0.620 0.621 |
Geschichte Unseres Volkes Teil I - 5. Schuljahr Teil II - 6. Schuljahr Teil III - 7. Schuljahr | Scherl | German | Europe Germany | 1951 - 1962 | 1000.5 | 0.658, .659, .660 |
Bund der Vertriebene - Arbeitshilfe: 29/1985 - Agnes Miegel; 53/1988 - Otto Stern; 54/1989 - Kilian Ignaz Dientzenhofer; 55/1989 - Martin Opitz; 56/1989 - Franz Xaver Richter, Karl Ditters von Dittersdorf; 40. Tages der Heimat, September 1989 - Karl Carstens - Dank an die Vertriebenen | Bund der Vertriebenen | German | Europe Germany Periodical | 1985 - 1989 | 1000.5 | 1000.512, .513, .514, .515, .516, .517 |
Deutchland im zweiten Weltkrieg 3 Der Grundlegende Umschwung im Kriegsverlauf (November 1942 bis September 1943) | Akademie-Verlag, Berlin | German | Europe Germany WWII | 1982 | 1000.5 | |
Deutchland im zweiten Weltkrieg 4 Das Scheitern Der Faschistischen Defensivstrategie and der Deutsch-Sowjetischen Front (August bis Ende 1943) | Akademie-Verlag, Berlin | German | History Germany WWII | 1984 | 1000.5 | |
Deutchland im zweiten Weltkrieg 5 Der Zusammenbruch der Defensivstrategie des Hitlerfaschismus an allen Fronten (Januar bis August 1944) | Akademie-Verlag, Berlin | German | History Germany WWII | 1984 | 1000.5 | |
Deutchland im zweiten Weltkrieg 6 Die Yerschlagung des hitlerfaschismus und die Befreiung des deutschen Volkes (Juni 1944 bis yum 8. Mai 1945) | Akademie-Verlag, Berlin | German | History Germany WWII | 1985 | 1000.5 | |
Das tönende Erz Deutsche Propaganda genen die Rote Armee im Zweiten Weltkrieg | Buchbender, Ortwin | German | Europe Germany WWII | 1978 | 1000.5 | |
Deutschlandpolitische Schriftenreihe: 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 - Various topics | Bund der Vertriebenen | German | Europe Germany Refugees Periodicals | 1988, 1989 | 1000.5 | |
Die Gefangenen Leben und Überleben deutscher Soldaten hinter Stacheldraht | Carell, Paul | German | Europe Germany WWII | 1980 | 1000.5 | |
Eva Hitler geb. Braun Die führenden Frauen des Dritten Reiches | Charlier, Jean-Michaelö Launay, Jacques | German | Europe Germany WWII | 1979 | 1000.5 | |
Die Lage der Juden in Deutschland 1933 Das Schwarzbuch - Tatsachen und Dokumente Herausgegeben vom Comité des Délégations Juives (Paris 1934); Wiederaufgelegt 1983 bei Ullstein | Comité des Délégations Juives | German | Europe Germany History Early 20th century | 1983 | 1000.5 | |
Bismarck Das Reich in der Mitte Europas | Engelberg, Ernst | German | Europe Germany | 1990 | 1000.5 | |
Bismarck Urpreuße und Reichsgründer | Engelberg, Ernst | German | Europe Germany | 1987 | 1000.5 | |
Der Landser (World War II articles) Nr. 73, 102, 188, 222, 224, 263, 312, 365, 400, 463, 485 | Erich Pabel Verlag | German | Europe Germany History WWII | 1960? | 1000.5 | |
Zweite Front Die Interessenkonflikte in der Anti-Hitler-Koalition Aus dem Russischen von Helmut Ettinger | Falin, Valentin | German | Europe Germany WWII | 1995 | 1000.5 | |
Das Mädchenorchester in Auschwitz | Fenelon, Fania | German | Europe Germany History Early 20th century | Unknown | 1000.5 | |
Schlactschiff Bismarck 1940/41 Der Bericht eines Überlebenden | Freiherr, Burkard von Müllenheim-Rechberg | German | Europe Germany WWII | 1980 | 1000.5 | |
Das Dritte Reich 1933-1939 | Freund, Michael | German | Europe Germany WWII | 1963 | 1000.5 | |
Der zweite Weltkrieg | Freund, Michael | German | Europe Germany WWII | 1962 | 1000.5 | |
Sage nie, das kann ich nicht Als Kind in den Ruinen von Danzig und Stettin | Hansen, Brigitte | German | Europe Germany WWII | 1986 | 1000.5 | |
Die Grossen Deutschen Volumes 1-5, Copyright 1956 | Heimpel, Hermann | German | Reference German History | 1956, 1966 | 1000.5 | |
Heuss Anekdoten, Gesammelt und erzählt von Hanna Frielingshaus-Heuss | Heuss, Hanna | German | Europe Germany | 1967 | 1000.5 | |
Theodor Heuss Erinnerungen 1905-1933 | Heuss, Theodor | German | Europe Germany | 1965 | 1000.5 | |
Der Nationalsozialismus Dokumente 1933-1945 Herausgegeben und kommentiert von Walther Hofer | Hofer, Walther | German | Europe Germany WWII | 1982 | 1000.5 | |
Der Zweite Weltkrieg Grundzüge der Politik und Strategie in Dokumenten | Jacobsen, Hans-Adolf | German | Europe Germany WWII | 1965 | 1000.5 | |
Von Hitler zu Adenauer Deutsche Geschichte von 1945-1949 | John Jahr Verlag | German | Europe Germany WWII | 1976 | 1000.5 | |
Danziger Bucht 1945 Dokumentation einer Katastrophe | Kieser, Egbert | German | Europe Germany WWII | 1978 | 1000.5 | |
Der SS Staat Das System der deutschen Konzentrationslager | Kogon, Eugen | German | Europe Germany WWII | 1974 | 1000.5 | |
Krieg Unter Wasser U-Boote aud den sieben Meeren 1930-ß1945 | Kurowski, Franz | German | Europe Germany WWII | 1979 | 1000.5 | |
Deutsche Naturforscher und Erfinder aus vier Jahrhunderten | Mackensen, Ludolf von | German | History Germany | 1991 | 1000.5 | |
Fahrt ins Ungewisse Erlebnisbericht eines Russlanddeutschen (1934-1941) | Mantler, Heinrich | English | German History Early 20th century | 2009 | 1000.5 | |
Das Böhmische Dorf in Berlin | Motel, Manfred | German | Europe Germany History Early 20th century | 1983 | 1000.5 | |
Hitlers Tischgespräche im Führerhauptquartier | Picker, Dr. Henrz | German | Europe Germany WWII | 1983 | 1000.5 | |
Joseph Goebbels Tagebücher 1945 Die letzten Augzeichnungen | Redaktion: Peter Stadelmayer | German | Europe Germany History 1924-1945 | 1945 | 1000.5 | |
Deutsche Geschichte … Das Schichsal des Volkes in der Mitte Europas von den Germanen bis zur Gegenwart. | Rößler, Prof. Dr. H. | German | Europe Germany | 1961 | 1000.5 | |
Das war mein Leben | Sauerbruch, Ferdinand | German | History Germany WWII | 1956 | 1000.5 | |
Und immer wieder für die Freiheit Pforzheimer sozialdemokratische Arbeiterbewegung 1924-1939 | Schroth, Karl | German | Europe Germany | 1977 | 1000.5 | |
Besiegt, besetzt, geteilt Eine historische Dokumentation Aus amerikanischen Archiven zum ersten Mal veröffentlicht: Die dramatischen Ereignisse der Jahre 1944ß1948 in Farbe | Schwan, Heribert; Steininger, Rolf | German | Europe Germany WWII | 1979 | 1000.5 | |
Verbannung - Aufzeichnungen deutscher Schriftsteller im Exil | Schwarz, Egon & Wegner, Matthias | German | Europe Germany WWII | 1964 | 1000.5 | |
Lebe gefährlich Deutsche Kommandos im 2. Weltkrieg | Skorzeny, Otto | German | Europe Germany WWII | 1978 | 1000.5 | |
Wir kämpfen wir verloren Deutsche Kommandos im 2. Weltkrieg | Skorzeny, Otto | German | Europe Germany WWII | 1975 | 1000.5 | |
Ursula von Kardorff Berliner Augzeichnungen Aus den Jahren 1942-1945 | von Kardorff, Ursula | German | Europe Germany WWII | 1964 | 1000.5 | |
Offiziere gegen Hitler Bücher des Wissens | von Schlabrendorff, Fabian | German | Europe Germany WWII | 1960, 1946 | 1000.5 | |
Theodor Heuss Lesebuch | Welchert, Hans-Heinrich | German | Europe Germany | 1975 | 1000.5 | |
Stunde Null - Schicksale 1945 -1949 1. Ich sage die Wahrheit oder ich schweige 2. Führt noch ein Weg zurück? 5. Lager 6437 | Wolf, Dr.; Rosin, Hildegard; Rauschenbach, Hildegard | German | Europe Germany WWII | 1983, 1984 | 1000.5 | |
Nur einmal konnte Stalin siegen Lehren und Bilder aus dem Rußlandfeldzug 1941-1945 | Zentner, Kurt | German | Europe Germany WWII | 1952 | 1000.5 | |
Grimm Fairy Tales with 211 Drawings, Etchings & Woodcuts by great European Illustrators | Mitchel, B.; Hunt, Margaret (Translator) | English | Literature | Unknown | 1200 | 0.002 |
My Mother's Apron | Keller, Dr. Edward | English | Literature | 2001 | 1200 | 0.004 |
Max Und Moritz Eine Bubengeschichte in sieben Streichen | Busch, Wilhelm | German | Literature German | Unknown | 1500 | 0.007 |
Der Struvvelpeter (2 copies) | Hoffmann, Dr. Heinrich | German | Literature German | 1979 | 1500 | 0.021 |
Sir Basil Zaharoff Der König Der Waffen | Neumann, Robert | German | Literature German | 1951 | 1500 | 0.029 |
Liebe Kleine Welt | Reinheimer, Sophie | German | Literature German | 1976 | 1500 | 0.031 |
Der Knecht | Roy, Kristina | German | Literature German | Unknown | 1500 | 0.033 |
Märchen der Brüder Grimm | Droemer Knauer | German | Literature German | 1937 | 1500 | .053 |
German Verse An Anthology of German Poetry from the 16th to the 20th Century | Schulz, G. | English | Literature German | 1961 | 1500 | 0.058 |
Das Goldene Märchenbuch | Mudrak, Edmund | German | Literature German | Unknown | 1500 | 0.075 |
Andersens Märchen | Bauer, Gertrud | German Fraktur/Gothic script | Literature German | Unknown | 1500 | 0.097 |
Und Die Moral von der Geschicht | Busch, Wilhelm | German | Literature German | Unknown | 1500 | 0.099 |
Was Beliebt Ist Auch Erlabut | Busch, Wilhelm | German | Literature German | Unknown | 1500 | 0.1 |
Zweites Lesebuch Für Evangelische-Lutherische Schulen | Concordia Publishing | German | Literature Religion German | 1930? | 1500 | 0.107 |
Waldemar bei Brosenius dem kleinen Wolfe erzählt | Sorenzen, A. F | German Fraktur/Gothic script | Literature German | 1917 | 1500 | 0.110 |
Lesestoff für Schulen Teil II 4. bis 6. Schuljahr | Verlag Berthold Schultz | German | Literature German | 1946 | 1500 | 0.118 |
Österreichischer Sagenschatz | Haiding, Karl | German | Literature German | 1977 | 1500 | 0.123 |
Der Wunderdoktor Heitere Verse | Roth, Eugen | German | Literature German | 1950 | 1500 | 0.137 |
Die Russland Deutschen Zweihundert Jahre unterwegs | Stumpp, Dr. Karl | German | Volhynia Russia | 1965 | 1500 | 4000.520 |
