Research Tools: Web Links
Updated: January 2020. In Progress: Checking all links and providing a PDF with clickable links.
ALSO check our Library Page. Groups we host and collaborate with have excellent research tools!
GENERAL: German Genealogy
German Genealogy-Family Search Wiki
Deutschland Genealogie-Family Search Wiki
Traditional German Clothing and Links for Genealogy Research
HSGPV recommendation for Wandering Volhynians support:
FEEFHS: FOUNDATION for EAST EUROPEAN FAMILY HISTORY STUDIES FEEFHS: Wandering Volhynians: Description and history of the Wandering Volhynians magazine and includes an index, by Jerry Frank, which covers all editions through September, 1996. HSGPV has the complete set available for purchase. Further information is available on our Library page. Note: under Library Resources we have the index searchable!
YouTube Links:
Die Wolhyniendeutschen Excellent historical overview and pictures! Click for…. More YouTube Links!
GERMAN: Volhynian and Poland Resources:
VolynWiki is an excellent site for research. It offers archived newsletters, publications, a forum and much more. Website contains original birth, marriage and death registers and indexes. Go into Kirchenbücher to find these. Highly recommended are the Wolhynische Hefte, which are available to order here. HSGPV Library carries these for reference and patron research. Click on our Volyn Wiki Research Tool to help you navigate some aspects of this website.
VolynWiki ist eine Infosammlung zum Forschungsgebiet Wolhynien. Schwerpunkt ist die Familienforschung. Melden Sie sich im Wolhynien-Forum. Ihre Vorfahren haben in Wolhynien gelebt und Sie möchten mehr darüber wissen? Willkommen zum Abenteuer Familienforschung! Description courtesy of the various website pages.
AGOFF – Forschungsstelle Wolhynien Extensive information organized in sections including: Overview of region’s geography and history, with reference maps; Research links and contacts; Multi-lingual information about specific research related to places and people; Extensive historical information about church records; Archival information world-wide including Canada; a Help page for various research parameters. Vorrangig kann man sich auf dieser Seite über Familienforschung in Mittelpolen auftauchen – und zwar in unserem rege genutzten Forum. Darüber hinaus stellen wir Texte, Bilder, Register use. aus unserem Forschungsgebiet. Description courtesy of the Startseite. A History of German Baptists. Donald Miller….. “have written a number of books about Volhynia, including many articles, some of which I have included on this site. In addition, I have led about two dozen tours to Ukraine, done extensive research in the State and regional archives and founded a humanitarian mission in the Zhitomir region. In my pursuits I have become especially interested in the Baptist movement in Russia and consider myself somewhat of an authority on the German Baptists in Volhynia and the repression of the Germans in the 1930s.” Description courtesy of the website. has marriage and birth registers from Poland. Enter the province and major town. Example: Lodz.
Wikiwand Wolhynien Wikiwand is a modern reader for web and mobile, that optimizes Wikipedia’s amazing content for a significantly improved reading experience. Description courtesy of Wikiwand-About Us
ENGLISH: Volhynia and Poland Resources and FAQs
Wiki: Volhynia genealogy Extensive genealogical, geographical and historical information, starting with “Volhynia is an historical district comprised of modern day northwestern Ukraine.” Link no longer available. HSGPV is looking for the new link.
Volhynia Great source of historical & geographical information!
Volhynia-Wikipedia Great research on Wikipedia!
Internet Encyclopedia of Ukraine – Volhynia An excellent overview of the history, geography, population and economy of Volhynia.
Family Search Wiki-Volhynia: FamilySearch Research Wiki is a free, online genealogy and family history guide that lists websites, provides research strategies, and suggests records and resources to help you find ancestors from all over the world. Volhynia (Volynia or Volyn) is a historic region in the northwestern corner of Ukraine located between the rivers Prypiat and Western Bug, to the north of Galicia and Podolia. Poland lies to the west, Belarus to the north, Russia to the east. Further summary available.
Metryki Wołyń in English. 19th century parish books / public register from Volhynia. The database is based on microfilms of the public register of Roman Catholic parishes of the Diocese of Luck and of the Diocese of Lviv, stored in Polish and Ukrainian archives.
GGD: Galizien German Descendants Galizia is generally located south of Volhynia. Thousands, perhaps millions, of people around the world are descended from the German-speaking settlers
of the Austro-Hungarian province of Galizien (in English, Galicia; in Polish, Galicja; in Ukrainian, Halychyna)
History of the Germans in Poland Wikipedia Partitions of Poland Wikipedia
Poland Genealogy – Family Search Wiki Guide to Poland ancestry, family history, and genealogy: birth records, marriage records, death records, census records, and military records.