Chikago (Novel about refugees in Europe, early 20th century) | Bauer, Theodora | German | German Literature | 2017 | 1500 | |
Mein Dorf [Ein Dorf in Mansfelder Land] | Gotsche, Otto | German | Literature German | 1974 | 1500 | |
Das große deutsche Sagenbuch | Rölleke, Heinz | German | Literature German | 1996 | 1500 | |
The Old Country (Softcover - also available in hardcover) | Miller, Donald | English | Volhynia | 2000 | 2000 | 0.001 |
The Old Country Real Life stories by those who have their roots in Volhynia, Russia (Ukraine) (2 copies) | Miller, Donald | English | Volhynia | 2006 | 2000 | 0.001 |
Under Arrest Repression of th Russian Germans in the Zhitomir Region, Ukraine in the 1930s | Miller, Donald | English | Volhynia | 2004 | 2000 | 0.002 |
In Midst Of Wolves A History of German Baptists in Volhynia, Russia 1863-1943 (2 copies) | Miller, Donald | English | Volhynia | 2000 | 2000 | 0.003 |
Matschulek/Moczulki Chronik Einer Deutschen Kolonie In Wolhynien | Betker, Erhard | English | Volhynia | 2007 | 2000 | 0.004 |
The Lutheran Church In Volhynia Translation from: Die evangelisch-augsburgischen Gemeinden in Polen / The Evangelical-Augsburg Parishes in Poland 1555 - 1939; Pages 184-199 | Kneifel, Eduard Translator: Wuschke, Ewald | English | Records Volhynia Parishes | Unknown | 2000 | 0.005 |
Die Deutschen In Wolhynien Ein Kurturhistorischer Überblick (3 copies) | Arndt, Nikolaus | German | Volhynia | 1994 | 2000 | 0.006 |
Meine Forschungsarbeit In Wolhynien (3 copies) | Kuhn, Walter | German | Volhynia | 1977 | 2000 | 0.007 |
Ein Wolhynier Erzählt / A Volhynian Talks Aus dem Leben von Alexander Arndt im zaristischen Ostwolhynien, im polnischen Westwolhynien, im Warthegau und in Unterfranken (3 copies) | Arndt, Nikolaus | German | Volhynia | 1982 | 2000 | 0.008 |
Die Wolhyniendeutschen im Umbruch Des 2. Weltkrieges (Book Excerpt) | Schmidt, Hugo | German | Volhynia | Unknown | 2000 | 0.009 |
A Journey In Volhynia And Canada Pages from the diary of Ernst Althausen English Translation, 1993 (Booklet-softcover) (2 copies) [Also available for purchase.] | Althausen, Pastor Ernst | English | Volhynia | 1921 | 2000 | 0.01 |
Home At Last A Novel One Throusand Days in a Soviet Labor Camp and Death by Firing Squad | Miller, Donald N | English | Volhynia | 2002 | 2000 | 0.011 |
Die Deutsche Kulturarbeit Und Deren Träger in Wolhynien zwischen den zwei Weltkriegen Sonderdruck aus Der Kulturwart, Nr. 127 (2 copies) (Booklet-softcover) | Schmidt, Hugo Karl | German | Volhynia | Unknown | 2000 | 0.012 |
Die Wolhyniendeutschen Die Geschichte dreier Kolonisten-Generationen (4 copies) AND extensive section from Ewald Thom researching families. | Weiss, Josef Thom, Ewald | German | Volhynia | 1980 | 2000 | 0.013 |
Pastor Samuel Lemke Records Confirmations / Konfirmanden Includes Biography of Samuel Siegried Lemke (2 copies) | Lemke, Pastor Samuel | English | Records | 2000 | 0.014 | |
Wolhynienfahrt 1926. Band 10 | Von Rosen, Hans | German | Volhynia | 1982 | 2000 | 0.015 |
Einwanderung Nach Wolhynien / Emigrating To Volhynia | HSGPV | English | Volhynia | 2007 | 2000 | 0.016 |
Kirchen In Wolhynien / Churches In Volhynia | HSGPV | German | Volhynia | 2007 | 2000 | 0.017 |
Bug Holländer In Wolhynien Spuren und Geschichte Mit 75 Abbildungen, 21 Dokumenten/Urkunden und 11 Karten | Bütow, Eduard | German | Volhynia | 2003 | 2000 | 0.018 |
Die Deutschen In Wolhynien Ein kulthistorischer Überblick | Arndt, Nikolaus | German | Volhynia | 1994 | 2000 | 0.019 |
Ich will der Gnade des Herrn gedenken Erlebnisberich aus der Arbeit des Bessarabischen Gemeinschaftsverbandes | Eichelberg | German | Europe Central Bessarabia | 1979 | 2000 | 0.107 |
Tarutino, Bessarabia, Wirtschaft Records, Family Stammbaums (Pedigrees) and Emigration Data | GRHS | English | Europe Central Bessarabia | 2000 | 0.108 | |
German-Russian Villages in Bessarabia of Southern Russia After 1812 | HSGPV | German | Europe Central Bessarabia | 2008 | 2000 | 0.109 |
Pilgerreise zur seligen Ewigkeit | Bunyan, John | German | Europe Central | 1962 | 2000 | 0.11 |
Aus meinem Leben | Meyer, Ilse | German | Europe Central | 1962 | 2000 | 0.111 |
Zur Geschichte der Deutschen In Bessarabien | Wagner, Immanuel | German | Europe Central Bessarabia | 1958 | 2000 | 0.112 |
Steppenwind - Erzählungen aus dem Leben der Bessarabiendeutschen | Thilemann, Alfred | German | Europe Central Bessarabia | 1982 | 2000 | 0.113 |
Ratje | Vries, Anne De | German | Europe Central | 1960? | 2000 | 0.114 |
Geschichte Der Gemeinde Alt Posttal Bessarabien | Gackle, Herbert | German | Europe Central Bessarabia | 1983 | 2000 | 0.115 |
Heimat In der Steppe | Fiechtner, Friedrich | German | Europe Central | 1964 | 2000 | 0.116 |
Bessarabien und sein Deutschtum | Becker, Jakob | German | Europe Central Bessarabia | 1966 | 2000 | 0.117 |
Mein Dreiunddrissigstes Jahr | Fittkau, Gerhard | German | Europe Central | 1961 | 2000 | 0.118 |
So Weit Die Füsse Tragen | Bauer, Josef Martin | German | Volhynia | 1961 | 2000 | 0.119 |
Heimatbuch Der Gemeinde Neu- Posttal Kreis Akkerman Bessarabien | Schempp, Edgar | German | Europe Central Bessarabia | 1963 | 2000 | 0.12 |
Deutsches Schicksal In Der Fremde [Bessarabia] | Broneske, Otto | German | Europe Central Bessarabia | 1976 | 2000 | 0.121 |
Bessarabische Geschichten | Weiss, Rudolf | German | Europe Central Bessarabia | 1964 | 2000 | 0.122 |
One Day In The Life Of Ivan Denisovich | Solzhenitsyn, Alexander | English | Europe Central | 1963 | 2000 | 0.2 |
Ukrainian People Places… Ukrainians, Germans, Mennonites, Hutterites and Doukhobors and the names they brought to Saskatchewan | Barry, Bill | English | Europe Central | 2000 | 2000 | 0.201 |
Ukraine, A History second Edition | Subtelney, Orest | English | Europe Central Ukraine | 1994 | 2000 | 0.202 |
English-Ukrainian Dictionary | Podvesko, M. L. | English Ukrainian | Reference Dictionary Europe Central Ukraine | 1973 | 2000 | 0.203 |
Ukraine - Various Information | HSGPV | English | Europe Central Ukraine | 2008 | 2000 | 0.204 |
Blond war der Weizen der Ukraine | Gagarin, Marie Fürstin | German | Europe Central Ukraine | 1991 | 2000 | 0.208 |
Black Sea Germans I Introduction | HSGPV | English | Europe Central Black Sea Germans | 2008 | 2000 | 0.401 |
Black Sea Germans 2 Romanian Germans: Dobrujan & Regat | HSGPV | English | Europe Central Black Sea Germans | 2008 | 2000 | 0.402 |
Black Sea Germans 3 Bukovina | HSGPV | English | Europe Central Black Sea Germans | 2008 | 2000 | 0.403 |
Black Sea Germans 4 Bessarabia (Moldavia) | HSGPV | English | Europe Central Black Sea Germans | 2008 | 2000 | 0.404 |
Black Sea Germans 5 Caucasus Germans | HSGPV | English | Europe Central Black Sea Germans Caucasus | 2008 | 2000 | 0.405 |
Black Sea Germans 6 Volga Germans | HSGPV | English | Europe Central Black Sea Germans Volga | 2008 | 2000 | 0.406 |
German Colonist Life [Poland & Volhynia] - culture, traditions, lifestyle; | HSGPV | English | Cooking | 2006 | 2000 | 700.01 |
Die Grosse Flucht (2 copies) | Thorwald, Jurgen | German | History WWII Expellees | 2000 | 1500.158 | |
The Lutherans of Russia Volume 1 Parish Index to the Church Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Consistory of St. Petersburg 1833-1885 | Edlund, Thomas Kent | English | Records Volhynia Reference | 1994 | 2000 | 4000.050 |
Memories Of The Black Sea Germans The Odyssey of a Pioneering People (2 copies) | Height, Joseph S. | English | Europe Central Black Sea Germans | 1979 | 2000 | 2000.4 900.021 |
German Villages in the Ukraine, Reports of 1942-43 A Key to a Microfilm - Boxes 146-154 of the Captured German Documents at the Library of Congress, Washington, D. D. Key prepared by Adam Giesinger, 1977 | American Historical Society of Germans from Russia | German | Records Volhynia | 1977 | 2000 | |
AGoFF-Wegweiser für die Forschung nach Vorfahren aus den ostdeutschen und sudetendeutschen Gebieten sowie aus den deutschen Siedlungsgebieten in Ostß und Südosteuropa Genealogical Guide German Ancestors from East Germany and Eastern Europe | Arbeitsgemeinschaft ostdeutscher Familienforscher E. V | German | Reference | 1978 | 2000 | |
AGoFF-Wegweiser - English Edition Genealogical Guide German Ancestors from East Germany and Eastern Europe | Arbeitsgemeinschaft ostdeutscher Familienforscher E. V | English | Reference | 1984 | 2000 | |
Heimatbuch der Ostumsiedler Kalender 1955 (2 copies) | Arbeitsgemeinshaft der Ostumsiedler, Stuttgart | German | Periodical German | 1955 | 2000 | |
Protestanten in Polen - Europäer zwischen Ost und West | Borggrefe, Friedhelm; Janik, Ryszard | German | Volhynia Poland | 2001 | 2000 | |
Wolhynien und Bug-Holländer Karten - Dokumente - Bilder Wolhynien Grüßt Sie | Bütow, Eduard | German Ukrainian | Volhynia | 2000 | ||
Heimat Wolhynien Teil I | Cammann, Alfred | German | Volhynia | 1985 | 2000 | |
Heimat Wolhynien Teil II | Cammann, Alfred | German | Volhynia | 1988 | 2000 | |
The Harbin, China Refugee List Alphabetical of refugees migrating from China to South America, using 1932 census, ships: Porthos and Lipari; maps and story included. | Compiled by Frank, Jerry | English | Records Volhynia China | 2000 | ||
A Short History of Neu-Sarata English Translation of Bessarabian Heimatkalender, 1964, plus added information. [See Bessarabia-Various binder] | Copy of Excerpt, not sourced. | English | Europe East Bessarabia | 1964 | 2000 | |
Orderly and Humane The Expulsion of the Germans after the Second World War | Douglas, R. M. | English | Volhynia Germans Expulsion WWII | 2012 | 2000 | |
The Life Story of Dr. Karl Stumpp and The Nazi Ethnographic Research of Georg Leibbrandt and Karl Stumpp in Ukraine, and its North Americsn Legacy | Flegel, Arthur E. Schmaltz, Eric | English | Volhynia | 2006 2006, March | 2000 | |
Das Staatliche Gebiets Archiv in Zitomir Bibliographie Wolhynien. Arbeitsbericht | Forschungen zur Geschicht und Kultur der Rußlanddeutschen | German | Volhynia | 1993 & 1994 | 2000 | |
Wunderbare Führung Gottes | Frank, Theodor | German | Volhynia | 1977 | 2000 | |
Superintendent Alexander Schoeneich (copy) from Der Heimatbote 5/79-5 | Heimatbote, 1979 | German | Volhynia | 1979 | 2000 | |
Die Deutschen In Wolhynien Erinnerungen von Pastor Reinhold Henke aus Rozyszcze Includes handwritten English translation. | Henke, Pastor reinhold | German English | Volhynia | 2000 | ||
Wolhynische Hefte: Folgen 1 -16 [Note: Reference and Office Use copy] See also: e-index on HSGPV website; searchable by key word. Index also available in binder to Folge 14. EnglishTranslations in PDF & print: 13. Folge, 2003, pp. 37-48: Chroniken von Kostopol [Chronicles from Kostopol] | Historische Verein Wolhynien e.V. | German | Volhynia | Various | 2000 | |
German Colonist Life Deutsche Kolonisten Leben | HSGPV | English | Volhynia | 2006 | 2000 | |
German Folk Songs from Poland & Volhynia | HSGPV | German | Volhynia | 2000 | ||
Kartenmeister Locations EAST of the Oder Neisse rivers, based on Spring 1918 borders. | HSGPV | English German | Maps Volhynia | 2007 | 2000 | |
Landkarten Wolhynien | HSGPV | English German | Maps Volhynia | 2008 | 2000 | |
Podolia / Podolien | HSGPV | English | Volhyna Podolia | 2008 | 2000 | |
Volhynian-German Culture, History & Traditions | HSGPV | English German | Volhynia | 2008 | 2000 | |
Volhynian Village Index of maps re: Wandering Volhynians, March 1991, pages 9-100 | HSGPV Binder - Volhynia | English | Volhynia Map Index | 1991 | 2000 | |
Germans from Russia Heritage Collection: Some Articles found in NDSU Library [North Dakota State University] | HSGPV for GRHC - NDSU | English | Europe East | 2008 | 2000 | |
Volhynian Place Names (L. Janke) Odessa Digital Library, July 7, 1998 Includes Introduction re: Lutheran Church and record compiling, (30 pages) | Janke, Leona S. | English Polish | Records | 2000 | ||
Wolhynischer-Bote Evangelisch-lutherisches Gemeindeblatt für Wolhynien 10. April, 1927 - Weihnachten, 1928 (some missing) | Kleindienst, Alfred P. Luck, Wolhyznien (Verantwortlich Schriftleiter) | German | Volhynia | 1929 | 2000 | |
Wolhynischer-Bote Evangelisch-lutherisches Gemeindeblatt für Wolhynien 10. Februar, 1929 - 17. November 1929 | Kleindienst, Alfred P. Luck, Wolhyznien (Verantwortlich Schriftleiter) | German | Volhynia | 1929 | 2000 | |
Wolhynischer-Bote Evangelisch-lutherisches Gemeindeblatt für Wolhynien 12. Januar, 1930 - 12. Oktober 1930; 22. Oktober, 1933 | Kleindienst, Alfred P. Luck, Wolhyznien (Verantwortlich Schriftleiter) | German | Volhynia | 1930-1933 | 2000 | |
Kalendar 2024 Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirchen in Westwolhynien | Kostiuk (Kostjuk) Mychajilo and various entities | German Ukrainian | Volhynia | 2024 | 2000 | |
Die deutschen In Wolhynien 19. bis Anfang 20. Jahrhundert | Kostiuk, Mychhailo | German | Volhynia | 2010 | 2000 | |
Evangelisch-lutherisch Kirch in Luzk Ein Abriß über die Geschichte und Architektur | Kostiuk, Mykhailo | German Ukrainian | Volhynia | 2010 | 2000 | |
Liquidation of Volynian Germans Property In the Years of 1915-1916. Nominal Lists | Kostiuk, Mykhailo | English German Ukrainian | Volhynia | 2014 | 2000 | |
Lutsk Evangelical Lutheran Kirche of Christ the Saviour historical and architectural essay | Kostiuk, Mykhailo | English Ukrainian | Volhynia | 2019 | 2000 | |
The German Colonies in Volhynia The Nineteeth to Early Twentieth Century Translation funding by SGGEE in 2020. Description: Softcover. Note: Hardcover version is in colour. | Kostiuk, Mykhailo; Translator: Inna Stryukova; Editor: Richard Benert | English | Volhynia | 2020 | 2000 | |
Lutherans Remember German Heritage - newsarticle of Stillwater NewsPress 1992 | Luebke, Phyllis | English | Volhynia | 1992 | 2000 | |
Volyn / Lutsk Brochure - English/Ukrainian History, culture, rest and leisure, tourism, map of Lutsk. | Lutsk Tourism | English Ukrainian | Volhynia | 2000 | ||
Flucht in die Falle Erlebnisbericht des Überlebenden | Mantler, Heinrich | German | Volhynia | 2005 | 2000 | |
Volhynia related maps: Various (approximately 50 copies - size portrait. | Maps | English German Russian | Volhynia Maps | 2000 | ||
Mit dem Rad durch die Wojewodschaft Lodz: Gekennzeichnete Radrouten | Marschallamt der Wojewodschaft Lodz | German | Volhynia | 2007 | 2000 | |
Handbuch Russland-Deutsche (Mit Ortsverzeichnis Ehemaliger Siedlungsgebiete) [With place names gazeteer for former settlement areas] | Mertens, Ulrich | German Russian | Reference German Russians Villages | 2001 | 2000 | |
Tracing Our Roots, Volhynian Village Adventure Tour, May 12-26, 2008 | Miller, Donald | English | Volhynia | 2008 | 2000 | |
Die aus dem Osten kamen | Müller-Bohn, Jost | German | History Germany WWII Volhynia Expellees | 1984 | 2000 | |
Wolyn Map Index from James Natriss, 2007; Generally from mapywig & Obee's site. ( 2 binders with index) | Natriss, James | English | Maps Volhynia Reference | 2000 | ||
Militärhistorische Untersuchungen, Band 3 Die Umsiedlung der Wolhyniendeutschen in den Jahren 1939 bis 1940 | Niehuss, Merith | German | Volhynia | 2001 | 2000 | |
Kiev, A Guide | Novosti, Moscow | English | Ukraine Volhynia | 1991 | 2000 | |
Die Wolhyniendeutschen Ihr Werk und Ihr Schicksal [Also published in Heimatbuch 1959] | Rink, Friedrich | German English | Volhynia | 2000 | ||
Wie liegt so weit, was mein einst war Errinnerungen aus Wolhynien Includes: [Ortsplan von Dorf: Krassnoritschka, Krs. Goroschki-Geb. Shitomir] Copy 2,3 in Volhynia Binder. | Rink, Friedrich | German | Volhynia | 2000 | ||
How Far Away What Was Once Mine; Memories of Wolhynia See also: Rink Family History | Rink, Friedrich Translator: Richey, J. M. | English | Volhynia | 1994-5 (Translation) | 2000 | |
Destiny of the Rinks-translation of Friedrich's research by son, Hartmuth; Provided by Don Horn, February 2000. See also: Rink Family History | Rink, Friedrich' Rink, Hartmuth | English | Volhynia | 2000 | 2000 | |
Die Evangelisch-Augsburgische Kirche Polens 1915-1945 Sachliche Ergänzung zur polnisch-deutschen Geschichtsschreibung [Hilfskomitee der evang.-luth. Deutschen aus Polen - Hannover] | Schmidt, Arthur; Schmidt, Hugo Karl | German | Volhynia | 1995, Mai | 2000 | |
Die Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche in Wolhynien (2 copies) | Schmidt, Hugo Karl | German | Volhynia | 1992 | 2000 | |
Lebenserrinerungen In Ängsten - Und Siehe, Wir Leben | Schmidt, Hugo Karl | German | Volhynia | 2001 | 2000 | |
Die wolhyniesche Dörfer-Abenteuer-Tour 12. - 26. Mai 2008 | Sonnenburg, Adolph G. | German | Volhynia | 2008 | 2000 | |
Ernst Stewner Calendar 2017 Pictures of various places in Poland / Volhynia (2 copies) Biography of Stewner, Ernst included. | Stewner, Ernst; Herder Institut | Polish | Volhynia Calendar | 2017 | 2000 | |
Das Schriftum über Das Deutschtum in Russland, Eine Bibliographie von Dr. Karl Stumpp | Stumpp, Karl | German | Reference Russia German Volhynia | 1958 | 2000 | |
Das Schriftum über Das Deutschtum in Russland, Eine Bibliographie von Dr. Karl Stumpp | Stumpp, Karl | German | Reference Russia German | 1970 | 2000 | |
Das Uhrwerk des Himmels [The Clockwork of the Heavens] | Stumpp, Karl | German | Volhynia | 1952 | 2000 | |
Die Augwanderung aus Deutschland nach Rußland in den Jahren 1763 bis 1862 - Excerpts: p. 7, 117, 166-7, 204, 407 | Stumpp, Karl | German English | Volhynia | 1974 | 2000 | |
The German-Russians Two Centuries of Pioneering (2 copies: 1971 & Reprint of 1978) | Stumpp, Karl | English | Volhynia | 1971 & Reprint of 1978 | 2000 | |
Germans in the History of Volhyn Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference, Lutsk 1-2 October, 2015 | Technical University of Lutsk | English German Ukrainian, Russian | Volhynia | 2015 | 2000 | |
Es begann an der Weichsel -Das Ende an der Elbe (2 copies) | Thorwald Jürgen | German | Volhynia Expellees | 1959 | 2000 | |
Schreiblesefibel [Early 1900s] [Old German Script] (2 copies) | Unterricht der Elementarklassen | Old German Script | Volhynia Reference | 1920? | 2000 | |
The Other Europe Eastern Europe to 1945 | Walters, E. Garrison | English | Volhynia Eastern Europe | 1988 | 2000 | |
Travelling to Volhynia and Kasachstan 1996 Published in Wandering Volhynians, March 1998 | Weber, Alexander; Transl-Wuschke, Ewald | English | Volhynia | 1996 | 2000 | |
Verordnungsblatt des Reichsstatthalters im Warthegau Nr. 12; Posen den 18. Mai, 1943 | Website: myvolyn.de/ortslisten | German | Volhynia | 1943 | 2000 | |
Die Wolhyniendeutschen Die Geschichte dreier Kolonisten-Generationen (2nd copy in HSGPV library; See also author: Josef Weiss. ) [3rd copy in HSGPV Volhynia binder,] | Weiss, Josef | German | Volhynia | 1978 | 2000 | |