Other Societies specializing in Eastern Europe:
East European Genealogical Society Inc. (EEGS) based in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Its membership supports a registered non-profit organization identifying and marshalling genealogical resources for east European research. Members are encouraged to submit information about any resources which they have discovered to be of help to their research. Facebook: EEGS
International German Genealogical Partnership (IGGP) based in St. Paul, Minnesota. It is a group of partner societies interested in German Genealogy. The partnership is a network to share ideas, contacts, research information and resources to help members trace their Germanic heritage wherever it is found. “Uniting German Genealogy Researchers Worldwide” is their goal. The IGGP facilitates German genealogy research globally as the internationally recognized federation of German genealogy organizations. IGGP was formerly known as German-American Genealogical Partnership (GAGP). Facebook: IGGP
Resettlement / Immigrants: Volhynians in the 1930s and 1940s. Search parameters used on alamy. HSGPV thanks Larry for these insightful pictures!
Volhynia….Media Interests
Waiting for Waldemar: A docu-drama produced in Alberta about the great refugee crisis after World War II out of Eastern Europe. Further information about the production: Waiting for Waldemar – Producer. Trailer: Waiting for Waldemar. News articles in German and English: WfW news articles. Showings were at the Princess Theater, Edmonton, AB on April 17, 2017.
Eastern Europe….Media Interests
Unsere Mütter, Unsere Väter (Generation War) 2013 TV mini-series. “Berlin, 1941. Five friends eager to become heroes in an adventure that will change the face of Europe – and that will forever change them as well.” See IMDb for extensive information about this series.
Volhynian History Links
Principality of Volhnynia Wikipedia: From 979 – 1199 AD. Includes original crest.
Ukrainian Historical Regions A list of the various regions of Ukraine and/or inhabited by Ukrainians and their ancestors throughout history with maps and further links. Scroll to Volhynia, identified with its crest.
Related to Edmonton, Alberta:
Family History Centers (FHCs) are branch facilities of the Family Search and the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, Utah (US), located all over the world. There is no cost to visit and are open to anyone with an interest in genealogical research.
Related to Canada: Canada’s leading family history website offers members access to 129 million searchable Canadian family history records. Description courtesy of website overview. Contains many databases, e.g. births, marriages, deaths, immigration.
German-Canadian History & Culture based in Ontario and has an updated link to the Yearbooks listed, as follows:German-Canadian Yearbook (was last updated in 2005). Has an order form and contact information.
German-Canadian Heritage Museum located in Mississauga, Ontario.
German-Canadian Historical Association based in Toronto, Ontario. We are a non-profit Association founded in Toronto in 1973. Our mission is to collect, promote and disseminate information regarding the development and contributions of the German-speaking groups in Canada. We are assisting in the keeping of a record of facts (material and intellectual in nature), we are attempting to increase the availability of existing material of the German-Canadian element within Canadian society. The German-Canadian Historical Association holds symposia dealing with such subject matter as literature, painting, scholarship, politics and history, as well as future developments in German-Canadian Studies generally and in biographical up-dating specifically. The Association is also involved in publishing a newsletter and other journals.
Pennsylvania German Folklore Society of Ontario is based in Waterloo. The society’s purpose is to research and record the contribution of the early settler families from Pennsylvania who began arriving in Upper Canada beginning in 1786.
Saskatchewan Genealogical Society is based in Regina, SK.
Related to the United States:
Alles German: A Directory of German Clubs & Organizations Promoting Germanic-American Culture, Language, Customs & History.
German-American Heritage Museum is located in Washington, D.C.
German-American History & Heritage Please note that many links are broken within this website.
German Village Society located in Columbus, Ohio.
Pennsylvania German Society is based in Ephrata, PA and is a nonprofit, educational organization devoted to the study of PA German people and their 325+ year history in America.
Goschenhoppen Historians Inc.: Goschenhoppen is one of the oldest continuously existing Pennsylvania German communities in America.
Lancaster Mennonite Historical Society is based in Pennsylvania and has a museum, exhibits and shop.
Iowa Genealogical Society-German Interest Group
Germanic Genealogy Society is based in Minnesota. GGS offers information, educational opportunities, publications, and association with others researching German roots. This includes areas that are outside of the current borders of Germany
The Danube Swabian Foundation of the U.S.A: is a charitable organization supporting the Danube Swabian Community with financial assistance to children, youth, travel and dance groups, also sports tournaments and German language schools.
Associated German Societies of New England (AGSNE) on AGSNE Facebook.
Bukovina Society of the Americas: is about who our ancestors were, where they came from, and how we came to be who we are today.
German-Bohemian Heritage Society is based in Minnesota.
German-Acadian Coast Historical & Genealogical Society is based in Louisiana.
Related to Mennonites:
Mennonite Historical Society of Alberta (MHSA) based is Calgary, Alberta. MHSA seeks to foster, preserve and celebrate the heritage of Mennonites in Alberta. They maintain an archives and library and welcome inquiries and visits by persons interested in any aspect of the Mennonite experience. They assist historians, genealogists and researchers interested in biographical. local and institutional histories.
More research from Global Anabaptist Mennonite Encyclopedia Online: Volhyni a (Ukraine)
Manitoba Mennonite Historical Society (MMHS) is based in Winnipeg, MB.