Secret Death-Defying Escape Finally Told - a novel Chapter 10: Wolsky Family Overview | Wolsky, Wally | English | Volhynia | 1995 | 2000 | |
Klopf ruhig an Heimatgedichte damals und heute | Wolz (Blümke) Erna | German | Volhynia | 1986 | 2000 | |
Ewald Wusche Presentations: 1990: German Settlements in Poland & Volhynia 1993: Volhynian Heritage & Die Schwaben und die Kaschuben (3 copies) 1996: Germans from Volhynia and their Polish and Ukrainian Neighbours 1997: Russian History 1998: An Overview of German Migrations in Central Europe 1997: Reference-Private: Mail List WV 1998: Life With Dad, Ewald Wuschke Jr. | Wuschke, Ewald | English | Volhynia | 1990-1998 | 2000 | |
Ewald Wuschke Files 1 - 179 | Wuschke, Ewald | English | Volhynia | Unknown | 2000 | |
Ewald Wuschke Files Surname Summary - Index Reports Printed by Legacy August, 2006 (coil booklet) | Wuschke, Ewald | German | Records Volhynia | 2006 | 2000 | |
Ewald Wuschke Files Various: p. 6, 31, 49, 69 and several others without page numbers. | Wuschke, Ewald | German | Records Volhynia | Unknown | 2000 | |
Volhynia/Poland Surname Research List - June 1999 WV Subscriber List - 49 pages - 1541 subscribers + 65 institutional subscribers; Filed with Ewald Wuschke Binders: A - Z | Wuschke, Ewald | English | Records Volhynia | 1999, June | 2000 | |
Bessarabian Index Of Heads Of Households, Phase One, February 1993 | Wahl, Dale Lee | English | Europe Central Bessarabia | 1993 | 2000.1 | 0.1 |
Alt Elft -- The Homeland In Words And In Photos Historical Review of Community - 1882 to Resettlement | Lehmann, Otto Sr. Translator - Pastor Horst Gutsche | English | Europe Central Bessarabia | 2000.1 | 0.104 | |
History Of The Community Of Tarutino from 1814 to 1934 (2 copies: Research both copies, as they are not fully identical.) | Mutschall, Wilhelm | English | Europe Central Bessarabia | 1966 | 2000.1 | 0.105 |
History Of The Diocese Of Tyraspol - 1930 Translator: Pastor Horst Wilhelm Gutsche | Kessler, Joeph Aloysius | English | Europe Central Bessarabia | 1930; Trsl 2010 | 2000.1 | 0.106 |
Beresen District Odessa Newsletter Index: 1996 - 2006 Village Index Newsletters: June 1996 to February 2006 | HSGPV | English | Periodicals Europe Central Bessarabia | 2008 | 2000.1 | |
Bessarabia: Various Information Maps, AHSGR Articles Genealogical Records of the Evangelical Lutheran Churches microfilmed in Berlin in 1949 Migration of our Ancestors - Wuschke, Ewald Translation of 1951 - The Bessarabisher Heimatkalender - The Origin of our Former Mother-Congregations - Prof. Kalmback; Busch, William -translator | HSGPV | English | Europe Central Bessarabia | 2008 | 2000.1 | |
Colony Teplitz (Bessarabia) Translation purchased in 1981. | Weiss, Herbert Germans from Russia Heritage Society | English | Europe Central Bessarabia | 1981 | 2000.1 | |
Die Deutsche Minderheit in der Ukraine (10 copies) | Rat der Deutschen der Ukraine | German Ukrainian | Europe Central Ukraine | Unknown | 2000.2 | |
Thunder On The Steppe Volga German Folklife in a Changing Russia (2 Copies) | Kloberdanz, Timothy & Rosalinda | English | Russia | 2001 | 2000.3 | 4000.028 |
Emigration to and from the German-Russian Volga Colonies, 2nd Edition - 2014 | Kaiser, D. Philipp | English | Europe Central German History Volga | 2014 | 2000.3 | |
1798 Census of the German Colonies along the Volga - Volume I and Volume 2. (2 books) Economy, Population, and Agriculture | Mai, Brent Alan | English | Reference Russia Volga | 1999 | 2000.3 | |
Galka, A German Settlement on the Volga Inaugural - Dissertation for the attainment of a doctorate from the Faculty of Philosophy of the University of Leipzig, submitted by Max Praetorius from Riga (Russia) | Praetorius, Max | German | Volga German | 1912 | 2000.3 | |
Ein Kolonistendorf im Slawischen Osten - Chronik der Gemeinde und Volksschule Tiefenbach (Nowe Boryszewo, Kreis Plockm - Mittelpolen) | Lackner, Franz | German | Poland | 1909 | 3000 | 0.001 |
Gomulka, His Poland, His Communism | Bethell, Nicholas | English | Poland | 1969 | 3000 | 0.002 |
Regions of Poland | HSGPV | English | Poland | 2008 | 3000 | 0.003 |
A Member Of A Distinguished Family, The Polish Group In Canada | Radecki, Henry; Heydenkorn, Benedykt | English | Poland | 1976 | 3000 | 0.004 |
Poland | Michener | English | Poland | 1984 | 3000 | 0.007 |
A Historical Bibliography of Polish Towns, Villages, and Regions (except Warsaw and Krakow); Intro: Peckwas, Edward A. | Polish Genealogical Society, Illinois | English | Poland | 1990 | 3000 | 0.008 |
Lech Walesa, A Way Of Hope An Autobiography | Walesa, Lech | English | Poland | 1987 | 3000 | 0.009 |
The Lands Of Partitioned Poland, 1795-1918 | Wandyca, Piotr S. | English | Poland | 1974 | 3000 | 0.01 |
Eye Witness, The Autobiography of Gomulka's Interpreter | Weit, Erwin | English | Poland | 1973 | 3000 | 0.011 |
Settlements In Posen, 16th & 17th Centuries | Wuschke, Ewald | English | Poland | Unknown | 3000 | 0.012 |
Translations From Weichsel-Warthe Vol I & Ii | Wuschke, Ewald | English | Poland | Unknown | 3000 | 0.013 |
Polish History - Lecture by Ewald Wuschke | Wuschke,Ewald | English | Poland | 1997 | 3000 | 0.014 |
Polish Roots - Maps | HSGPV | English | Poland | 2008 | 3000 | 0.015 |
German Villages in Poland - 1835 | Wuschke, Ewald | English | Poland | Unknown | 3000 | 0.016 |
Proof of Germanic Settlements, Lodz Area in WW 1963, page 51-54 | Kargel, Adolf | English | Poland | Unknown | 3000 | 0.017 |
Landkarten Polen | HSGPV | German | Poland | 2008 | 3000 | 0.019 |
Plock, Poland: Maps | HSGPV | English | Poland | 2008 | 3000 | 0.02 |
Poland: A Historical Atlas (2 copies) 2nd = Revised Edition | Pogonowski, Iwo Cyprian | English | Poland | 1987, 1988 | 3000 | 0.022 |
Polish Acts Of Atrocity Against The German Minority In Poland, 1940 | German Foreign Office | English | Poland | 1940 | 3000 | 0.023 |
Polish Localities In The Russian Partition and Their Parish Affiliations Vol. 1: Bialystok, Drohiczyn, Lomza, Plock Dioceses (Catholic Church) | Shea, Jonathan D. & Hoffman, William F. | English | Poland | Unknown | 3000 | 0.024 |
The Latin Church In the Polish Commonwealth in 1772; A Map and Index of Localities | Polish Genealogical Society, Illinois | English | Poland | 1990 | 3000 | 0.025 |
Polen Im Bild (Poland In Pictures) | HSGPV | German | Poland | 2008 | 3000 | 0.027 |
Einwanderung Nach Polen (Emigrating to Poland) | HSGPV | German | Poland | 2008 | 3000 | 0.028 |
Kirchen in Polen (Churches in Poland) | HSGPV | German | Poland | 2008 | 3000 | 0.029 |
Der Protestantismus in den Ostgebieten Polens in den Jahren 1921-1939 Protestantism in East areas of Poland 1921-1939 | Alabrudzinska, Elzbieta | German | Reference Poland Religion | 2000 | 3000 | |
Danziger Hauskalender 1956 | Danzigerverlag | German Fraktur/Gothic script | Poland | 1956 | 3000 | |
HKG Lodz: Information 1993-09; 1995-09; 1997-09; 1999-09; 2000-08 | Heimatkreisgemeinschaft - Lodzer Industriegebiet | German | Periodical Poland | 1993-2000 | 3000 | |
Poland - various information | HSGPV | English | Poland | 2024 | 3000 | |
Polish - German Culture, History, & Traditions | HSGPV | English | Poland | 2008 | 3000 | |
Bischof Dr. Julius Bursche Sein Leben und seine Tätigkeit 1862-1942 [Bishop of Evangelical Augsburg Church in Poland] | Kneifel, Eduard | German | Poland | 1980 | 3000 | |
Danzig in 144 Bildern | Meyer, Dr. Hans Bernhard | German | Poland | 1964 | 3000 | |
Index to Parish Records of St. Trinity Lutheran Church, Lodz, Poland 1828-1852 and 1867; Vol I - A-K; Vol II - L-Z | Records copied: Michael Radke, Indexed: Ewald Thom; Copied by E. Wuschke - 1993 | English | Poland Records | 1993 | 3000 | |
Outline of History of the Polish State; Published by Polish Information Agency, Warsaw | Tymowski, Michal | English | Poland | 1992 | 3000 | |
Deutsches Geschlechterbuch, Band 140 4. Posener Band (umfassend das gesamte Wartheland) | Verlag von C. A. Starke | German | Poland | 1965 | 3000 | |
Die Pastoren Der Evangelisch-Augsburgischen Kirche In Polen | Kneifel, Eduard | German | Poland | Unknown | 3000.5 | 0.501 |
Alexandrow, Ein Mittelpunkt der Deutschen im Industriegebiet Lodz - Herkunft und Geschichte | Kargel, Adolf; Schmidt, Arthur | German | Poland | 1980 | 3000.5 | 0.502 |
Erinnerungen An Laczka (Lonschka), Gebiet Zeliszew, Kreis Siedlce; eine ehemalige deutsche Kolonie in Polen | Mainka, Ruth | German | Poland | 1987 | 3000.5 | 0.503 |
Schlonsk Chronik Ein Deutsches Dorf An Der Weichsel In Mittelpolen (3 Copies) | Mielke, Emil | German | Poland | 3000.5 | 0.504 | |
Lodz-Berlin 1914-1918 Ein Zeitdokument | Treger, Max | German | Poland | 1985 | 3000.5 | 0.505 |
Das Riesengebirge und Isergebirge In 144 Bildern | Birke, Prof. Dr. Ernst | German | Poland | 1961 | 3000.5 | 0.506 |
Aufbau Und Entwicklung Der Lodzer Textilindustrie | Heike, Otto | German | Poland | 1971 | 3000.5 | 0.507 |
Die Deutschen Siedlungen In Cholmer und Lubliner Lande | Verlag Gunther Wolff | German Fraktur/Gothic script | Poland | 1933 | 3000.5 | 0.508 |
Zwischen Weichsel Und Warthe, 300 Bilder | Csallner, Heinz | German | Poland | 1989 | 3000.5 | 0.509 |
Das Deutsche Theater In Lodz 1867 - 1939 | Müller, Leo | German | Poland | Unknown | 3000.5 | 0.511 |
Das Deutschtum In Polen, Ein Bildband - Teil 5 | Kauder, Viktor | German | Poland | 1939 | 3000.5 | 0.512 |
Stary Cmentarz Ewangelicko - Augburski W Lodzi | Stefanski, Krysztof | Polish | Poland | 1992 | 3000.5 | 0.513 |
Deutsche Gaue In Osten, 1939 Das Deutschtum in Polen | Kauder, Viktor | German | Poland | 1939 | 3000.5 | 0.514 |
Deutsche Heimat In Polen In 144 Bildern | Nasarski, Peter | German | Poland | 1958 | 3000.5 | 0.515 |
Die evangelisch-augsburgischen Gemeinden In Polen, 1555-1939 | Kneifel, Eduard | German | Poland | Unknown | 3000.5 | 0.517 |
Dokumente Polnischer Grausamkeiten Verbrechen an Deutschen 1919-1939 nach amtlichen Quellen | Arndt Verlag | German | Poland | 1995 | 3000.5 | 0.518 |
Geschichte Der Deutsche Baptisten In Polen von 1858 - 1945 | Kluttig, Robert L., Prediger | German | Poland | 1973 | 3000.5 | 0.519 |
Fundament Deutschen Volkstums In Polen, Zum 100. Gründungstag des deutschen Lehrerseminars in Warschau-Lodz 1866-1966 | Patenschaftsausschuss der deutschen aus dem Lodzer Industriegebiet | German | Poland | 1966 | 3000.5 | 0.52 |
Gedenkschrift Zur 125 Jahrigen Jubileum der evangelischßlutherischen Pfarrgemeinde Plock - 1804-1929 (copy of the booklet) | Unknown | German | Poland | 1929 | 3000.5 | 0.521 |
Geschichte der Evangelisch-Augsburgischen Kirche In Polen | Kneifel, Eduard | German | Poland | Unknown | 3000.5 | 0.522 |
Geschichte des Deutschtums von Rippin und Umgegend - unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Schul- und Kirchenwesens, mit Streiflichtern und Querschnitten durch das gesamte Deutschtum Polens - 3. verbesserte Auflage | Treichel, Alexander | German | Poland | Unknown | 3000.5 | 0.523 |
Kalendarz Ewangelicki Polen 1990 | Warsaw | Polish | Poland | 1990 | 3000.5 | 0.524 |
Obornik, Eine konigliche Stadt an der Warthe, Geschichte der Evangelischen Kirchengemeinde Obornik | Brauer, Wilhelm Reinhold | German | Poland | Unknown | 3000.5 | 0.525 |
Ozorkow: Erste Textilstadt In Polen Das Aufbauwerk eingewanderter Deutscher Tuchmacher und Weber | Patenschaftsausschuss der deutschen aus dem Lodzer Industriegebiet | German | Poland | 1967? | 3000.5 | 0.526 |
Pabianice: Leben, Leistung und Schicksal deutscher Einwanderer in einer Textilstadt Mittelpolens | Patenschaftsausschuss der deutschen aus dem Lodzer Industriegebiet | German | Poland | 1965? | 3000.5 | 0.527 |
Schlesische Miniaturen | Sommer, Fedor | German | Poland | Unknown | 3000.5 | 0.528 |
Polen Grüsst | Warsaw | German | Poland | 1978 | 3000.5 | 0.529 |
Als Pimpf In Polen Erweiterte Kinderlandverschickung 1940-1945 | Hermand, Jost | German | Poland | 1993 | 3000.5 | 0.531 |
Unter Polnischer Verwaltung, Tagebuch 1957 | Wassermann, Charles | German | Poland | 1957 | 3000.5 | 0.532 |
Von Der Weichsel an den Rhein: Gostynin-Langenfeld | Nasarski, Peter | German | Poland | 1966? | 3000.5 | 0.533 |
Von Unserer Art - Vom Leben und Wirken deutscher Menschen im Raume von Wechsel und Warthe | Weigelt, Fritz | German | Poland | 1963 | 3000.5 | 0.534 |
Zgierz: Ausgangspunkt Der Textilindustrie in den Regierungsstädten Polens; Die Aufbauleistung deutscher Tuchmacher in Zgierz | Patenschaftsausschuss der deutschen aus dem Lodzer Industriegebiet; Heike, Otto | German | Poland | Unknown | 3000.5 | 0.535 |
Wunderbare Führung Gottes | Frank, Theodor | German | Poland | 1977 | 3000.5 | 0.536 |
Kantorats- und Schugemeinde Wladyslawow-Kwilno | Salzwedel, Max | German | Poland | 1973 | 3000.5 | 0.537 |
Die Evangelische Kirche Im Wartheland-Ost (Lodz) - Ihr Aufbau und ihre Auseinandersetzung mit dem Nationalismus 1939-1945 | Kneifel, Eduard | German | Poland | 1976 | 3000.5 | 0.538 |
Preussen -- Prussia HSGPV produced information, includes Maps, Prussia Region, History, West Prussia, Germanic Emigration to Prussia, East Prussia, Gdansk / Danzig, plus much more. | HSGPV | English | Prussia East | 2008 | 3100 | 0.002 |
Ostpreußen, Westpreußen und Danzig Reise in die Gegenwart Erinnerung an di Verganangenheit | Wagner, Ruth Mariaö Peitsch, Helmut | German | Prussia | 1979 | 3100 | 0.003 |
Ostpresussen In Farbe Land des Bernsteins 144 Großfotos, Mit 54 Zeichnungen | Hermanowski, Georg | German | Prussia East | 3100 | 0.004 | |
Ostpreussen In Farbe - Land Des Bernsteins | Hermanowski, Georg | German | Prussia East | 1989 | 3100 | 0.004 |
Namen die keiner mehr nennt Ostpreussen Menschen Und Geschichte | Dönhoff, Marion Gräfin | German | Prussia East | 1989, 1962 | 3100 | 0.005 |
Landsmannschaft Westpreussen - 50 Jahre 1949-1999 Geschichte-Heimatkunde-Organisation | Landsmannschaft Westpreussen | German | Prussia East | 1999 | 3100 | 0.005 |
Geschichte Ost- und West- Preußens | Schumacher, Bruno | German | Prussia East | 1987 | 3100 | 0.006 |
Meine Heimat Ostpreusßen Erinnerungen an ein geliebtes Land | Reinoß, Herbertö Weltbild Verlag | German | Prussia East | 1989 | 3100 | 0.007 |
Preußisch Eylau - Eine Kreisstadt In Ostpreußen | Schulz, Horst | German | Prussia East | 1998 | 3100 | 0.008 |
Westpreussen Jahrbuch Band 22 - 1972 | Landsmannschaft Westpreussen | German | Prussia East | 1972 | 3100 | 0.009 |
Geschichte Ost- und West- Preußens | Schumacher, Bruno | German | Prussia East | 1977 | 3100 | 0.01 |
Ostpreußen, wie es war Das große Erinnerungsbuch mit 173 Fotos aus Ostpreußen, Westpreußend und Danzig | Engel, Hans-Ulrich | German | Prussia | 1978? | 3100 | 0.011 |
Der Kreis Stuhm | Heimatkreises Stuhm | German | Prussia West | 1975 | 3100 | 0.012 |
Ost Preusßisches Tagebuch Aufzeichnungen eines Arztes aus den Jahren 1945-1947 | Lehndorff, Hans Graf Von | German | Prussia East | 1967 | 3100 | 0.013 |
Ost Preussen Im Fege feuer | Vondran, Emmerich | German | Prussia East | 1979? | 3100 | 0.014 |
Erinnerungen eines alten Ostpreußen | Fürst zu DohnaßSchlobitten | German | Prussia | 1989 | 3100 | |
Das gestohlene Jahrzehnt Erinnerungen 1945-1955 Zwischen Königsberg und Archangelsk Schicksal Ostpreußen | Buntkirchen, Ruth | German | German History Early 20th century East Prussia | 2009 | 3100.1 | 1000.202 |
Zwischen Elbe und Oden Wanderungen in der Gegenwart und Ausflüge in die Verganangenheit | Winter, Herbert | German | Prussia | 1984 | 3100.1 | 1000.582 |
Die letzten Studen daheim Ostpreußens Schicksal in schwerer Zeit Dokumente-Analzsen-Kommentare - Band 5 | Wagner, Ruth Maria; Stamm, Hans-Ulrich | German | Europe Prussia | 1972 | 3100.1 | 1000.678 |
Prussia: various FAQs and articles | HSGPV | English | Prussia | 2008 | 3100.1 | |
Der Carol - Ein halbes schock schockierender Schwänke (aus dem Leben des ostpreußischen Grafen Carol Sassenburg) | Klootboom - Klootweitschen | German | Europe Germany Prussia | 1984 | 3100.1 | |
Ostpreußenkalendar 2009 | Landkreis Königsberg | German | Prussia East | 2009 | 3100.1 | |
Schönes Ostpreußen 2008 | Landkreis Königsberg | German | Prussia East | 2008 | 3100.1 | |
Der Lümmel mit dem roten Kragen Erinnerungen an unsere Schulzeit, von uns und anderen bösen Knaben aus Marienburg und Westpreußen. The Lout with the Red Collar Memories from school times from the authors. | Seipelt, Günther und Schalk, Hans | German | Prussia West Culture | 1984 | 3100.1 | |
Ostpreussen Pictures | Svetter, Erwin, compiler | German | Prussia East | 1980-2012 | 3100.1 | |
Pommeranian Customs And Culture | Pommerscher Verein Freistadt, Wisconsin | English | Pommerania | 1986, 2004 | 3200 | 0.101 |
Pommern -- Pomerania | HSGPV | German | Pommerania | 2008 | 3200 | 0.102 |
Pommern in alten Ansichten, Pommern 2007 gestern (Calendar) | Städtekalender gestern | German | Pommerania | 2007 | 3200 | 0.103 |
Pommerania Various Materials | HSGPV | English | Pommerania | 2008 | 3200 | 0.104 |
The Baltic Germans | HSGPV | English | Europe Central | 2008 | 3600 | |
Memoirs | Gromyko, Andrei | English | Russia | 1989 | 4000 | 0.001 |
Alexander Dolgun's Story, An American In the Gulag | Dolgun, Alexander; Watson, Patrick | English | Russia | 1975 | 4000 | 0.002 |
Chronicle Of Th Russian Tsars The Reign-by-Reign Record of the Rulers of Imperial Russia | Warnes, David | English | Russia | 1999 | 4000 | 0.003 |
Iron Curtain Christians The Church in Communist Countries Today | Hutten, Kurt Translator: Walter Tillmanns | English | Russia | 1967 | 4000 | 0.005 |
The Andropov File The Life and Ideas of Yuri Andropov, General Secretary of the Communist Party of the USSR | Ebon, Martin | English | Russia | 1983 | 4000 | 0.006 |
Krushchev In America Full texts of the speeches. | Crosscurrents Press | English | Russia | 1960 | 4000 | 0.007 |
Parting With Illusions The extraordinary life and controversial views of the Soviet Union's commentator Vladimir Pozner | Pozner, Vladimir | English | Russia | 1990 | 4000 | 0.008 |
Andropov, New Challenge To The West A Political Biography | Beichman, Arnold; Bernstam, Mikhail | English | Russia | 1983 | 4000 | 0.009 |
Russia, Ukraine, & Belarus Lonely Planet travel survival kit | Noble, John, etc. | English | Russia | 1996 | 4000 | 0.01 |
The New Class - An Analysis of the Communist System | Djilas, Milovan | English | Russia | 1957 | 4000 | 0.011 |
Khrushchev: A Career | Crankshaw, Edward | English | Russia | 1966 | 4000 | 0.012 |
A History Of Russia | Lawrence, John | English | Russia | 1957 | 4000 | 0.013 |
The Russian Empire 1801-1917 Oxford History of Modern Europe | Seton-Watson, Hugh | English | Russia | 1967 | 4000 | 0.014 |
Ten Days That Shook The World His Explosive account of the Russian revolution - now a stunning new film. | Reed, John | English | Russia | 1977 | 4000 | 0.015 |
Peter The Great | Klyuchevsky, Vasili | English | Russia | 1958 | 4000 | 0.016 |
Two Lives, One Russia | Daniloff, Nicholas | English | Russia | 1988 | 4000 | 0.017 |
Russia In Pictures | Visual Geography Series | English | Russia | 1960? | 4000 | 0.018 |
Soviet Russia - Countries Of Today | Lawrence, John | English | Russia | 1967 | 4000 | 0.019 |
Who is to blame? Translation of Kto vinovat? | Herzen, Alexander | English | Russia | 1982 | 4000 | .021 |
Russia And The West Under Lenin And Stalin | Kennan, George F. | English | Russia | 1960 | 4000 | 0.023 |
The Soviet Union Nations and Peoples Library | Murarka, Dev | English | Russia | 1971 | 4000 | 0.024 |
Russia The People and the Power | Kaiser, Robert G. | English | Russia | 1976 | 4000 | .025 |
Russia An Introduction to Russia, from Czars to Commissars | Salisbury, Harrison E. | English | Russia | 1965 | 4000 | .027 |
Gone Without A Trace German=Russian Women in Exile | Das, Nelly; Translator: Holland, Nancy | English | Russia | 2000 | 4000 | 0.029 |
I Heard My People Cry - One Family's Escape From Russia | Lenci-Downs, Elizabeth | English | Russia | 2003 | 4000 | 0.03 |
Alla Lizzie: A gripping narration of the love and strength of a German/Russian woman and her family as they survive Pre-Communist Russia and struggle to start a new life in early twentieth century America | Eichstaedt, Helen | English | Russia | 1995 | 4000 | 0.031 |
The Emigration from Germany to Russia | Stumpp, Karl | English | Russia | 1973 | 4000 | 0.032 |
Comrade Chairman, Soviet Succession and the Rise Of Gorbachov | Owen, Richard | English | Russia | 1987 | 4000 | 0.033 |
Breaking with Moscow … The highest-ranking Soviet official ever to defect…. | Shevchenko, Arkady N, | English | Russia | 1985 | 4000 | 0.034 |
Inside The Soviet Army | Suvorov, Viktor | English | Russia | 1982 | 4000 | 0.0358 |
Russian, The Land Of The Great White Czar | Phillips, E. C. | English | Russia | 1960? | 4000 | 0.036 |
Anna Marie and Other Tales of the Germans in the USSR | Walker, Joshua S. [AHSGR] | English | Russia | 2008 | 4000 | .039 |
The Russländer (2 Copies) | Birdsell, Sandra | German | Russia | 2001 | 4000 | 0.042 |
Shop-Floors And Prisons The Recollections of a German Engineer in stalin's Russia of the 1930's | Altmann, Hans | English | Russia | 1987 | 4000 | 0.043 |
Soviet Life Magazine, July 1988 Years of Russia's Christianity | Magazine | English | Russia | 4000 | 0.044 | |
A Day In The Life Of The Soviet Union [Oversize Picture Book] | Collins Publishers | English | Russia | 1987 | 4000 | 0.045 |
Russian-German Culture, History & Traditions | HSGPV | English | Russia | 2008 | 4000 | 0.046 |
German Villages in Russia | HSGPV | English | Russia | 2008 | 4000 | 0.047 |
Siberia - Die Sibiriendeutsch (Siberian Germans) | HSGPV | English | Russia | 2008 | 4000 | 0.048 |
Abused Russia [Photocopy of 1915 resource.] | Young, Dr. C. C. | English | Russia | 1915 | 4000 | 0.049 |
The Dark Abyss Of Exile: A Story Of Survival | Bender, Ida | English | Russia | 2000 | 4000 | 0.052 |
Russia Germans | HSGPV | English | Russia | 2008 | 4000 | 0.053 |
Nina's Journey - A Memoir of Stalin's Russia & the Second World War | Markovna, Nina | English | Russia | 1989 | 4000 | 0.056 |
Short Stories - Anton Chekhov | Chekhov, Anton | English | Russia | 2001 | 4000 | 0.057 |
We Will Bury You The Soviet plan for the subversion of the West by the highest ranking Communist ever to defect. | Sejna, Jan | English | Russia | 1982 | 4000 | 0.059 |
The Marxist Reader - Works That Changed The World The Most Significant and Enduring Works of Marxism: Marx-Engels-Lenin-Staline | Burns, Emile - commentary and notes. | English | Russia | 1982 | 4000 | 0.06 |
Cossack - Warrior Riders Of The Steppes | Groushko, M.A. | English | Russia | 1992 | 4000 | 0.062 |
The Tarasov Saga- From Russia Through China To Australia A moving account of a close-knit family during a tumultuous era. | Nash, Gary | English | Russia | 2002 | 4000 | 0.064 |
Mikhail S. Gorbachev - An Intimate Biography By the Editors fo Time Magazine | A Time Book | English | Russia | 1988 | 4000 | 0.065 |
Stalingrad - the turning point Ballantine's Illustrated Battle-History of World War II book, No. 3 | Jukes, Geoffrey | English | Russia | 1968 | 4000 | 0.067 |
All Stalin's Men - Six Who Carried out the Bloody Policies | Medvedev, Roy | English | Russia | 1984 | 4000 | 0.068 |
A Short History Of Russia Perennial Library | Sturley, D.M. | English | Russia | 1964 | 4000 | 0.075 |
Svetlana -The Incredible Story Of Stalin's Daughter | Ebon, Martin | English | Russia | 1967 | 4000 | 0.077 |
KGB - The Secret Work of the Soviet Secret Agents | Barron, John | English | Russia | 1974 | 4000 | 0.078 |
Boris Yeltsin - From Bolshevik To Democrat | Morrison, John | English | Russia | 1991 | 4000 | 0.08 |
The Assassination Of Trotsky | Mosley, Nicholas | English | Russia | 1972 | 4000 | 0.082 |
The Fall Of Khrushchev | Hyland, William; Shryock, Wallace | English | Russia | 1968 | 4000 | 0.084 |
The New Russians | Smith, Hedrick | English | Russia | 1990 | 4000 | 0.085 |
Gorbachev: Mandate For Peace | Gorbachev, Mikhail S. | English | Russia | 1987 | 4000 | 0.087 |
Russka - The Novel Of Russia | Rutherfurd, Edward | English | Russia | 1991 | 4000 | 0.088 |
Marshal Zhukov's Greatest Battles | Zhukov, Georgi K. | English | Russia | 1969 | 4000 | 0.089 |
The Russian Revolution | Moorehead, Alan | English | Russia | 1958 | 4000 | 0.40 |
The Czar's Germans, With Particular Reference to the Volga Germans | Williams, Hattie Plum | English | Russia | 1975 | 4000 | 0.41 |
August 1914 | Solzhenitsyn, Alexander | English | Prussia ? World War I | 1972 | 4000 | 3100.001 |
Anna - Her Odyssey To Freedom | Brown, Eric | English | Russia | 2002 | 4000 | .090-IF IDd 0.086 |
Life World Library - Russia | Life World Library | English | Russia | 1960 | 4000 | 0.02 |
Khrushchev Remembers (2 copies) | Translator: Talbot, Strobe | English | Russia | 1971 | 4000 | 0.081 No ID |
Catherine the Great Life and Legend | Alexander, John T. | English | Russia | 1989 | 4000 | |
Russia in Revolt 1905: The First Crack in Tsarist Power | Floyd, David | English | History Russia | 1969 | 4000 | |
from Catherine to Khruschchev The Story of Russia's Germans | Giesinger, Adam AHSGR | English | Reference History Russian | 1974 | 4000 | |
Die Krimdeutsche - The Crimean Germans South Russia - Crimea | HSGPV | English | Russia | 2008 | 4000 | |
HSGPV Binder: Russia A Window into the Iron Curtain-Mela Meisner Library Russian Ruble - copies | HSGPV | English | Russia | 2008 | 4000 | |
Landkarten Russland (Maps of Germany) | HSGPV | English | Russia | 2008 | 4000 | |
Odessa Germans - Die Odessadeutsche | HSGPV | English | Russia | 2008 | 4000 | |
Russia - Johannestal - Odessa, Russia | Krim-GR Research Website | English | Russia | 2008 | 4000 | |
Broken Idols, Russia, Solemn Dreams | Shipler, David K. | English | Russia | 1983 | 4000 | |
Katharina Die Große: Eine Biographie | Cronin, Vincent | German | Russia | 1977 | 4000.5 | 0.501 |
Roter Kavier - Maria Hauptmann | de Smeth, Maria | German | Russia | 1965 | 4000.5 | 0.502 |
In Russland erlebt mit Jesus | Schacht, Erich | German | Russia | 1997 | 4000.5 | .509 |
Woina-Woina Russisches Tagebuch | Hohoff, Curt | German | Russia | 1952 | 4000.5 | 0.511 |
Grenzen Der Sowjetunion Beihefte zum Jahrbuch der Albertus-Universität IX | Starlinger, Wilhelm | German | Russia | 1955 | 4000.5 | 0.513 |
Warnung Die tödliche Gefahr des Kommunismus | Solschenizyn, Alexander | German | Russia | 1980 | 4000.5 | 0.515 |
Das Antlitz Rußlands Und Das Gesicht Der Revolution Aus meinem Leben 1884-1992 | Stepun, Fedor | German | Russia | 1961 | 4000.5 | 0.516 |
Die Stummen reden 400 Jahre evangelischßlutherische Kirche In Rußland | Schleuning, Johannes | German | Russia | 1954 | 4000.5 | 0.517 |
Die Rußlanddeutschen Unter Doppeladler und Sowjetstern Städte, Landschaften und Menschen auf alten Fotos | Längin, Bernd G. | German | Russia | 1991 | 4000.5 | 0.518 |
Deutsches Schicksal In Der Fremde | Broneske, Dr. Otto | German | Russia | 1960? | 4000.5 | 0.522 |
Der Archipel GULAG | Solschenizyn, Alexander | German | Russia | 1973; 1974 German | 4000.5 | .523 |
Der Archipel GULAG Folgeband: Arbeit und Ausrottung; Seele und Stacheldraht | Solschenizyn, Alexander | German | Russia | 1974 | 4000.5 | 0.524 |
Chruschtschow 50 km vor Hamburg | Kleist, Peter | German | Russia | 1959 | 4000.5 | 0.53 |
Der Archipel GULAG Schlußband: Die Katorga kommt wieder in der Verbannung nach Stalin | Solschenizyn, Alexander | German | Russia | 1974 | 4000.5 | 0.531 |
Russland eine schwierige Heimat [A Difficult Home] | Kopelew, Lew | German | Russia | 1995 | 4000.5 | 0.537 |
Verbrannte Erde - Schlacht Swischen Wolga Und Weichsel | Carell, Paul | German | Russia | 1973 | 4000.5 | 0.542 |
Glaube Trotz KGB Christsein in der UdSSR heute | Hartfeld, Hermann | German | Russia | 1976 | 4000.5 | 0.543 |
Sibirien Eroberung und Erschließung der wirtschaftlichen Schatzkamme des Ostens | Semjonow, Juri | German | Russia | 1954 | 4000.5 | 0.545 |
Am Anfang Starb Genosse Kirow Säuberungen unter Stalin Original English Title: The Great Terror | Conquest, Robert; Knust, Jutta & Theodor-German version | German | Russia | 1970 | 4000.5 | 0.546 |
Gespräche mit Stalin Original English Title: Conversations with Stalin | Djilas, Milovan | German | Russia | 1962 | 4000.5 | 0.547 |
Karl Marx in seinen Briefen Ausgewählt und kommentiert von Saul K. Padover Original English Title: The Letters of Karl Marx | Translator: Karl Heinz Siber | German | Russia | 1981 | 4000.5 | 0.549 |
Unternehmen Barbarossa Der Marsch nach Rußland | Carell, Paul | German | Russia | 1975 | 4000.5 | 0.550 |
Verbrannte Erde Schlacht zwischen Wolga und Weichsel | Carell, Paul | German | Russia | 1966 | 4000.5 | 0.551 |
Das Schwert Auf Der Waage Hans Fritsche über Nürenberg | Springer, Hildegard | German | Russia | 1953 | 4000.5 | 0.552 |
Der Grosse Rausch Russlandfeldzug 1941-1945 | Kern, Erich | German | Russia | 1948 | 4000.5 | 0.553 |
Vom Chaos zum Staat Männer die für uns Begannen 1945-1949 | Behr, Hermann | German | Russia | 1961 | 4000.5 | 0.554 |
Die Reichen und Die Super-Reichen Macht und Allmacht des Geldes Original English Title: The Rich and the Super-Rich - A Studz in the Power of Money Today | Lundberg, Gerdinand | German | Russia | 1968 | 4000.5 | 0.555 |
Der Sowjet-Mensch (2 copies) | Mehnert, Klaus | German | Russia | 1964, 1967 | 4000.5 | 0.503 0.503 A (HC) |
Texte Der Russlanddeutschen Autorentage II & III Alma-Ata, im Juni 1992 Eriskirch Im Juni 1993, | Pamphlet | German | Russia | 1992, 1993 | 4000.5 | 0.507 0.508 |
Der Russlandkrieg - Fotografiert von Soldaten Der Bildband yu Unternehmen Barbarossa und Verbrannte Erde (2 copies) | Carell, Paul | German | Russia | 1967 | 4000.5 | 0.548 No ID # |
Across China | Jenkins, Peter | English | Asia China | 1986 | 5000 | 0.003 |
Shenfan - The continuing revolution In a Chinese village | Hinton, William | English | Asia China | 1983 | 5000 | 0.004 |
Luther-Klaender für Süd-Amerika 1951 | Ev. Lutherischen Sznoden von Argentinien u. Brasilien | German | South America Brazil | 1951 | 5000 | |
China An Introduction to China, its role in the modern world and its importance for the future | Schwartz, Harry (of the New York Times) | English | Asia | 1965 | 5000.1 | |
Baptismal Registry Evangelical Church Brazil Blumenau-Stoupaua 1890-1896; 2 books: Index + Left (even Pages Index + Right (odd) Pages | HSGPV acquired. | German | Records South America Brazil | 5000.3 | ||
Unser Mitteilungsblatt Boletim Informativo Nova Santa Rosa, Brazil, 1997 - 2000 | HSGPV Binder - Brazil | German Portuguese | Periodicals South America | 1997-2000 | 5000.3 | |
Ubatuba aus dem abenteuerlichen Leben des deutschen Brasilienfahrers Hans Staden | Salecker, Kurt | German | South America Brazil | 1967 | 5000.3 | |
Bericht von den kaukasischen Flüchtlingen in Brasilien | Weidmann, Adolf | German | Reference Russia Brazil | 1970? | 5000.3 | |
Jahrbuch [Year] der Dobrudscha-Deutschen | Klett, Otto | German | Periodical German | 1959-1976 | 7000 | |
Heimatbuch der Deutschen aus Russland | Landsmannschaft der Deutschen aus Russland | German | Periodical | 1957-1996 | 7000 | |
kulturelle arbeitshefte: 2 - Aussiedler, Deutsches Schicksal im Osten 5 - Deutschland - Was ist das? 6 - Deutschland - Nur ein Begriff? 13 - Die Buchenlanddeutschen 16 - Die Sudetendeutschen. Eine Volksgruppe im Herzen Europeas 18 - 40 Jahre Arbeit für Deutschland - die deutschen Vertriebenen 19 - Der Weg der Donauschwaben 20 - Oberschlesien Das Land und seine Menschen 21 - Handreichung für Heimatstubenleiter | Referat für Kultur und staatsbürgerliche Beildung, Bonn | Periodicals German | History Central Europe Expellees | 1980 & 2000 | 7000 | |
Lutheran Births 1883 - 1898 ANTONOWKA bei Ochnowka Wladimir - Wolhynsk, (West/Polish) Volhynia LDS Film # 2380038 Part, 1 | LDS Film | Polish | Records LDS Film Poland | 2003 | 8000 | |
Aktenbestände über die Wolhyniendeutschen im Gebietsarchiv Żytomyr März 1996, Nr. 2 Osteuropa-Institut München - Mitteilungen | Praxenthaler, Benedikt | German Ukrainian | Records Reference | 1996 | 8000 | |
German Villages in Rowno | Records | German | Records | 8000 | ||
Heimtal Church Records Searchable version available at SGGEE.com - Public Database. Print copy of the church books for: 1870, 1872, 1873, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878. | Records | German | Records Volhynia | 8000 | ||
Hochdeutsch/Wolhynisch - Words in alphabetical order. Sourced from Die Kultur Wolhyniens Website, 2008 | Records | German | Records | 8000 | ||
Kirchenbuch der Evangelische-Lutherische Kreuz Gemeinde Churchbook of the Evangelical Lutheran Cross Congregation | Records | German | Records | 8000 | ||
Pastor Samuel Lemke's Zhitomir Records: Births (4 coiled books-oversize; certified copies) Births 1-1888, Vol I Births 1889-3170, Vol II Births 3171-5244, Vol III Births 5245-6987, Vol IV Certified copy of the original from Zhitomir Parish. Includes biography written by Pastor Horst Gutsche and an overview of the parish history: 1801-1934. (3 copies) | Records | English German | Records | 8000 | ||
Pastor Samuel Lemke's Zhitomir Records: Marriages 1-500 Introduction states: Register consists of marriages from 1-487 and 788-800. Certified copy of the original from Zhitomir Parish. Includes biography written by Pastor Horst Gutsche and an overview of the parish history: 1801 - 1934. Note: Cover states: Marriages 10500. In Transition to be changed to reflect actual content. (3 copies) | Records | English German | Records | 8000 | ||
Shitomir Church Records Searchable version available at SGGEE.com - Public Database. Print copy of the church books for: 1836, 1843, 1845, 1846, 1847, 1850, 1852, 1853-1861, 1862-1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1878, | Records | German | Records Volhynia | 8000 | ||
The Ewald Wuschke Files Rowno Settlers in Rozyszce Church Records 1862-70 | Records | German | Records | 8000 | ||
Zhitomir Census Records 1910 The List of Towns and Villages of Volhynia Gubernia (In Russian) [published 1911] Photocopied from Original Document which is in the Zhitomir Archives (2 copies). | Volhynia Gubernia Administration | Russian | Records | 1911 | 8000 | |
Evang. Kirchspiele in den Gouvernements Wolhynien, Podolien und Kiew 1858-59 | wolhynien.de | German | Records Volhynia | 2006 | 8000 | |
Ortschaften in West-Wolhynien, 1927 Index zu Kurt Lück: Karte der deutschen Sprachinseln im zu Polen gehörenden Wolhynien | wolhynien.de | German | Records Volhynia | 2006 | 8000 | |
Ortschaften in West-Wolhynien, 1939 Index zu Kurt Lück: Karte der deutschen Sprachinseln im zu Polen gehörenden Wolhynien | wolhynien.de | German | Records Volhynia | 2006 | 8000 | |
Ewald Wuschke Files Rowno Settlers in Rozyszcze Church Records 1862-70 (green duotang) | Wuschke, Ewald | German | Records Volhynia | Unknown | 8000 | |
Pastor Samuel Lemke's Zhitomir Church Records: Index for Zhitomir Parish Baptisms 1941, 1942, 1943 Certified copy of the original from Zhitomir Parish. Includes biography written by Pastor Horst Gutsche. Alphabetical by surname. Contains reference to entry #. (3 copies) | Records | English German | Records | 8900 | ||
German Setttlements In Volhynia An Index and Guide to the Map of the Same Name Revised July 2003 | Frank, Jerry | English | Maps Volhynia Reference | 2003 | 9000 | 0.001 |
Volhynia (30 Inches X 24 Inches) | Frank, Jerry | English | Maps Volhynia Reference | 9000 | 0.002 | |
German Settlements In Russian Poland An Index and Guide to the Map of the Same Name Revised November 2005 | Frank, Jerry | English | Maps Volhynia Reference | 2005 | 9000 | 0.003 |
Poland (30 Inches X 24 Inches) | Frank, Jerry | English | Maps Volhynia Reference | 9000 | 0.004 | |
Heimatbuch des Landkreises Weimar | Der Thüringische Kreisdirektor | German | Rare | 1925 | 9000 | 1000.5 |
Kleiner FÜHRER durch AMERIKA | Unknown | German | Rare Reference USA German | 1946 | 9000 | 1000.5 |
Soldaten der Arbeit | Ley, Dr. Robert | German Fraktur/Gothic script | RARE Europe Germany WWII | 1938 | 9000 | 1000.522 |
Das Vergessene Dorf (2 copies) | Kröger, Theodor | German | Rare Europe | 1949 1960 | 9000 | 1000.679 |
Reinische Jugendhergergen - 20. Jahrgang 1927-Heft 3 | Reinischer Verein | German | Rare Europe Germany | 1928 | 9000 | 1000.691 |
Der Silberstreifen: Eine Zeitschrift für die deutsche Frau, Mai 1946 | Mila Ketterer, Stuttgart | German | Rare Periodicals | 1946 | 9000 | 1500.092 |
Catherine The Great Translated by Anne Carter | Oldenbourg, Zoe | English | Rare Russia | 1965 | 9000 | 4000.019 |
Unter Bettlern Und Denkern Russische Schicksale von Heute | Nordlund, Ernst | German | Rare Russia | 1923 | 9000 | 4000.504 |
Kranke machen Weltgeschichte | Accoce, Pierre; Rentchnick, Dr. Pierre | German | Rare Europe | 1978 | 9000 | 9000 |
Eine Kunstreise auf dem Rhein von Mainz bis zur holläandischen Grenze; 2. 3. 4. Teil (3 books) | Klapheck, Richard | German | Rare Europe Germany | 1931 | 9000 | 1000.692; .693; .694 |
Paradise On The Steppe A Cultural History of the Kutschurgan, Beresan, and Liebental Colonists 1804-1972 (2 copies) | Height, Joseph S. | English | Rare | 1973 | 9000 | 900.020 2000.123 |
Der Held von Wittenberg und Worms | Dose, Johannes | German Fraktur/Gothic script | Rare | 1906 | 9000 | |
Easy Lessons in German. Illustrated The Cumulative Method {German Fraktur/Gothic script] | Dreyspring, A. PH.D. | German | German Script Rare | 1886 | 9000 | |
Elementary German Conversation German Fraktur/Gothic script | Kany and Osteen | German | German Script Rare | 1944 | 9000 | |
Advanced German Conversation German Fraktur/Gothic script | Kany and Sachs | German | German Script Rare | 1945 | 9000 | |
German-English Dictionary Stamped: Prisoner of War Camp | Langenscheidts | English German | Reference Dictionary Rare | 1945 | 9000 | |
Der Hausarzt und Führer zur Gesundheit 1925 | Pacific Press Publishing | German Fraktur/Gothic script | Reference Encyclopedia Rare | 1925 | 9000 | |
Canada Deine Neue Heimat Ein Handbuch fuer Neueinwanderer und Deutsch-Canadier | Pazulla | German | Rare Reference Canada German | 1951 | 9000 | |
Hausschatz-Kalender für die katholische Familie 1929 | Unknown | German Fraktur/Gothic script | Rare | 1929 | 9000 | |
The Treatment of Christians in occupied Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania Representative Documentation for the Eastern Canada in Convention 1985 | Lutheran Convention | English | Europe Central | 1985 | 500 Storage | 1000.80 |
Der Große Touring Atlas - Deutschland und Europa Mit Sonderteil Traumstraßen Deutschlands | Mairs Geographischer Verlag | German | Europe Geography Germany | 1981-82 | 900 On Display | 1000.585 |
Die schönsten Bildergeschichten In Farbe (Oversize Book) | Busch, Wilhem | German | Europe Germany Literature | 1974 | 900 On Display | 1000.641 |
Fliegende Blätter Facsimile-Querschnitt [Oversize Book] | Pfeiffer-Belli, Erich | German | Europe Germany Literature | 1980? | 900 On Display | 1500.149 |
Neues Wilhelm Busch Album (Oversize Book) | Busch, Wilhem | German Fraktur/Gothic script | Europe Germany Literature | 1930? | 900 On Display | 1500.15 |
50 Jahre Bundesrepublik Erinnerungen und Perspektiven (Picture Book) | Appel, Reinhard | German | Europe Germany | 1999 | 900 On Display | |
Kavallerie-Divisionen der Waffen-SS im Bild - German and English | Bayer, Hanns | German English | Europe Germany WWII | 1982 | 900 On Display | |
Hammond's Historical Atlas | C. S. Hammond & Co. | English | World Geography Atlas | 1960? | 900 On Display | |
Grosser Volks-Atlas von Velhagen & Klasings Jubiläumswerk des Verlages zu seinem hundertjährigen Bestehen | Frenzel, Dr. Konrad | German | World Geography Atlas | 1936 | 900 On Display | |
Philips Historical Atlas Medieval and Modern | George Philip & Son | English | World Geography Atlas | 1927 | 900 On Display | |
WestKanada und sein Deutschtum Karte IX | Lehmann, Heinz | German | Geography Map Canada | 1938 | 900 On Display | |
The Pictorial History of World War II (Oversize Book) | Messenger, Charles | English | World History World WWII | 1987 | 900 On Display | |
Canadian World Atlas - 4th Edition (Oversize book) | Phillip's | English | World Geography | 2000 | 900 On Display | |
The Pictorial History of World War I (Oversize Book) | Sheffield, G D | English | World History World WWI | 1987 | 900 On Display | |
Historical Maps of Europe | Swift, Michael | English | Europe Geography Maps | 2000 | 900 On Display | |
The Time Chart History of the World Traces 900 Years of World History (Oversize book) | Third Millenium Press | English | World History | 1997 | 900 On Display | |
The World (Map) Giant Colorprint 50 x 38 | Unknown | English | World Geography | Unknown | 900 On Display | |
The Schwarze Diaries 1896-1900 | Canadian Moravian Historical Society | English | Religion Moravian | 1991, March | ||
Germans from Russia Heritage Collection: Various Maps and Articles | HSGPV for GRHC - NDSU | English | Europe East | 2008 | ||
Der Kulturwart: Zeitschrift der Landsmannschaft Weichsel-Warthe; Heimatfragen - Kulturprobleme - Jugendarbeit 1963-1997 | Landsmannschaft Weichsel-Warthe | German | Periodical German | 1963-1997 | ||
Der ewige Stern: Erzählungen | Wiechert, Ernst | German | Literature German | 1500 | ||
Musik im Leben - Schulwerk für die Musikerziehung Band I - Ein Buch zum Singen und Spielen vom 5. Schuljahr an. | Heer, Dr. Josef; von Knorr, Prof. Ernst-Lothar | German | Music | 1970 | 700.1 | |
Der Morgenstern ist aufgedrungen - Advent und Weihnachten in Betrachtung, Gedicht und Erzählung | Hampe, Johann Christoph | German Fraktur/Gothic script | Culture | 1953 | 700.2 | |
Folksongs of our Forefathers in Russia, America and Canada - Liederbuch der Schwarzmeer Deutschen | Height, Joseph S. | German | Music | 1978 | 700.1 | |
Christmas in the Prairies - Heartwarming Legends, Tales and Traditions | Mole, Richard | English | Culture | 2004 | 700.2 | |
Weihnachtslieder mit Notes (with musical notes) | Goldenes Schneider-Buch | German | Music | 1969 | 700.1 | |
Christmas Stories for the Heart | Reflections by various authors | English | Culture | 1997 | 700.2 | |
Geschichten die damals passiert sind … Ostdeutsche Weihnacht gestern und heute | Bund der Vertriebenen | German | Culture | 1989 | 700.2 | |
Fröhliche Weihnacht - Ein Festbüchlein für die Jugend | Richter, Ludwig | German | Culture | Unknown | 700.2 | |
Weihnactsglanz im Heidelande | Graebner, Th. | German Fraktur/Gothic script | Culture | Unknown | 700.2 | |
Das große Festtagsbuch - Feiern, Tanzen und Singen - 350 Volkslieder Brauchtum im Jahreskreis | Hansen, Walter | German | Music | 1984 | 700.1 | |
Music Notation: A. Volkslieder B. Rußlanddeutschelieder - Russian Songs C. Niederdeutschlieder | HSGPV | English German | Music | 2006 | 700.1 | |
Polnischdeutschelieder Wolhyniendeutschelieder | HSGPV | English German | Music | 2006 | 700.1 | |
Volkslieder - Songbook Collection; includes Das Volkslieder Album für Blockföte - Heft 1 & Christmas Songs | HSGPV | English German | Music | 2006 | 700.1 | |
Various Songs - Sources to be determined | HSGPV | English German | Music | 2006 | 700.1 | |
Gedichte - Poems from various periodical sources. | HSGPV | German | Poems | 2006 | 700.3 | |
Superstition - Aberglauben | HSGPV | German | Culture | 2006 | 700.2 | |
Poems from various periodicals/sources, alphabetically organized. | HSGPV | German | Poems | 2006 | 700.3 | |
Ahornblätter - Deutsche Dichtung aus Kanada | Kloss, Heinz | German | Poems | 1961 | 700.3 | 1500.024 |
Das große Buch der Spiele - 1000 Spiele für jung und alt | Gööck, Roland | German | Games | 1964 | 700.4 | 1500.017 |
German Card Games - Deutsche Kartenspiele, includes HSGPV folder | HSGPV | English German | Games | 2006 | 700.4 | |
German-Speaking Countries | HSGPV | English | Culture | 2006 | 7000 | |
German States - Maps, Culture and Cooking | HSGPV | English | Culture | 2006 | 7000 | |
German Culture, History & Traditions - maps included. | HSGPV | English | Culture | 2006 | 700.2 | |
Landscapes - The Artist Touch | HSGPV | English | Geography Germany | 2006 | 7000 | |
Maps of Europe - 8x11 format [Landkarten Europa] | HSGPV | English | Geography Europe | 2006 | 7000 | |
Maps of Germany - 8x11 format [Landkarten Deutschland] | HSGPV | English German | Geography Germany | 2006 | 7000 | |
Everything German - Alles Deutsches - History, Geography, Culture (Draft Copy) | HSGPV | English | Culture | 2006 | 700.2 | |
Anything & Everything German Related | HSGPV | English | Culture | 2006 | 700.2 | |
Spotlight on History with a German Focus | HSGPV | English | Germany | 2006 | 1000.4 | |
Alles Deutsch, Volumes I and II | HSGPV | English | Culture | 2006 | 700.2 | |
Celebrations - Feste | HSGPV | English | Culture | 2006 | 700.2 | |
Reimen - Rhymes | HSGPV | English | Culture | 2006 | 700.3 | |
Needlework - Nadelarbeit | HSGPV | English | Culture | 2006 | 700.2 | |
Hausfrauen Hilfer, Volumes 1: A-F, 2: G-L, 3: M-R, 4: S-T, 5: T-Z | HSGPV | English | Culture | 2006 | 700.2 | |
Folktales & Fairytales: 1. Introduction 2. German. Russia 4. USSR 5. Poland | HSGPV | English | Culture | 2006 | 700.2 | |
German Settlements - Deutsche Siedlungen Deutschland Polen Wolhynien Russland Kanada | HSGPV | English | Geography Germany | 2006 | 7000 | |
The Ethnic Germans - Die Auslandsdeutsche 1. Polen, Wolhynien, Russland 2. European Countries 3. Africa, Americas, Australia, Asia | HSGPV | English | Geography Germany | 2006 | 7000 | |
German Expellees - 2 binders of information. | HSGPV | English | Volhynia | 2006 | 2000 | |
National Emblems | HSGPV | English | Genealogy | 2006 | 900.1 | |
Volksdeutsch VIPs - Volumes 1, 2, 3 Artists, Authors, Genealogiest, Historians Portraying & Recording the volksdeutsch way of life. | HSGPV | English | On Display | 2008 | 900 On Display | |
The Old Homeland in Pictures / Die Alte Heimat im Bild | HSGPV | English German | On Display | 2008 | 900 On Display | |
Silhouettes (with Index) | HSGPV | English German | On Display | 2008 | 900 On Display | |
Ethnic German Immigrants - photos [Larry Jensen] [a few entries] | HSGPV | English | On Display | 2008 | 900 On Display | |
Pictures [Jutta Missal] [Empty binder] | HSGPV | English | On Display | 2008 | 900 On Display | |
Pictures - Volhynia | HSGPV | English | On Display | 2008 | 900 On Display | |
Pictures - Laminated; Volhynia & various other: Volga & HSGPV | HSGPV | English | On Display | 2008 | 900 On Display | |
Pictures - Schlesien | HSGPV | English | Europe Central Silesia | 2008 | 3300.1 | |
Pictures - Sudetenland | HSGPV | English | Europe Central Sudentenland | 2008 | 3300.1 | |
Pictures - Various - Volhynia | HSGPV | English | On Display | 2008 | 900 On Display | |
Canada Periodicals 1922 - 1958 - Various issues | HSGPV Binder | English German | On Display | 2008 | 300 | |
Title | Author | Language | Category | Copyright | Section | Book # |